
2018年7月24日 星期二

各國、各企業、人人都說:AI (人工智能)極重要

必須分開各國、各企業的AI (人工智能)之投資、策略上的說法。


德國之聲中文網)德國聯邦內閣近日制定出一項人工智能國家戰略的要點。其中稱"德國應成為人工智能世界領先的地點"。核心要點包括,諸如醫療、交通領域的數據應得到更好的使用、改善人工智能專家的待遇。德國教育與科研部長卡利切克(Anja Karliczek)向路透社表示:"在與美國和中國的競爭中,我們必須加大馬力。"
路透社報導說,德國政府希望通過此項國家戰略,為赶超中美建立一個框架。根據要點,未來,特別是科研成果將更全面、更快地投入應用。"人工智能Made in Germany"應成為世界範圍內受認可的商品標識。戰略具體內容將於秋季完成。
德經濟部長阿爾特邁爾(Peter Altmaier,基民盟)對《商報》表示,技術進步與創新儘管無法由國家來決定,但"人工智能不是一般的創新",而是一種基礎性的創新,將在數年之間內進入經濟和生活的各個領域。



Alibaba to invest $15bn in R&D labs in push to become AI leader

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Alibaba will invest $15bn in research and development labs and hire a hundred scientists across the tech nexus of the US, China and Israel as it strives to build its clout in artificial intelligence. Beijing aims for China to be the world leader in AI by 2030, and is putting money and policies behind its ambitions, spooking some observers in the US and Europe who fear their less bountiful government budgets may leave them at a disadvantage. Alibaba, with its roots in ecommerce, has branched into cloud services and AI applications ranging from targeted ads and shopping choices, to facial recognition. It benefits from data spun out of its businesses in payments, logistics and movies. Announcing the investment on Alibaba’s home turf in Hangzhou, Jeff Zhang, chief technology officer, said the $15bn would be invested over three years as part of a research programme called Alibaba’s Academy for Discovery, Adventure, Momentum and Outlook. The labs will focus on areas including data intelligence, internet of things, quantum computing and human-machine interaction, Alibaba said. “The Alibaba DAMO Academy will be at the forefront of developing next-generation technology that will spur the growth of Alibaba and our partners,” said Mr Zhang. “We aim to discover breakthrough technologies that will enable greater efficiency, network security and ecosystem synergy for end users and businesses everywhere.” Speaking to the MIT Technology Review, Felix Liu, Alibaba’s head of customer experience, said the company began using AI for customer applications two to three years ago. Now, he said, AI helps all customer inquiries and, in half the cases, resolves them completely. It also spots problems early, for example picking up a logistics snafu by detecting abnormal levels of status inquiries.
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By setting up a global network, Alibaba is benefiting from some of the world’s top R&D and tech centres, such as Israel and Singapore. Assuming an annual R&D spend of $5bn, the investment represents about 14 per cent of Alibaba’s projected annual sales. In absolute amounts, Volkswagen, the German automaker, last year topped an EU ranking of top R&D spenders with a €13.6bn research budget, followed by South Korea’s Samsung with €12.5bn. US tech companies Intel, Alphabet and Microsoft ranked next at €11.0bn apiece. Alibaba billed the move as another step towards its goal of serving 2bn customers and creating 100m jobs in 20 years. It has about 25,000 engineers and scientists.



世界最大のショッピングデーとされる独身の日(Singles’ Day)で、アリババは傘下の「Tmall」にTmall Smart Selectionと呼ばれるAIソリューションを導入している。このソリューションは自然言語処理とマシンラーニングを活用したもので、AIを活用した商品レコメンドを行ない、小売業者らは正確な需要を予測することが可能だ。

また、AIを用いたチャットボット「Dian Xiaomi」は90%の音声認識能力を誇り、一日に350万人のユーザーが利用している。最新版のDian Xiaomiは顧客との会話から感情を認識し、人間のカスタマーサービス担当とも連携している。





