From Espresso: Today Nokia launches its new tablet, the N1, in China (it will go on sale in Europe later this year). Built by Foxconn, the company that makes devices for Apple, the N1 bears a striking resemblance to an iPad mini, but is powered by Google’s Android software. It was Nokia’s refusal to adopt Android a few years ago, after failing to develop a plausible alternative, that arguably led to its downfall as the world’s leading maker of smartphones. But as the company re-enters the device market after selling its handset division to Microsoft, it is now embracing the technology that previously undermined it. Kodak did something similar yesterday when it launched its first smartphone, entering the very category that destroyed its consumer-photography business. Having become bywords for companies that failed to move with the technological times, both firms have concluded that if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.
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