
2018年8月24日 星期五

美國繼續關閉更多孔子學院:軟實力變銳實力背後。中國外交部: 將孔子​​學院“政治化”是“冷戰思維”和缺乏自信的表現;時為中國國家副主席的習近平在墨爾本皇家理工大學為澳大利亞的第一所中醫孔子學院揭牌。(2010年6月20日)



  • 2018年 8月 20日




佛羅里達州共和黨籍聯邦參議員馬可·魯比奧(Marco Rubio)在推特上表示讚賞北佛大的決定。魯比奧寫道:“這些中國共產黨注資的孔子學院受到越來越多的關注和有充分根據的擔憂。我繼續敦促其他佛羅里達的大學也(停辦孔院)。”

据路透社报道,中国外交部星期五回应美国北佛州大学关闭 #孔子学院的决定时表示,将孔子学院“政治化”是“冷战思维”和缺乏自信的表现。



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Chinese Medicine Confucius Institute at RMIT University

Director: Professor Charlie XUE (RMIT University)
Chinese Director: Associate Professor Yanping Zhang (Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine)
Secretary: Dr. Iris Zhou (RMIT University)
Location: Building 202, Level 4, Room 2


In 2008, RMIT established the Chinese Medicine Confucius Institute (CMCI) through a collaboration with Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, China.
As one of the first activities of the CMCI, a Chinese Culture and Chinese Medicine History Museum was set up with over 300 items of artefacts for the museum are on display. RMIT University acknowledges the generosity and technical support provided by the Guangdong Provincial Chinese Medicine Museum, China.
RMIT is acknowledged internationally as a leader in the development of Chinese Medicine education and research in the western world. The achievements of RMIT Chinese Medicine have been made possible through a global collaborative network with numerous collaborators including a large number of institutions in the People’s Republic of China (PRC).
The Confucius Institutes are non-profit institutions co-funded by the government of PRC to promote Chinese language and culture through partnership with foreign institutions.
A Chinese language component has been included in the Chinese Medicine and Health Sciences double degree program. This, along with a background in Chinese culture and literature, will assist Australian final year Chinese Medicine students with their clinical training in China.
The Confucius Institute will add to RMIT’s standing in the PRC and enable further collaborations with Chinese establishments and organisations in the area of Chinese medicine education and research. Additional research capabilities in Chinese medicine and related disciplines such as Chinese culture, clinical trials, pharmacology and toxicology would be strengthened for both RMIT and its Chinese partner universities through research collaboration and staff/student exchange
The Confucius Institute at RMIT University, Australia will have a wide range of positive impacts:
  • Broaden opportunities for Australian students and academics to interact with Chinese universities and other Institutions.
  • Expand research capabilities with RMIT’s Chinese partner institutions in Chinese Medicine.
  • Facilitate the harmonisation of Chinese and Western Medicine.
  • Promote Chinese culture, especially the Chinese language, through education and contribute to internationalisation of the Chinese medicine curriculum.
  • Strengthening ties with other academic disciplines.

CMCI Council Committee Members


  • Professor Peter Coloe - Co-Chair of the Council Committee; Pro Vice-Chancellor (College of Science, Engineering and Health) and Vice-President, RMIT University
  • Professor Andrew MacIntyre - Member of the Council Committee, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (International) & Vice-President; RMIT University
  • Professor Charlie Xue - Member of the Council Committee; Executive Dean, School of Health and Biomedical Sciences, RMIT University
  • Associate Professor Tony Zhang - Member of the Council Committee; Discipline Leader of Chinese Medicine, School of Health and Biomedical Sciences, RMIT University

Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine:

  • Professor Guicheng Huang - Co-Chair of the Council Committee; Vice-President (International), Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine
  • Professor Xiaohong Zheng - Member of the Council Committee; Director, Department of International Cooperation and Exchange, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine
  • Associate Professor Yanping Zhang - Member of the Council Committee; Deputy Dean, School of Humanities and Political Education, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine

External members

  • Mr John So - Member of the Council Committee and Community Representative
  • Mr Roger Li - Member of the Council Committee Member and Community Representative

