
2020年5月29日 星期五

悲欣人間(45) :唐文標及其《唐文標碎雜》 'Made in China 2025' is very much alive,中共與日本的製造戰略類似....。Leonard Bernstein 的友情 Larry Kramer (1935–2020)

唐文標碎雜. Author, 唐文標. Publisher, 遠景出版社, 1976.
〈超現實者之死〉談的是Max ERNST
當年何懷碩在美國也作一Max ERNST回顧展的介紹,文章近年有重印。
近年。紐約現代美術館 MoMA 將該次大展的目錄大書數位板自由分享。

Hanching Chung




悲欣人間(44) :自由花蕊正萌芽──賴和留給我們的精神遺產 (廖振富)。陳虛谷家族的「默園」;那個時代:陳逸雄(1929-1997)及林莊生(1930-2015)與其父執輩


悲欣人間(44) :自由花蕊正萌芽──賴和留給我們的精神遺產 (廖振富)。陳虛谷家族的「默園」;那個時代:陳逸雄(1929-1997)及林莊生(1930-2015)與其父執輩

從「2017賴和音樂節」的照片和YouTube片子,可見 陳虛谷家族的「默園」開始有ˋ生命力 29:59 NOW PLAYING WATCH LATER ADD TO QUEUE 254 那個時代:陳逸雄(1929-1...

The trade war has not hampered the "Made in China 2025" industrial modernization initiative, an Omron executive observes.

'Made in China 2025' is very much alive, Omron exec says
Japanese robot maker expects automation demand from social distan

本刊在悲欣人間(39)談過他 :臺靜農《亡明講史》。Fauci Recalls Larry Kramer (1935–2020), Friend and Nemesis. 紐約時報:Hong Kong Has Lost Autonomy, Pompeo Says, Opening Door to U.S. Action. Will President Trump Stand With Hong Kong? Time is...

We're saddened by the passing of trailblazing AIDS activist and award-winning writer Larry Kramer (1935-2020).
One of the first and most significant figures in the gay rights movement and fight against AIDS, Kramer co-founded the Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC) in 1981, a leading provider of HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and advocacy. His political activism continued with the founding of the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP) in 1987, a protest organization that worked diligently to spark more public action to fight the AIDS crisis.
Leonard Bernstein shared in Kramer's sense of advocacy and the urgent need for activism surrounding the AIDS crisis. Throughout the 1980s, the two friends worked together on several benefit initiatives for
On April 30, 1983, Bernstein participated in the first GMHC fundraiser Kramer spearheaded at
. Billed as “The Biggest Gay Event of All Time,” the occasion raised over $250,000 and helped galvanize the movement and its visibility. Bernstein conducted mezzo-soprano
and the
Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey
Circus Orchestra in the "Star-Spangled Banner."
Kramer recounts in his book “Reports from the Holocaust”: “Leonard Bernstein walking across the length of Madison Square Garden in his white dinner jacket to conduct the circus orchestra in the national anthem, while eighteen thousand gay men and their friends and families cheered, was one of the most moving moments I have ever experienced.”
Our deepest condolences to Larry's husband David Webster, and to all inspired by him.

