
2020年3月24日 星期二

紐約州州長安德魯·庫莫(Andrew Cuomo)該州購買......;聽Trump總統的:用氯喹治疗新冠病毒Chloroquine is still in a testing phase....... FDA等等單位會有"革命作為".....:惱羞成怒; Seven drugs are being touted as potential treatments for covid-19. 等了30年,救援投手上場拯"救新病毒"輕症 Flu fighter Avigan gets coronavirus call after 30 years in bullpen

3.24 The state acquired 70,000 doses of hydroxychloroquine, 10,000 doses of zithromax and 750,000 doses of chloroquine in the last few days, according to a news release from New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s office.

紐約州州長安德魯·庫莫(Andrew Cuomo)辦公室的新聞稿稱,過去幾天該州購買了70,000劑羥氯喹,10,000劑ithhmax和750,000劑氯喹。
"19~20日半夜,看了Trump總統的新聞記者會。主題是美國政府團隊 FDA等等單位會有"革命作為",很快會"有"肺炎病毒之解藥與疫苗等等 (這些技術/產業議題,我過去一個月幾乎都介紹過)。

用來治療瘧疾的羥氯奎寧(hydroxychloroquine)對於俗稱武漢肺炎的2019年冠狀病毒疾病(COVID-19)是否有效,美國總統川普在一場記者會與公衛專家佛奇(Anthony Fauci)各說各話。佛奇不認同川普認為瘧疾藥可治療武漢肺炎的樂觀言論,當場說沒有療效。

“Please don’t panic. Chloroquine is still in a testing phase."

Novartis will donate enough doses of malaria drug hydroxychloroquine to treat several million patients in the fight against the coronavirus, if it wins approval, the Swiss company said on Friday.


The FDA hasn’t approved the malaria drug for COVID-19, and Trump grew angry when questioned about it.

“People are so hungry for any information about what is or isn’t working that any positive news is going to create a run on any drug that’s mentioned.”


Hospitals Stockpile Drug Trump Says Could Treat Covid-19
Hospitals have been rushing to stockpile a decades-old antimalarial drug toute

** Seven drugs are being touted as potential treatments for covid-19. 等了30年,救援投手上場拯"救新病毒"輕症 Flu fighter Avigan gets coronavirus call after 30 years in bullpenSeven drugs are being touted as potential treatments for covid-19. One arthritis treatment, Actemra, has already been approved for use in China

Indonesia is importing millions of doses of Avigan, the Japan-developed antiviral, for treatment of the coronavirus.
Here is the story behind the development of the drug.

