
2020年4月30日 星期四

."PPE從缺" 令法國、英國的"中央"政府威信盡失;Makers across America are helping to alleviate the PPE shortage. Baltimore local hand sanitizer supply

 疫情動搖法國民眾對政府信心:法國已有2.3萬餘人死於新冠病毒,在世界範圍內僅次於美國、意大利和西班牙。政府的誤判以及口罩和檢測工具的短缺導致病毒在該國迅速蔓延, 民眾對強大的中央政府表示出越來越多的質疑 。

3D printers can't compete on cost and efficiency with huge assembly lines, but they give American manufacturing a nimble, local backstop

Makers across America are helping to alleviate the PPE shortage
A valiant attempt to compensate for the federal government’s failure

Local small-batch distillery Baltimore Spirits Company is producing hand sanitizer for the Baltimore community. They're focused on helping small, frontline businesses and health care workers, as well as institutions like Hopkins, maintain their supplies of PPE.

Pandemic Shakes France’s Faith in a Cornerstone: Strong Central Government

Local governments are challenging the primacy of the centralized state after it allowed supplies of virus-fighting masks and test kits to be depleted.

武漢肺炎疫情全球肆虐,德國確診人數已突破 15 萬,不少前線醫護人員受到感染,防護裝備短缺。近日,一群德國醫生就發起抗議行動「Blanke Bedenken」(赤裸的不安),上傳自己的裸照到網站,希望引起大眾對醫護防護裝備短缺問題的關注。有參與行動的醫護表示,「裸露是象徵我們在缺乏保護的情況下,是多麼脆弱」...


抗議防護裝備不足 德國醫護集體拍裸照促正視:缺乏保護的我們,是如此脆弱 | 立場報道 | 立場新聞

