
2020年4月26日 星期日

武漢,人間煉獄 XLVII (47th、四十七):No coronavirus cases in Wuhan hospitals, China says. 轉文:沈政男、Owen Hsieh

No coronavirus cases in Wuhan hospitals, China says

Wuhan, the Chinese city where the pandemic began, had no coronavirus patients in its hospitals as of Sunday, a government official said.
The city of 11 million was the first to go into lockdown, at the end of January. It has been showing signs of recovery since restrictions were relaxed on April 7. On Saturday, the city still had 12 known coronavirus cases, but no new infections.
The official death toll from the outbreak in Wuhan stands at 3,869, though critics say the actual figures are higher.
The global death toll stands at nearly 200,000, according to a database maintained by The Times. The United States accounts for a quarter of that grim number.

4. 武漢封城已滿三個月,今天武漢已清空了所有住院病例,也就是已經沒有新冠的住院病人,這是難以想像的醫療成就。雖然中國大陸一開始輕忽防疫,但後來靠著鐵腕手段,很快就把病毒壓制,避免造成更大傷亡。現在他們還是戒慎恐懼,擔心病毒捲土重來,但鍾南山與張文宏今天說,中國大陸已不可能再有大感染,因為R值已被壓到0.2到0.4。那些不相信中國大陸防疫數據的人,現在應該構思另一個陰謀論了。今天有台灣媒體引述法國媒體說,法國死亡率是中國九十倍,因此中國數據可能造假!拜託,法國死亡率是台灣的一千倍,那麼台灣豈不造假得更厲害!

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