
2020年11月30日 星期一

武漢,人間煉獄 LXXV (75 th、七十五 ) : 影片76 DAYS:What happened in Wuhan hospitals? Covid-19病人隔離期間是否該縮短? CNN獨家報導: The Wuhan files:大量洩露的文件顯示,中國漏報了Covid-19數字,花了數週時間診斷新病例,並未透露湖北12月的流感高峰



 CNN exclusive: Vast trove of leaked documents shows China underreported Covid-19 numbers, took weeks to diagnose new cases and didn’t disclose a December flu spike in Hubei



...Li, 34, later contracted the disease. His condition quickly worsened and in the early morning of February 7 he died, resulting in almost unprecedented levels of anger and outrage across mainland China's heavily censored internet.
It is not clear to what extent the central government was aware of the actions taking place in Hubei at that time, or how much information was being shared and with whom. The documents offer no indication that authorities in Beijing were directing the local decision-making process.
However, Mertha, the JHU academic, said the mismatch between the higher internal and lower public figures on the February death toll "appeared to be a deception, for unsurprising reasons."
"China had an image to protect internationally, and lower-ranking officials had a clear incentive to under-report -- or to show their superiors that they were under-reporting -- to outside eyes," he said.
Conversely, however, the leaked documents also provide something of a defense of China's overall handling of the virus. The reports show that in the early stages of the pandemic, China faced the same problems of accounting, testing, and diagnosis that still haunt many Western democracies even now -- issues compounded by Hubei encountering an entirely new virus.
Similarly, no mention is made by officials of a so-called laboratory leak, or that the virus was man-made, as some critics, including top US officials, have claimed without evidence. There is one mention of sub-par facilities at a bacterial and toxic species preservation center, though the point is not elaborated on, nor is its significance made clear.
China and its healthcare workers were under immense strain as the outbreak took hold, said Yang, from the Council of Foreign Relations.
"They had a massive run on the medical system. They were overwhelmed. There was truly despair among medical professionals by the end of January, because they were extremely overworked and they were also enormously discouraged by the high number of deaths that were occurring with a disease they had not treated previously," he added.
Hubei, which lags far behind Beijing, Shanghai and other major Chinese administrative divisions in terms of GDP per capita, was the first region to confront a virus that would go on to confound many of the world's most powerful countries.
Schaffner, from Vanderbilt University, said many of the comments in the documents might have been made in the US, "where, over the past 15 to 20 years, at particularly the state and the local level, public health funding has become constrained."
The documents show health care officials had no comprehension as to the magnitude of the impending disaster.
Nowhere in the files is it indicated that officials believed the virus would become a global pandemic.
Tuesday marks exactly 12 months since the first patient in Wuhan started showing symptoms, according to the Lancet study. The death toll and number of people infected by the virus, now known to the world as Covid-19 and impacting the lives across the planet, continues to grow, day on day.

What happened in Wuhan hospitals?

76 DAYS: A Live Q&A With Writer/Director/Producer Hao Wu

2020年11月29日 星期日




Salesforce對本報導不予置評,該公司尋求收購Slack正值其核心業務客戶關係管理軟體市場競爭日趨激烈之際。Adobe本月表示,將以15億美元收購面向營銷人員的平台Workfront。微軟也一直在推廣其競爭性產品Dynamics。根據研究機構Gartner Inc.的數據,Salesforce的市場份額依然最大,2019年在全球市場所占份額為20.1%,而微軟Dynamics的市場份額只有2.6%。



「他確實需要保持成長,」Bernstein Research高級研究分析師Mark Moerdler在談到貝尼奧夫時說,「他需要另一樁大規模收購交易。Slack給了他進行一宗大手筆收購的機會。這會給他帶來收入。

Slack也一直在尋求提升自己的吸引力。Slack產品主要用於公司辦公室內部的溝通。6月份這家軟體供應商推出了Slack Connect,讓不同公司之間可以發送消息。Slack首席執行長巴特菲爾德表示,該功能帶動了付費客戶的增加,應該會驅動未來成長。



