不願拖累父母,中國26歲藥劑師患癌後離家出走- 紐約時報中文網
15 hours ago - 在公立醫院擔任藥劑師的唐功偉被診斷出胃癌,他在失蹤前留書父母,稱不願為他們帶來經濟上的負擔。中國醫改近10年後,仍有數以百萬計公民 ...• A missing person in China. |
Nearly a decade after the country rolled out an ambitious $130 billion health care reform plan, millions of people cannot afford the treatments they need for serious illnesses. |
When Tang Gongwei, 26, discovered he had stomach cancer, he chose to disappear rather than burden his parents with the expense of his treatment. Above, his father has not stopped hunting for him. |
The case has riveted China in part because of a cruel irony: The missing man was not a common laborer but a pharmacist. How could someone within the health care system not be able to get treatment? |