
2023年7月10日 星期一





2023年7月6日 星期四

to build a search engine, ....Microsoft 公司真小人也--再說幾次

Microsoft 公司真小人也。我不願意將搜索引擎改成Bing,他多方整我。這次它狠,暫時贏了。

“We’ve discovered that it is one thing to build a search engine, and an entirely different thing to convince regular users of the need to switch to a better choice.”


Neeva, the would-be Google competitor, is shutting down its search engineNeeva was ahead of Google on a lot of things in search — but still couldn’t make users switch


Threads. Musk馬斯克 " 簡政"之後.......將Twitter打造成一個主要媒體平台的雄心遭遇挫折,Glitches, echoes and ‘melting the servers’ crash DeSantis’ campaign launch on Twitter 裁員、雙殺(特斯拉、Twitter 股價)。Twitter 大亂局A Verifiable Mess::最大問題也許是 Elon Musk他自己。他计划为Twitter引入支付功能。 以公司虧損太多為由裁員一半 (約3700名員工)......裁員合法嗎?道歉能了事?The Case Against the Twitter Apology .【裁員風潮 】 祖克柏稱他對Meta的大規模裁員負有責任。

The Twitter CEO is accusing rival Mark Zuckerberg of using Twitter's "trade secrets" and "other intellectual property" to build its rival app. Threads saw a record launch when it became accessible to the public on Thursday, with more than 50 million people signing up in just a few hours.

DeSantis Plows Ahead With Whirlwind of Friendly Interviews and a Tour

Trying to regroup after a bumpy Twitter rollout, Ron DeSantis sought to make new headlines, suggesting that he might consider pardoning Donald Trump if he faced federal charges.

Ron DeSantis launched campaign

Glitches, echoes and ‘melting the servers’ crash DeSantis’ campaign launch on Twitter
4 hours ago

Twitter glitches plague Ron DeSantis' much-hyped presidential announcement with Elon Musk
1 day ago

The New York Times
Elon Musk's Event With Ron DeSantis Exposes Twitter's Weaknesses
7 hours ago

Twitter glitches mar DeSantis debut as presidential candidate
23 hours ago

Failure to launch: Twitter glitches deal double blow to Elon Musk and Ron DeSantis
21 hours ago


Nikkei Asia

Twitter's new owner Elon Musk has reportedly said the social media platform should look to replicate its success in Japan and consider basing engineering teams in India and Indonesia as well.

Elon Musk says Twitter more 'Japan-centric' than U.S.-centric: report
Billionaire proposes en

一些公司重新開始考慮裁員,而且效仿此舉的公司越來越多。今年9月,高盛集團行政總裁蘇德巍(David Solomon)為金融業敲響了警鐘,他恢復了公司之前的安排,即定期淘汰部分表現較差的員工,給新員工讓位;同時亦也積極推動員工回辦 公室工作。
知情人士稱,富國銀行(Wells Fargo)的家庭信貸部門過去幾個月在夏洛特、德梅 因、明尼阿波利斯和俄勒岡州波特蘭等城市裁員數百人。即使在銀行業不發達的愛荷華州北利柏提,一間信貸公司最近也裁員5%,因為利率上升導致他們的按揭貸款再融資業務放緩。
華爾街管理層認為裁員是經濟周期的必經之路:淘汰落伍者,補充新血,確保需要活力和耐力的企業得以持續發展。若企業不願裁員,那麼他們將被認為是財務紀律鬆散 、浪費資源的企業。「若企業總是處於招聘模式,從不淘汰員工,這種情況極不正常,」

A Verifiable Mess: Twitter Users Create Havoc by Impersonating Brands

The social media service, which is undergoing changes from Elon Musk, has descended into a swirl of spoof messages and parody accounts.



大亂局:Elon Musk以 Twitter 公司虧損太多為由,打算裁員一半、約3700名員工.... Elon Musk 想法無人力執行....

Elon Musk裁員合法嗎?



Tesla創辦人馬斯克(Elon Musk)10月27日以440億美元收購Twitter後,迅速解散董事會,以及解僱行政總裁等高階人員,11月4日又以公司虧損太多為由裁員一半、約3700名員工。馬斯克的所作所為,讓本已風雨飄搖的Twitter再遭重創,Twitter要如何走出困境展翅高飛呢?