2020年11月27日 星期五

武漢,人間煉獄 LXXIV (74 th、七十四 ) :FIRST batches of Pfizer coronavirus vaccine are flown into the United State. The Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine will be tested in a new trial after questions over its data 牛津疫苗製造商受"質疑"; 中國製藥商面臨證明新冠疫苗有效性的壓力/中國疫苗製藥商提交申請, 尋求在後期試驗結束前即上市銷售。韓國的流感疫苗恐慌處理方式為新冠疫苗的普及提供了經驗。

 武漢,人間煉獄 LXXIII (74 th、七十四  ) : 中國製藥商面臨證明新冠疫苗有效性的壓力/中國疫苗製藥商提交申請, 尋求在後期試驗結束前即上市銷售。韓國的流感疫苗恐慌處理方式為新冠疫苗的普及提供了經驗。


突發 · 34分鐘

FIRST batches of Pfizer coronavirus vaccine are flown into the United States

It's hoping to assuage concerns over the way it collected and presented its data so far.

The Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine will be tested in a new trial after questions over its data

台灣: 2020.11.25




中國疫苗製藥商提交申請, 尋求在後期試驗結束前即上市銷售中國生物生產的疫苗當前正在10個國家的5萬多名志願者中進行最後一期臨床試驗,安全性與有效性仍未得到最終證實。中國曾授權該公司的兩款疫苗在緊急情況下使用。當局認為其產品非常有效,允許數万人接種,但相關舉措引發科學家質疑。


After Admitting Mistake, AstraZeneca Faces Difficult Questions About Its Vaccine

By Rebecca Robbins and Benjamin Mueller

Some trial participants only got a partial dose of AstraZeneca’s vaccine. Experts said the company’s spotty disclosures have eroded confidence.


•韓國的流感疫苗恐慌為世界提供了哪些經驗。韓國流感疫苗接種計劃中出現的死亡病例引發了擔憂和恐慌,衛生官員和科學家通過及時披露數據和科學的溝通來對抗錯誤信息。專家認為,這為新冠疫苗的普及提供了經驗。 ( 閱讀本文中文版

2020年11月24日 星期二

中國: 有何不可


2. 脫貧:11月14日新疆和雲南在同一天宣佈貧困縣「清零」之後,寧夏、四川、廣西、甘肅在5天内相繼宣佈所有貧困縣退出貧困序列
3. 所有重點大學都達成"世界一流大學"。
4. 所有國家、社會共享中國夢的統治技術。


 RFI 華語 - 法國國際廣播電台



RFI.FR | 作者:RFI 華語 - 法國國際廣播電台





NEV…… New Energy Vehicle [中国語で新能源車。日本語訳で新エネルギー車、略して新エネ車]





  • 新エネ車購入補助金……国だけでなく、省や市の政府からも給付されます
  • 新エネ車に対する優遇……ナンバープレートの交付制限や走行規制も免除されます
  • 充電インフラ整備……中国の充実度は自他共に認める世界一です




















過去,國有公司和合資製造商的電動汽車與當地工廠生產的汽車都是新能源汽車(首選),但除此之外,當地人明確表示他們不是新能源汽車(無優惠待遇)。 ,定義參差不齊(就像北京,上海和天津的定義一樣)。




武漢,人間煉獄 LXXIII (73 nd、七十三 ) :The curse of old age。新冠病毒的早期變異使其傳染性大增。冠狀病毒的早期突變614G更具傳染性,更難以控制。首先於2020年一月在中國東部被發現。新冠病毒家族普系,病毒毒株可分為A、B和C三種類型(Peter Forster);Moderna、輝瑞製藥和德國 BioNTech。Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 疫苗經濟有效,最被看好

武漢,人間煉獄 LXXIII (73 nd、七十三 ) :
Moderna、輝瑞製藥和德國BioNTech、Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 疫苗經濟有效,最被看好

