
2018年10月19日 星期五

好死與歹活:Sears files for Chapter 11 amid plunging sales, massive debt;香港;Motorola和 DuPont vs htc;

Given its sheer size, Sears' bankruptcy filing will have wide ripple effects on everything from already ailing landlords to its tens of thousands of workers.

Sears files for Chapter 11 amid plunging sales, massive debt

CNN International
Sears, the once-dominant retail chain that changed how Americans shopped and lived, filed for bankruptcy.

曾任香港外國記者會(FCC)主席、現任港大新聞及傳媒研究中心總監的瑞凱德(Keith Richburg):
// Some future historian writing a thesis on “The Death of Hong Kong” may stumble across the old 1995 Fortune Magazine cover of the same name. It may seem prescient, but premature. Instead, the late summer and early fall of 2018 will likely be deemed the turning point, when the demise of a once-great open and liberal city really began.
... When I first moved here, in January 1995, to set up a new Washington Post bureau, the director of the Government Information Office invited me and a handful of other newly arrived correspondents for lunch. When I asked about the process for getting a local press card, he gave me a bemused smile and told me there was no such thing. “We have freedom of the press here,” he said.
I thought about those days when I heard the news that the Financial Times Asia news editor, Victor Mallet, was being denied a working visa. It was a tactic borrowed directly from the mainland, which used the journalist visa as a means of control.... //

Wolf Chiu
【 Gigi Weng 】
五個月前,梁家傑在美國 Asia Society 談論香港問題,竟然突然為中國辯護(片段約13:54開始),表示美國如果認為中國違反貿易協定,應在 WTO 機制內解決;發動貿易戰,就不要奢望中國也會守規則,如此只會令中國更加遠離距離民主自由價值云云。在美國人聽來,這是為這個流氓政權辯護。你們不是要民主自治的嗎?
五個月後,彭斯雷厲風行炮轟中國對美國和世界犯下 N 宗大罪,包括對內踐踏人權、打壓言論自由,對外大膽介入美國選舉、竊取美企機密、強迫轉讓技術、用「債務陷阱」對付一帶一路國家、在南海陳兵進行軍事擴張等等。這些事情,無一可以在 WTO 解決,美國亦釋放信息,不打算在 WTO 解決,而是另行與諸國再組成多邊貿易關係。...」


我服務過的Motorola和 DuPont,都石賣掉。

其實,htc 的情形也是這樣,頭賣了,剩下殭屍。



智慧型手機與虛擬實境廠商宏達電(HTC)5 日公布 2018 年 9 月份財

