
2022年6月8日 星期三

從誠品信義店風波 談 康乃爾大學新設的"房地產系"Paul Rubacha Department of Real Estate

從誠品信義店風波 談 康乃爾大學新設的"房地產系"Paul Rubacha Department of Real Estate 


Rubacha, partner and co-founder at Ashley Capital, one of the largest privately held industrial real estate investment companies in the U.S, credited the late John Reps, M.R.P. ’47, professor emeritus and former chair of the Department of City and Regional Planning, with setting him on a path to success in real estate. He’s hopeful his gift will catalyze similar success for generations of students to come.

“This joint initiative in real estate education at Cornell will further deepen critical areas of expertise in the built environment,” Yoon said. “Creating a joint department that draws together real estate finance and real estate development will provide invaluable opportunities for students as they become leaders in the field and contribute to the shaping of our cities and communities.”

The Baker Program in Real Estate, already jointly administered by the SC Johnson College and AAP, will serve as the new department’s primary professional master’s degree-granting program. 

Cornell University

A $30 million gift from Paul Rubacha ’72, MBA ’73, will create an innovative, multicollege department – jointly managed between the Cornell University College of Architecture, Art, and Planning and Cornell Johnson – that will further enhance real estate education and scholarship at Cornell.

Gift to establish Paul Rubacha Department of Real Estate | Cornell Chronicle
The Cornell Board of Trustees voted May 26 to approve the Paul Rubacha Department of Real Est

Rubacha’s gift includes $25 million for establishment of the department and $5 million to incentivize others to contribute through a matching fund challenge.

“It will offer expanded industry and alumni engagement, incentivize innovative collaborations and advance the larger field and the future of real estate programs and pursuits at Cornell.”

Cornell University's Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management offers master's programs that empower students across full-time and executive MBA, ...

S.C.詹森管理研究生學院,簡稱詹森管理學院,與戴森應用經濟管理學院和酒店管理學院組成SC詹森商學院,隸屬於康奈爾大學,坐落在伊薩卡市康奈爾主校區正中的塞吉大廳。該學院是享譽盛名的6所常青藤商學院之一。 詹森管理研究生學院創建於1946,為培養工商企業的管理高層而專門設立的研究生院,一開始名字為管理研究生學院。 維基百科

康奈爾大學的建築,藝術與規劃學院是世界上最受尊敬和最負盛名的建築學院之一,並且是常春藤盟校唯一提供建築學學士學位的系。根據DesignIntelligence的調查,康奈爾大學的建築系學生是建築公司(尤其是紐約市)最渴望的應屆畢業生。 维基百科(英文)
所在地點: 康乃爾大學
地址: 129 Sibley Dome, Ithaca, NY 14853美國
大學學費和雜費: 3.945 萬美元 (2010 年 – 11年)
註冊人數: 761 (2010 年)
創立於: 1871 年
大學生: 496
教職員: 56