Based on people’s age alone, you would expect the disease to be ten times more deadly in Italy than in Uganda

Why rich countries are so vulnerable to covid-19
The curse of old age

最新研究使許多科學家確信, 新冠病毒的早期變異使其傳染性大增這種被稱作614G的突變毒株最早於今年1月在中國東部發現,然後向歐洲和紐約迅速傳播。在短短幾個月內,這種毒株席捲全球,最終取代了其他變異基因型。

新的研究使許多科學家相信,冠狀病毒的早期突變使其更具傳染性,更難以控制。 這種被稱為614G的突變首先於2020年一月在中國東部被發現,然後在歐洲和紐約市傳播,取代了其他變種。
New research has convinced many scientists that an early mutation in the coronavirus made it more contagious and harder to contain. The mutation, known as 614G, was first spotted in eastern China in January and then spread through Europe and New York City, displacing other variants.


研究員為了確保信使核糖核酸較不易失效,會把它注射進一個脂類微粒(lipid nanoparticle)做成的保護層。這種脂類微粒會自然在體內分解,令它隨疫苗注射入人體後不會在肝臟累積。

隨著新冠肺炎疫苗發展,許多公司都不斷發展出可以接近常溫下儲存的疫苗,方便儲存和運輸。其中,德國公司CureVac 10月公布,它研發的疫苗只需要儲存在攝氏5度的環境,仍然可以保持三個月的有效期。


1 日前 — The Oxford vaccine is a genetically modified common cold virus that used to infect chimpanzees. It has been altered to stop it causing an infection in people and to carry the blueprints for part of the coronavirus, known as ...

俄羅斯疫苗生產商報告積極消息。該公司表示,基於臨床試驗的早期結果,其疫苗有效性可達95% 。這一結果使其追平甚至赶超了此前的三家疫苗研發商。不過,相關數字是基於正在進行第三階段試驗的一小群志願者得出的,該公司尚未公佈完整數據。





Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine results expected by Christmas

University of Oxford scientists expect to report results from late-stage trials of the COVID-19 vaccine it is developing with AstraZeneca by late December.


這一研究結果令癌症研究人員和知道這一情況的記者都感到震驚,但是遺傳學家彼得·福斯特(Peter Forster)並不感到特別驚訝。恰恰相反,這一最新發現與對新冠病毒的種系分析結果相吻合。福斯特和他的同事已經中今年4月初發表了這一分析結果。











彼得·福斯特(Peter Forster)解釋說,病毒突變導致這種突然的大範圍感染,這種病毒產生了明顯更具傳染性的類型B-D614G,是一種B型變異毒株。

由生物學家貝特·科伯(Bette Korber)領導的一個美國研究小組也注意到了這種病毒變種。他們將感染D614G型病毒的患者的臨床數據與其他SARS-CoV-2感染者的臨床數據進行了比較。

福斯特解釋說:"感染變異病毒患者與其它感染者的一個關鍵區別在於,在他們的呼吸道中病毒數量要高得多。這些患者俱有更高的傳染力,因此病毒可以更迅猛地傳播。 "在所有類型病毒中,這種亞型病毒的佔有率很快就達到97%。





2020年11月23日 星期一

沒有 mission statement 也行得通

mission statement  組織、企業使命、目的書.

2007/05/08 09:57


將某組織、企業的使命或目的、宗旨綜合而以「目的-手段-成果」等方式書寫出的大綱。又稱為Mandate(命令(書),指令(書))。某些組織或公司在這之前還有願景說明書(vision statement),方式略似mission statement.

譬如說,世界經濟發展研究協會(World Institute for Development Economics Research,簡稱WIDER,總部位於赫爾辛基)的Mission Statement為:

To undertake multidisciplinary research and policy analysis on structural changes affecting the living conditions of the world's poorest people.

To provide a forum for professional interaction and the advocacy of policies leading to robust, equitable and environmentally sustainable growth.

To promote capacity strengthening and training for scholars and government officials in the field of economic and social policy making.

