
2020年3月21日 星期六

真正鎮瘟大神: Russian President Vladimir Putin? 俄羅斯一些富豪就私下搶購人工呼吸機

【全球疫情肆虐下能独善其身 为何俄罗斯确诊病例如此少?】在疫情肆虐全球之际,与其他国家相比,俄罗斯的确诊数量显得非常少。许多分析对此给出了不同解读。但尽管如此,当地疫情也开始日益严峻,更多声音在讨论和呼吁莫斯科封城和关闭地铁。

Does Russia have coronavirus under control? According to information released by Russian officials, Putin's strategy seems to have worked.

Moscow (CNN)Russian President Vladimir Putin said this week his country managed to stop the mass spread of coronavirus -- and that the situation was "under control," thanks to early and aggressive measures to keep more people from getting the disease.
Does Russia have coronavirus under control? According to information released by Russian officials, Putin's strategy seems to have worked. The number of confirmed Russian coronavirus cases is surprisingly low, despite Russia sharing a lengthy border with China and recording its first case back in January.
The numbers are picking up, but Russia -- a country of 146 million people -- has fewer confirmed cases than Luxembourg, with just 253 people infected. Luxembourg, by contrast, has a population of just 628,000, according to the CIA World Factbook, and by Saturday had reported 670 coronavirus cases with eight deaths.

    Russia's early response measures -- such as shutting down its 2,600-mile border with China as early as January 30, and setting up quarantine zones -- may have contributed to the delay of a full-blown outbreak, some experts say.