Our twenty-first-century culture of performed remorse has become a sorry spectacle.

A man making a note from paper scraps spelling out "Sorry."

After Elon Musk rolled out a confusing and ever-evolving new verification system on Twitter this week, parody accounts posing as large corporations spread confusion on the site. The most prominent was a fake account for the pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly, which announced that insulin would now be free to customers. Soon the official Lilly account stepped in to refute the news, issuing a statement that apologized for the misunderstanding but avoided, of course, apologizing for how expensive insulin is in the first place. Lilly’s hasty apology is the latest in what Jill Lepore identifies in this week’s issue as a required—and often deeply unsatisfying—ritual of corporate communications in the social-media age. Everyone knows that companies sometimes have to say sorry, but do they ever mean it? And does it really make a difference if they do? “The practice of establishing and enforcing strict requirements for public apology is not a human universal,” Lepore writes. “It happens only here and there, and now and again. You see it in fiercely sectarian times and places—like twenty-first-century social media, or seventeenth-century New England.” You think it’s bad now? Just imagine the Puritans on Twitter.

Ian Crouch, newsletter editor





因應簡訊詐騙猖獗,數位發展部長 #唐鳳 表示,政府部門發出的簡訊將於年底前改採3碼制,不再以手機10碼發送,如同民眾在疫情期間收到1922的4碼簡訊一樣。如此一來,民眾只要看到聲稱要繳稅或繳罰款的簡訊來自像一般手機的10碼,即可判斷是詐騙簡訊📲📲📲同時也可避免民眾將真正的公務機關簡訊誤認為詐騙‼



2023年7月4日 星期二

 最近在工業技術研究院ITRI 的周年慶圖片,看到昔日電子工業研究所ERSO 的照片(內有IC 示範工廠),很令人懷舊……




❌轟蔡英文大撒幣「類無償」提供立陶宛半導體技術 王鴻薇:凱子外交喪權辱國




















2023年7月2日 星期日

Half the Police Force Quit. Crime Dropped. 一半警察辭職了。 犯罪率下降。


Half the Police Force Quit. Crime Dropped.   一半警察辭職了。 犯罪率下降。

In a staggering report last month, the Department of Justice documented pervasive abuse, illegal use of force, racial bias and systemic dysfunction in the Minneapolis Police Department. City police officers engaged in brutality or made racist comments, even as a department investigator rode along in a patrol car. Complaints about police abuse were often slow-walked or dismissed without investigation. And after George Floyd’s death, instead of ending the policy of racial profiling, the police just buried the evidence.

The Minneapolis report was shocking, but it wasn’t surprising.

在上個月的一份令人震驚的報告中,司法部記錄了明尼阿波利斯警察局普遍存在的虐待、非法使用武力、種族偏見和系統功能失調的情況。 即使一名部門調查員乘坐巡邏車,市警察仍實施暴力或發表種族主義言論。 對警察虐待行為的投訴往往進展緩慢或未經調查就被駁回。 喬治·弗洛伊德死後,警方非但沒有結束種族定性政策,反而埋葬了證據。

明尼阿波利斯的報告令人震驚,但並不令人意外。 它與司法部最近關於芝加哥、巴爾的摩、克利夫蘭、阿爾伯克基、新奧爾良、密蘇里州弗格森警察局的報告,或最近來自不同來源的關於明尼阿波利斯的三份報告(2003 年、2015 年和 2015 年)沒有太大不同。 2016年。

Amid spiking nationwide homicide rates in 2020 and 2021 and a continuing shortage of police officers, many in law enforcement have pointed to investigations like these — along with “defund the police”-style activism — as the problem. With all the criticism they are weathering, the argument goes, officers are so hemmed in, they can no longer do their job right; eventually they quit, defeated and demoralized. Fewer police officers, more crime.在 2020 年和 2021 年全國兇殺率飆升以及警察持續短缺的情況下,許多執法部門人士指出,此類調查以及“撤資警察”式的激進主義是問題所在。 他們的論點是,儘管他們經受住了所有的批評,但官員們卻受到如此重重的圍困,他們無法再做好自己的工作; 最終他們放棄了,失敗了,士氣低落。 警察越少,犯罪就越多。