許多企業的mission /vision statement都包含quality字眼,譬如說,

McDonalds:麥當勞"McDonald's vision is to be the world's best quick service restaurant experience. Being the best means providing outstanding quality, service, cleanliness, and value, so that we make every customer in every restaurant smile."

J. Sainsbury:英國百貨商"Our mission is to be the consumer's first choice for food, delivering products of outstanding quality and great service at a competitive cost through working faster, simpler, and together."


翻讀《摩西五經》(馮象譯注;香港:牛津大學出版社,2006)的版權頁時,才注意到它已加上「牛津大學出版社」的使命書【相對於1993年出版的The Oxford Companion to the Bible】:

Oxford University Press is a department of theUniversityofOxford.

It furthers the Universitys objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in&

發現Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (2002)已有這了。


在answers.com查coin 時發現 OUP的考古學和建築學都已收編了




Companies can benefit by auditing how closely they fulfill the aims of their mission statement. ...

Under New Management

In Mission Statements, Bizspeak and Bromides

Published: September 23, 2007

IMAGINE three people who have landed new jobs, each at a different company. All three come to work on their first day breathing fire and decide to read their employers’ mission statements.

Skip to next paragraph
Illustration by Sean Kelly

One is exhorted to strive “to help people and businesses throughout the world realize their full potential.” Another is encouraged to “be the best in the eyes of our customers, employees and shareholders.” The third is urged to participate in “bringing the best to everyone we touch.”

Could you tell that the first person works at Microsoft, the second at American Standard and the third at the Estée Lauder Companies?

I didn’t think so.

Mission statements have become ubiquitous since Peter Drucker and others popularized them in the 1980s as a way for companies to articulate their highest purpose. Worldwide, 85 percent of large companies have them, according to a 2006 study of management tools by Bain & Company.

Mission statement consultants — yes, they exist — now recommend that families and individuals create statements as well. Even my daughters’ elementary school put together a mission statement a few years ago for its partnership with a nearby university. But as the use of mission statements has spread, some have become so filled with jargon and bromides that many employees now dismiss them as window dressing.

Calls to nominate the worst mission statement appear periodically on the Web. And the “mission statement generator” at www.dilbert.com strings together clumps of bizspeak to create fictitious mission statements. My latest favorite: “It is our responsibility to assertively administrate timely deliverables in order to solve business problems.”

Ideally, “a mission statement defines a company’s business and its objectives and its approach,” said Darrell Rigby, the partner at Bain in charge of the firm’s management tools survey. “It becomes a bad thing when a mission statement devolves into platitudinous pabulum that employees clearly recognize as hypocrisy.”

pabulum(n.)any substance that can be used as food
pabulum(n.)insipid intellectual nourishment

Some executives believe that the mere act of creating a mission statement is an important team-building experience. In a perfect world, that would be true: a broad cross-section of people would jointly write a statement both specific and lofty and then seek feedback from other employees.

But mission statements rarely come together that way, according to Chris K. Bart, a professor of strategy and governance at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, who has studied mission statements. A chief executive is more likely to recruit several allies to sit through a few meetings and patch something together, he said. He estimates that only 10 percent of mission statements say something meaningful.

“Most mission statements aren’t worth the paper they are written on,” Professor Bart said. “That’s the sad reality.”

Undoubtedly, there are cases in which mission statements have helped organizations identify new directions or re-evaluate their work. For example, Johnson & Johnson managers referred to the company’s credo (its lengthy mission-statement equivalent) when they decided how to handle the Tylenol crises in the 1980s. At the time, the credo said: “We believe our first responsibility is to the doctors, nurses and patients, to mothers, and all others who use our products and services.” (In 1987, the word “fathers” was added.)

Kellogg is updating its current mission statement, which reads, "We build Gr-r-reat brands and make the world a little happier by bringing our best to you.” The changes are intended to better reflect Kellogg’s strategic focus, said David Mackay, president and chief executive since the end of 2006, who initiated the review.

