
2020年3月29日 星期日

【武漢肺炎】獲中國贈測試劑ㅤ菲律賓:準確度僅得四成將停用ㅤ中国出口荷兰的口罩不合格; the difficulties of regulating quality. China Supplied Faulty Coronavirus Test Kits to Spain, 。“這是捷方人員使用方法不當所致。”Czech Republic西班牙採購自中國的試劑盒質量未達標,將退貨,引起政爭 the Chinese company's nose swabs had an accuracy rate of less than 30 per cent.。轉台灣:捷克這批快篩試劑的錯誤率竟高達80% "Eighty percent of coronavirus tests ‘donated’ by China to Czechs are faulty"

中國早前向菲律賓捐贈10萬個檢測試劑盒,積極建立「防疫外交」,但菲律賓衛生部副部長 Maria Rosario Vergeire 周六在記者會上表示,根據世界衞生組織標準,中國送贈予菲律賓的武漢肺炎測試劑,部份準確度僅得四成。由於準確度太低,菲律賓當局不會使用相關測試劑。


【武漢肺炎】獲中國贈測試劑ㅤ菲律賓:準確度僅得四成將停用ㅤ中國領事館:質量非常好 | 立場報道 | 立場新聞



China Pushes to Churn Out Coronavirus Gear, Yet Struggles to Police It


Factories sprang up or retooled to make equipment. But complaints in Spain over Chinese-made tests highlight the difficulties of regulating quality.

A Spanish research institute had said that the Chinese company's nose swabs had an accuracy rate of less than 30 per cent.

A Chinese government regulatory group has launched an investigation into a coronavirus test kit maker that sent supplies to Spain.
Yesterday, the Spanish government said it was recalling 9,000 kits after finding the results to be “unreliable.”
中國駐馬德里大使館在推特上表示 ,這批不合格的試劑盒由西班牙從一家沒有獲得官方許可銷售此類產品的公司手中購入。此前一天,西班牙剛剛宣布從中國訂購了價值3.75億美元的口罩、呼吸機和其他應急設備。
德國衛生部長延斯·施潘(Jens Spahn)也表示,中國產試劑盒的有效性存疑。施潘說,人們呼籲從中國大量購買快速檢測試劑盒,但該國研究機構的檢測發現,來自中國的試劑盒靈敏度和具體性不足,可能導致出現大量的假陽性或假陰性。


"日前捷克為增加篩檢能量而向中國採購 (一說捐贈) 一批快篩試劑盒,沒想到經當地公共衛生部門與實驗室檢測重複驗證後卻發現,中國提供給捷克這批快篩試劑的錯誤率竟高達80%,讓當地政府只好重新再回到實驗室篩檢,以確保篩檢準確度!"

80% of coronavirus test kits 'gifted'... | Taiwan News
www.taiwannews.com.tw › news

1 日前 - China charged Czech government millions of crowns for defective coronavirus test kits. ... Moravian-Silesian Region by regional hygienist Pavla Svrcinova, the error rate for the test kits was found to be 80 ... Wuhan virus test.

Eighty percent of coronavirus tests 'donated' by China to ...
www.washingtonexaminer.com › washington-secrets

9 時間前 - She suggested that the tests only be used on people who are ending their virus-related seclusion and who have never been tested. #coronavirus. The error rate in the 150,000 test kits that the #CzechRepublic bought from # ...

Eighty percent of coronavirus tests ‘donated’ by China to Czechs are faulty

Some 80% of coronavirus rapid tests China donated to the Czech Republic as part of the communist country’s global goodwill effort are faulty, according to news reports.
A medical official from the Moravian-Silesian region that borders Slovakia and Poland said the test “error rate was quite high.”
According to the Czech radio site iROZHLAS, regional hygienist Pavla Svrcinova said that the tests give false positive and false negative results. She suggested that the tests only be used on people who are ending their virus-related seclusion and who have never been tested.
A government official, however, dismissed the concerns and said the “wrong methodology” was being used for the tests. “I don't think it's a scandalous revelation that it's not working,” he said.
Another outlet, the Taiwan News, reported that China had “give the impression that the communist regime was donating 150,000 portable, rapid COVID-19 test kits” when in fact they charged some $500,000.
China has been under fire worldwide for hiding and then lying about the coronavirus that started in Wuhan.
They have tried to answer the attacks with donations, offers of help to impacted countries, and a false claim that the United States planted the virus.

