這本書至少用了" implosion 內爆"27次:《認識媒體 : 人的延伸》/ 麥克魯漢(Marshall McLuhan)著 ; 鄭明萱譯,台北市: 貓頭鷹出版, 2006
A lifelong climber, Jim Collins brings the same doggedness to his research, exploring questions like why some companies succeed and how some companies implode.
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Internet advertising could fall 5% in the current quarter, research firm IDC said, the first decline since the dot-com bubble burst in 2001.
It's Wall Street, Without the Cash
NEW YORK, May 28 -- What's truly odd about the demise of a Wall Street firm, it turns out, isn't the noise of the implosion but the quiet of the rubble. A post-calamity hush has settled over Bear Stearns's Manhattan headquarters. Traders who haven't left their desks for years take two-hour lunches....
(By David Segal, The Washington Post)
Haiti's survivors scramble for basics
Haitians grew desperate for aid as survivors from the earthquake pleaded for medical care, tried to dig out loved ones from the rubble or roamed the streets looking for basic necessities.
verb [I]
1 SPECIALIZED to fall inward with force:
The vacuum inside the tube caused it to implode when the external air pressure was increased.
Compare explode (BURST).
2 to fail suddenly and completely and be unable to operate:
Their economy is in danger of imploding.
noun [C or U] SPECIALIZED 內爆
Cathode ray tube and fluorescent lighting implosion[edit]
A high vacuum exists within all cathode ray tubes. If the outer glass envelope is damaged, a dangerous implosion may occur. Due to the power of the implosion, glass pieces may explode outwards at dangerous velocities. While modern CRTs used in televisions and computer displays have epoxy-bonded face-plates or other measures to prevent shattering of the envelope, CRTs removed from equipment must be handled carefully to avoid personal injury.[1]
noun [U]
1 the piles of broken stone and bricks, etc. that are left when a building falls down or is destroyed:
The bomb reduced the house to rubble.
2 small pieces of stone or rock used for building