
2022年6月8日 星期三




World's top graduates get new UK visa option


The scheme will be available to alumni of the top non-UK universities who have graduated in the past five years.

Graduates will be eligible regardless of where they were born, and will not need a job offer in order to apply.

Successful applicants will be given a work visa lasting two years if they hold a bachelor's or master's degree, and three years if they hold a PhD.

They will then be able to switch to other long-term employment visas if they meet certain requirements. 

Chancellor Rishi Sunak said: "The route means that the UK will grow as a leading international hub for innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship.

"We want the businesses of tomorrow to be built here today, which is why I call on students to take advantage of this incredible opportunity to forge their careers here."

  • 上海市人社局近日宣布《關於助力復工復產實施人才特殊支持舉措的通知》明確,針對畢業於世界排名前50名院校的留學回國人員,取消社保繳費基數和繳費時間要求,全職來本市工作後即可直接落戶,畢業於世界排名51-100名的,全職來本市工作並繳納社保滿6個月後可申辦落戶。

