
2020年4月17日 星期五

爭論:Mike Pompeo seeks access to virology lab in Wuhan. the new coronavirus is the result of a lab accident (Professor Luc Montagnier)

the new coronavirus is the result of a lab accident (Professor Luc Montagnier)---此指控,或牽涉到法國協助中國建P4級實驗室和各國求償問題。


“Allow experts to get into that virology lab so that we can determine precisely where this virus began.”

Coronavirus: Mike Pompeo seeks access to virology lab in Wuhan


French prof sparks furor with lab leak claim

Professor Luc Montagnier, co-discoverer of the AIDS virus, says the new coronavirus is the result of a lab accident
APRIL 18, 2020
A theory put forward by French professor Luc Montagnier — award-winning co-discoverer of the AIDS virus but also mocked by some colleagues for some outrageous theories — has sparked a scientific firestorm.
According to the Nobel Prize winner in Medicine, a man used to controversy, the SARS-CoV-2 virus is the result of an attempt to manufacture a vaccine against the AIDS virus, Agence France Presse reported.
Montagnier says the presence of elements of HIV in the genome of the new virus and even elements of the “germ of malaria” are highly suspect, the report said. Interviewed on the French CNews channel, he said the characteristics of the new coronavirus could not have arisen naturally.

The “industrial” accident was said to have taken place in the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory, he added.
In fact, researchers around the world have since been able to isolate and analyze them — including samples taken from patients in their own country, the report said.
Professor Montagnier, a former member of the Institut Pasteur, was awarded the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine for the identification of the virus responsible for AIDS, with his colleague at the time, professor Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, the report said.
In addition to his theories on the electromagnetic waves emitted by DNA and on the benefits of papaya, which attracted mockery, he appeared in 2017 alongside professor Henri Joyeux, figurehead of anti-vaccines.
Montagnier helped to denounce the dangerousness of vaccines and compulsory vaccination, believing that there was a risk “with good will at the start, of poisoning the entire population little by little.”

According to Nature.com, the Wuhan lab was designed and constructed with French assistance as part of a 2004 cooperative agreement on the prevention and control of emerging infectious diseases.
But the complexity of the project, China’s lack of experience, difficulty in maintaining funding and long government approval procedures meant that construction wasn’t finished until the end of 2014.
In fact, researchers around the world have since been able to isolate and analyze them — including samples taken from patients in their own country, the report said.
Professor Montagnier, a former member of the Institut Pasteur, was awarded the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine for the identification of the virus responsible for AIDS, with his colleague at the time, professor Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, the report said.
In addition to his theories on the electromagnetic waves emitted by DNA and on the benefits of papaya, which attracted mockery, he appeared in 2017 alongside professor Henri Joyeux, figurehead of anti-vaccines.
Montagnier helped to denounce the dangerousness of vaccines and compulsory vaccination, believing that there was a risk “with good will at the start, of poisoning the entire population little by little.”

According to Nature.com, the Wuhan lab was designed and constructed with French assistance as part of a 2004 cooperative agreement on the prevention and control of emerging infectious diseases.
But the complexity of the project, China’s lack of experience, difficulty in maintaining funding and long government approval procedures meant that construction wasn’t finished until the end of 2014.

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曾獲諾貝爾生醫獎的法國著名病毒學專家蒙坦耶(Luc Montagnier)16日表示,新型冠狀病毒來自武漢的實驗室,是人造病毒。他說,研究結論顯示,有人在取自蝙蝠的病毒中,加入愛滋病毒的基因序列,這項工作是由分子生物學家負責。他也形容精細程度好像鐘錶匠一樣。蒙坦耶因研究愛滋病毒而在2008年獲得諾貝爾生醫獎。
蒙坦耶周四在接受法國醫學專業媒體《PourquoiDocteur》採訪時表示,武漢實驗室研究冠狀病毒已經多年,是這方面的專家。這促使他和同事:數學家佩雷茲(Jean Claude Perrez)對這個病毒的基因序列進行了更加深入的研究。最後,得出了結論是,這個病毒被人操縱了,來自蝙蝠的病毒中,被加入了幾小段愛滋病毒基因序列。這不是自然病毒,而是專業工作的結果,是分子生物學家做出來的,是一個特別精細的工作,可以說,像鐘錶匠一樣精細。
https://tw.appledaily.com/new/realtime/20200418/1733013/ 【權威研究】法諾貝爾生醫獎得主:新冠病毒來自武漢實驗室 是人造病毒


NEW: U.S. scientists are hardening their belief that the novel coronavirus emerged naturally, citing expanded research.
"There's no reason to believe this was made in a lab."

新冠病毒来源问题继续引发争议,法国著名病毒学专家因发现艾滋病毒而获得2008年诺贝尔医学奖的. 吕克·蒙塔尼耶(Luc Montagnier) 教授周四在接受法国的一个医学专业媒体采访时表示,他们用数学模式对病毒基因研究得出的结果,确认了之前印度学者提出的新冠病毒带有艾滋病基因是人造病毒 的发现。不过,吕克·蒙塔尼耶的上述说法受到他的同行的驳斥,巴黎巴士德学院的Simon Wain Hobson 教授就此接受了法广的专访,Hobson 教授当初与吕克·蒙塔尼耶教授一同参与了艾滋病毒的基因的编译工作。他认为蒙塔尼耶教授的说法毫无根据。他在访谈中对武汉P4实验室石正丽团队进行的一些有关基因增加功能性(GOF)的研究提出了批评。

