
2018年6月26日 星期二

narcissist 自戀者會是好領導?

自戀者narcissist 成為好領導的條件,已有些研究了。

The 'me, me, me' types tend to make it to the top, research suggests.

2010年8月10日 星期二

The Productive Narcissist : The Promise and Peril of Visionary Leadership

The Productive Narcissist: The Promise and Peril of Visionary Leadership

In these confusing and uncertain times, the cry goes out for more visionary leaders. We need men and women who can lead us out of the darkness of despair and short-term Wall Street thinking into the clear air of vision, goals, and high achievement. Enter the narcissistic leader. Narcissists admire themselves, they believe in themselves. They have complete confidence in themselves, even though they may think they can do more than they really can.The dictionary tells us that narcissism is "a psychological condition characterized by self-preoccupation, lack of empathy, and unconscious deficits in self-esteem." Maccoby-a psychoanalyst, anthropologist, and consultant-takes us further. He explains that "narcissistic leaders are not a product of their time; rather, they are a product of their personalities, and are psychologically suited to rise, and fall, during disruptive times." Sometimes their grandiosity serves them-and their organizations-well...especially if they (or their organizations) are protected by counterbalancing aides or confidants. Sometimes that grandiosity can be their downfall.
In this enjoyable and education book, Maccoby describes several psychological styles and how they influence leadership behavior. He concentrates on the productive narcissist, results-focused aggressive leaders who can valiantly lead their organizations to the brink of destruction. The good news---bad news juxtaposition is explored in page after page, with enlightening examples from the lives of historical figures like Napoleon to today's leaders whom we read about in the newspapers daily. Not only does he name names, but Maccoby goes deep into who these leaders are, what they did, why they did it, and the impacts of their behavior. It's a fascinating read that will have you bobbing your head with understanding and insight.
This book will be valuable to leaders-and not just narcissists. Human resource professionals, executive coaches, and venture capitalists will find the knowledge in these pages to be quite useful. A self-test, with full explanation of scoring and meaning, adds value to the book. Index.

The Productive Narcissist 
類別: 行銷‧趨勢‧理財>管理領導
Michael Maccoby

許多趾高氣揚、不可一世的企業執行長紛紛在二○○二年中箭落馬、名聲掃地,連帶拖累原本氣勢直逼日月的所 屬公司,外人不禁好奇,美國企業這波弊案風潮為什麼牽連如此之廣?持續如此之久?有人怪罪到企業過於重視股價,以及執行長股票選擇權和股東價值的連動關 係,導致公司高層汲汲於美化帳面、甚至乾脆直接捏造獲利。也有人指出,一九九○年代末期網路及股市熱潮,造成美國聯邦準備理事會(Fed)主席葛林史班 (Alan Greenspan)所說的「非理性繁榮」(irrational exuberance),等到風靡一時的熱情消褪後,這股熱潮就和其他投機泡沫一樣隨風而逝,只留下不堪聞問的企業財報。
目 錄
謝辭 本書緣起
前言 「改變全世界」的性格

