
2020年3月13日 星期五

比較英國 vs 台灣的治理方式:Why is the UK not shutting schools like other countries?嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(COVID-19,簡稱武漢肺炎)

英國首相強森(Boris Johnson)12日宣布幾項防疫措施,包括不追溯旅遊史與接觸史,感冒輕症不要打給醫療緊急專線,在家自主隔離7天,並表示全英國已經有5,000至1萬人感染,現階段是延緩傳播,希望達到群體免疫(herd immunity),並呼籲70歲以上老人減少外出,所有人都要勤洗手等。
中央流行疫情指揮中心專家諮詢小組召集人張上淳說明,確實人體發生感染後,會產生抗體與免疫力,輕症返家休養可能會自己痊癒,但英國是在醫療系統已經無法承擔下所採取的作為,目前國內專家還不會建議指揮中心這麼做。(文/嚴文廷;圖/中央流行疫情指揮中心提供;攝影/AP Photo/Matt Dunham/達志影像、報導者/余志偉)

Many countries are taking tough measures to crack down on the spread of coronavirus, including school closures - but why isn't the UK?


Why is the UK not shutting schools like other countries?

Coronavirus: Why is the UK not shutting schools like other countries?

Prof Chris Whitty (left) and Sir Patrick VallanceImage copyrightREUTERS
Image captionArchitects of the UK's "nuanced" approach: Sir Patrick Vallance (left) and Prof Chris Whitty (left)

Many countries are taking tough measures to crack down on the spread of coronavirus, including school closures, an end to mass gatherings and severe travel restrictions. But the UK has adopted relatively modest control measures.
The differences can be partly explained by the fact some of these countries are further into their epidemics. But it's clear the UK has adopted a more nuanced approach.
Computer simulations indicate the UK is in the early stages of its epidemic which is expected to rise sharply in four weeks and peak in 10 and 14 weeks' time.
Sir Patrick Vallance, the UK government's chief scientific adviser, and chief medical officer Prof Chris Whitty have made the judgement call that it is too soon to impose severe restrictions at this stage.
Such restrictions might last several months and risk "self-isolation fatigue", with people leaving their homes just as the epidemic was at its height. The elderly are particularly at risk of developing severe symptoms. But many of them are already isolated. Cutting them off from their communities at this stage, when the risks are still relatively low, would create unnecessary difficulties for them.

Chart showing how control measures may reduce spread if virus in UK
Presentational white space

Sir Patrick and Prof Whitty have also advised against the suspension of mass gatherings. Again, their computer models indicate this would be less effective and more disruptive than the measures they have recommended: hand washing and asking people to self-isolate if they show symptoms of the disease.
These measures, if correctly implemented, could cut the peak of cases by 20%, says Sir Patrick.
"People are very much more likely to catch the virus from a family member or a friend somewhere in a small space rather than a big space [such as a sporting stadium]," he said.
It's the same with school closures. While Ireland, France and Denmark are among a host of northern European countries to shut schools, for the moment at least they remain open in the UK.
Closing schools is effective for controlling serious flu epidemics, but Covid-19 seems to affect children less. There's still a risk, though, they could transmit it to their parents and grandparents. In addition, school closures would take many much needed NHS staff away from their jobs while they look after their children.

Banner image reading 'more about coronavirus'


The British strategy is to delay the onset of the peak of the disease until the summer months, when the NHS is under less pressure, and to spread the peak of the epidemic to make treatment more manageable. The aim has also been to manage the spread of the infection so that the population builds up some immunity to the virus should it return in successive years.
Efforts to stamp it out too quickly risk leading to the epidemic returning, perhaps during the winter, once the extreme measures have been lifted. This would be a time when the health service was again under pressure.
It is important to stress that this strategy has been drawn up based on evidence and input from many of the world's leading scientists and doctors, many of whom have been involved in controlling the spread of the virus in China and Singapore. And it is notable that no scientists have spoken out against the UK government's approach.
There are undoubtedly some who do disagree with the strategy. But there is an acceptance by such critics that Sir Patrick and Prof Whitty are the ones in the hot seat, having to make the biggest calls they have made in their professional lives. So the science community is prepared to give them the benefit of the doubt and not speak out, for now at least.

Coronavirus: What you need to know graphic featuring three key points: wash your hands for 20 seconds; use a tissue for coughs; avoid touching your face

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Policy paper
Coronavirus action plan: a guide to what you can expect across the UK
Published 3 March 2020

英國政府周四(3月12日)召開內閣緊急會議決定,抗疫行動即日起從第一階段的防堵進入第二階段— 拖延。
從周五開始, 學校組織的出國旅行活動一律取消,已經有疾患的老年人不建議去乘遊輪。


原先普遍的理解是一旦進入延緩階段,就需要開始「社會疏離」 措施, 包括取消大型活動、關閉校園、鼓勵和建議僱主允許員工在家遠程工作。
The UK government says it has moved to the "delay" phase of it's plan to tackle coronavirus - but what does that involve?

Coronavirus is spreading in the UK and a major epidemic is expected.
A worst case scenario could see 80% of people infected if nothing is done.

What is the UK now doing about coronavirus?

The UK government is attempting to delay the spread of coronavirus and reduce the epidemic's peak (when the number of cases is highest).
It says that from Friday:

Coronavirus: What you need to know graphic featuring three key points: wash your hands for 20 seconds; use a tissue for coughs; avoid touching your face

Further measures will be taken as the number of coronavirus infections moves towards its peak:
  • Older people and those with health conditions will be advised to cut social contact and stay at home
  • If someone in your home falls ill, the whole household will be told to isolate itself for 14 days
It is hoped these steps could significantly reduce the number of infections and cut deaths by up to a third.

Could schools close and public gatherings be banned?

The government has other powers it could use to protect people from infection:
  • School closures and - once a new law is passed - allowing bigger class sizes if there are teacher shortages
  • Restrictions on the use of public transport
  • Stopping big gatherings
  • Troops supporting the emergency services
  • Police focusing on the most serious crimes and maintaining public order
  • New legal powers to make people stay in quarantine
Some other countries like Italy have already taken some of these measures, but they tend to have more cases.
And officials in the UK have concerns about how effective they will be.

For example, while school closures could reduce the peak, forcing parents to stay at home would be a problem. It could reduce the number of health workers available, or mean grandparents - one of the at-risk groups - stepping in.


BREAKING: Professor Chris Whitty says the UK is "mainly" in the "delay" phase of the government's four-stage approach to COVID-19 - rather than the "contain" phase