“Our mantra externally and internally has been we want to drive sustainable growth” during the six years since the existing statement was published, he said. “Our mission statement didn’t reflect that. We thought it could be a little more powerful.” Kellogg employees can decide if the new statement hits the mark when it is released in the fall.

Too often, mission statements bear little relation to a company’s actual focus. And most elements of a mission statement have “little to no impact” on a company’s financial success, according to a study by Barbara R. Bartkus, an associate professor of management at Old Dominion University, and two colleagues. The study concludes that while some executives value the exchange of ideas that occurs when mission statements are created, many may also view them as public relations devices.

Somehow, some large companies manage to go without a mission statement. Nestlé, for one, publishes a lengthy statement of values on its corporate Web site, but it has no mission statement.

“Why do you need one?” said Robin Tickle, a company spokesman. “I don’t think we see a necessity to use jargon to explain our vision of our company.” He then proceeded to point out Nestlé’s recent strong earnings. “We have a very clear vision and strategy of where we are going as a company,” even without a mission statement, he said. “It must be possible to be successful without one.”

E-mail: newmanage@nytimes.com.

2020年11月16日 星期一

The South Korean Covid Lesson By GUY SORMAN


  1964年畢業於法國巴黎政治學院,獲博士學位,任職於法國國家行政學院。1975年創辦Sorman出版社,1979年參與創建非政府組織─國際抗飢餓行動組織,任主席;1993-1995年,任法國外交部長顧問,負責對外文化活動,1995-1997年任法國總理顧問。曾為法國外交部長領導下的法印論壇成員、巴黎Boulogne-Billancourt區副區長(主管文化)、法國全國人權咨詢委員,以及北京經貿大學、智利聖地亞哥大學、加拉加斯大學、里約熱內盧大學、哈佛大學等學校的客座教授,曾任韓國總統李明博全球事務顧問,美國《華爾街日報》, 《城市論壇》City Journal,法國《費加洛雜誌》等各大媒體專欄作家。自1983年以來,已出版著作《美國保守革命》、《自由解決》、《世界新財富》、《我們時代真正的思想家》、《資本論、影嚮及結果》、《印度製造》、《美國製造》、《謊言帝國》、《伊斯蘭製造》、《經濟不說謊》、《經融海嘯後的世界》、《我為何成為美國公民》等著述三十餘種。

...The risk was recognized, and the counterstrategy was ready: test, trace, isolate. This strategy was implemented with no hesitation and without interruption.

Continuity has been central to South Korean success. Less than one month after the virus was identified, through negotiations between the government and private pharmaceutical laboratories, 1 million tests kits were made available and half a million people were tested every day; they still are. Positive cases were immediately isolated at home, in hotels, or hospitals; massive testing allowed tracing through personal contacts with contact tracers and effective smartphone apps. This massive intrusion on personal privacy faced minimal resistance, with nearly all Koreans in agreement on the priority of containing the virus above concerns about empowering the surveillance state. Simultaneously, the government implemented a unified, clear, and strong communication policy, encouraging the population to wear masks, wash their hands, and keep socially distant. Fines for not wearing masks were put in place, but since South Koreans spontaneously wear masks as soon as they catch colds, and children at school are trained to wash their hands frequently, there was little need to police the noncompliant.

Some locations identified as centers of infection, mostly bars and evangelical churches where social distancing was not respected, were temporarily closed. The rest remained open. If South Korea suffered a modest economic decline and some unemployment, its economy has subsequently surged.

The achievement of the South Korean model cannot be understood without emphasizing its cultural basis. The South Korean people may like or dislike their government, but they trust that it makes rational choices. These choices are well explained and well understood because South Koreans believe in scientific progress. And the national strategy is thoroughly applied because South Koreans share a strong sense of collective discipline: shame on you if you do not wear a mask or forget to wash your hands. If you’re ordered to quarantine, the order is not a suggestion, and your family and neighbors will not let you escape for a walk in the park or a trip to the store...
