
2022年6月29日 星期三

地球,人間煉獄:疫情、戰爭、窮困 (280期):日本馴服冠狀病毒的秘訣:同儕壓力。 日本 (東京3546確診)、香港 (2000確診) 新一波疫情擔憂。適當通風的公共場所。世界必須採大規模通風方式防疫 experts urging mass ventilation 2020自稱為“簡單的鄉村醫生” (提倡羥氯喹療法 )的Vladimir Zelenko,逝世得年48 歲

地球,人間煉獄:疫情、戰爭、窮困 (280期):

日本 (東京3546確診)、香港 (2000確診) 新一波疫情擔憂


Japan’s Secret to Taming the Coronavirus: Peer Pressure
It never imposed mask or vaccination mandates, but Japan evaded the worst of Covid, thanks to a fear of public shaming and the “self-restraint police.”


COVID air war being lost, experts warn, urging mass ventilation
The world is still not using one of its most effective weapons against COVID-19 — properly ventilating public spaces — more than two years into the pandemic, experts warn.
專家警告說,在大流行兩年多之後,世界仍未使用其最有效的武器之一來對抗 COVID-19——適當通風的公共場所。

弗拉基米爾·澤連科,48 歲,逝世; 提倡毫無根據的 Covid 治療
2020 年,當白宮接受他的羥氯喹療法時,他自稱為“簡單的鄉村醫生”,贏得了全國的關注。

United States ›
Avg. on Jul. 114-day changeNew cases 114,101 +12%
Hospitalized 33,381 +10%
New deaths 387 +23%

U.S. hot spots ›

Vaccinations ›

Global hot spots ›

2022年6月22日 星期三

地球,人間煉獄:疫情、戰爭、窮困 (279期): 韓國第一自製疫苗:"2022年年底前仍走不出疫情,主動感染毫無意義。至於新冠疫苗,至少要接種3次。" (德國權威病毒學家)上海、澳門封鎖的陰影依然籠罩著Lockdown’s shadow over Shanghai AND Macau


地球,人間煉獄:疫情、戰爭、窮困 (279期):





在封鎖期間,上海的心理健康熱線電話激增。在搜索引擎百度上,來自該市的心理諮詢查詢比一年前增加了兩倍多。一項針對居民的調查發現,40% 的人有患抑鬱症的風險。 4月下旬,一些街區的限制略有放鬆,一天早上,1000多人在上海精神衛生中心外排隊。



被稱為 BA.4 和 BA.5 的 Omicron 子變體,在美國新的冠狀病毒病例中共同佔據主導地位。

A temporary isolation center in Shanghai in April. A two-month lockdown fueled psychological effects among residents that experts say will be long-lasting.The New York Times

Lockdown’s shadow over Shanghai

What’s next: Hanging over it all is a broader inability for the city to put the ordeal fully behind it, as China maintains its goal of completely eliminating the virus. Every district in Shanghai will be briefly locked down each weekend until the end of July for mass testing.

Other virus news:

地球,人間煉獄:疫情、戰爭、窮困 (278期):烏克蘭呼籲其南部戰場之國人速離家園:準備大反擊.....U.S. Slowly Rolls Out Covid Vaccines for Children Under 5。美國 F.D.A. 要國人戒菸,擬規定減少菸中尼古丁含量。 Stress Might Age the Immune System, New Study Finds


地球,人間煉獄:疫情、戰爭、窮困 (278期):


2022年6月14日 星期二

地球,人間煉獄:疫情、戰爭、窮困 (277期):台灣每天約一百五十人Covid-19 死亡。中國:常態化核酸檢測確實昂貴,環境大汙染;人民心理健康堪虞。ˊ"Deaths Stay Near Lows". (美、香港)

 地球,人間煉獄:疫情、戰爭、窮困 (277期):

台灣每天約一百五十人Covid-19 死亡


Despite Another Covid Surge in the U.S., Deaths Stay Near Lows

The coronavirus’s pattern has changed, with most Americans now carrying some immune protection, whether from vaccines, infection or both, experts said.

📣#中央流行疫情指揮中心 今(20)日表示,今(2022)年第三批採購Pfizer-BioNTech兒童劑型疫苗50.4萬劑,於今日上午抵達桃園國際機場,完成通關程序後,直接運送至指定冷儲物流中心進行後續檢驗封緘作業,再提供給5-11歲兒童接種基礎劑使用。本批效期至今年9月30日,目前共有161.28萬劑到貨,分別為首批5月16日77.76萬劑、第二批5月30日33.12萬劑及本批50.4萬劑。


地球,人間煉獄:疫情、戰爭、窮困 (276期):新冠病毒檢測大國,萬歲。中國的大規模新冠病毒檢測策略Hong Kong. Japan debates the future of masks. Daily Covid-19 cases in Hong Kong's fifth wave中國大規模核酸檢測將考驗政府財政。北京重新收緊防疫措施,此前一處酒吧暴發疫情

地球,人間煉獄:疫情、戰爭、窮困 (276期):

China’s mass Covid testing strategy

China, the last country trying to eliminate Covid, has made mass testing a permanent feature of daily life. In many major cities, even places without reported cases, residents must show negative P.C.R. tests in order to shop, ride public transit and participate in other activities.

Officials hope the regular mass testing will help isolate cases before they spiral into bigger outbreaks. But the policy could hamper efforts to revive China’s economy.

Workers say the time required to get tested is cutting into their pay. Local governments are taking money from poverty alleviation projects to pay for testing. Businesses are concerned that the requirement will hurt productivity, and economists worry people will stay home to avoid the bother.

Response: Barely two weeks after Shanghai lifted its two-month lockdown, the authorities placed millions of people under new lockdowns, setting off scattered protests. The city has said that it will start charging residents for tests in August.

中國是最後一個試圖消滅新冠病毒的國家,它已將大規模檢測作為日常生活的永久特徵。在許多主要城市,即使是沒有報告病例的地方,居民也必須表現出陰性的 P.C.R.測試以便購物、乘坐公共交通工具和參加其他活動。



回應:上海解除為期兩個月的封鎖後僅兩週,當局就將數百萬人置於新的封鎖之下,引發了分散的抗議活動。該市已表示將從 8 月開始向居民收取測試費用。




Hong Kong health experts say focus should shift to severity of Covid cases, as Omicron subvariants spread

The Centre for Health Protection said it had not noted any continuous increase in the rates of death, hospitalisation or severe diseases, which could be related to a high level of herd immunity among Hongkongers.
 but warned that people’s immunity after infection may wane within three to four months, and they should still receive vaccinations.

Daily Covid-19 cases in Hong Kong's fifth wave
