
2020年3月26日 星期四

武漢,人間煉獄XIX: 武漢準備解封,但 “ 沉默帶原者 ” 引發擔憂。香港再撤500武漢僑民;Thousands of covert coronavirus cases ‘go under the radar in Wuhan’. Opinion | China Is Not a Coronavirus Role Model.The measures, while effective, came at a great cost to people’s livelihoods and liberties.

 武漢,人間煉獄 IXX:


While the strict limits on travel are slated to be lifted, schools and colleges will remain shut down. The province says it must assess the situation before setting a new start date for schools.
People will be able to move about providing they have a "green code" certifying their health, the province says. The green code is obtained through a popular smartphone app.

武漢準備解封,但  沉默帶原者  引發擔憂
(德國之聲中文網) 雖然大部份受到新冠病毒感染的人會在5天內開始出現症狀。但在某些情況下,潛伏期可能長達3週。而不同國家的衛生機構對於處理無症狀感染的的方式也各異。
北海道大學流行病學家西浦博史(Hiroshi Nishiura)領導的一組日本專家也證實這樣的數據為真。他們發現,從武漢撤回日本的患者中,無症狀者佔30.8%。
隨著新增病例數字向好,湖北多地放寬出行限制 。疫情暴發中心武漢周二也表示,公共交通將在24小時內恢復運行,居民將從4月8日起獲准離漢離鄂。
《南華早報》週日援引中國政府的機密數據報導稱,“沉默帶原者”的人數可能高達檢測呈陽性者的三分之一。 “沉默帶原者”即無症狀感染者,他們自己或許沒有患病,但仍有可能將病毒傳給他人。
中國衛健委通報,中國大陸地區周二無本土新增病例,報告的 47例增長均為境外輸入。武漢新增0例確診、0例疑似。過去24小時內,中國新增死亡病例四例,其中三例來自湖北,武漢佔據其中兩例。另有33例疑似病例,均為境外輸入。


According to one study, the total number of infections citywide on February 18 could have exceeded 125,000.

Workers with containers of disinfectant preparing to spray the central railway station on Tuesday in Wuhan.  Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Some of China’s restrictions start to ease

Hubei Province, where the coronavirus is believed to have originated, will begin to allow most of its 60 million residents to leave today — the end of a nearly two-month lockdown.
The move is meant to send a signal of the government’s confidence in its tough containment measures. But it also raises concerns among epidemiologists about the possibility of a second wave of the outbreak in a country that has just barely contained it.
Wuhan, the city hardest hit by the virus, will remain locked down until April 8, officials said, though public transit will start back up again. Schools across the province will still be closed.
What’s next: It could take months or even years to understand the human toll of the virus — and of sealing off a province from the world for so long. The measures, while effective, came at a great cost to people’s livelihoods and liberties.




From WSJ Opinion

: The Chinese Communist Party’s initial coverup helped get us all into this coronavirus mess. We’ll need the free world’s innovation to get out of it.


“Wuhan is still under lockdown until April, and there’s no flight out of Wuhan, so bringing those people stranded there for months home is necessary," said th mainland affairs minister.



Opinion | China Is Not a Coronavirus Role Model
The Communists’ coverup helped create this mess. We’ll need the free w

