
2020年4月13日 星期一

美國總統的危機期間領導學:Trump claims 'total' authority to lift lockdown ...Trump Was Warned Early and Often: Examining His Halting Response; 美國海軍代理部長莫德利辭職:Dismissed U.S. carrier captain gets hero's ovation from crew



1 時間前 - But when journalists queried whether he had the authority to over-ride stay-at-home orders imposed on a state-by-state basis, Mr Trump said: "When somebody is the president of the United States, the authority is total.

冠狀病毒大流行已經給美國社會和經濟造成了沉痛打擊,而這是否原本可以避免?時報最新調查顯示,整個1月份,特朗普政府內部的一系列人物——包括白宮高級顧問、內閣資深專家和情報機構——都發現了威脅,敲響了警鐘,明確表示需要對冠狀病毒採取積極行動。但總統本人卻一再淡化病毒的嚴重性,關注其他問題。記者通過數十次採訪、檢閱電子郵件和其他記錄,發現了許多此前未被報導的細節,揭示了特朗普總統對該病毒反應遲鈍的程度和根源。歡迎閱讀調查報導全文五大關鍵要點 。

Trump Was Warned Early and Often: Examining His Halting Response
President Trump was slow to absorb the scale of the virus’s risk and to act accordingly, focusing instead on controlling the message and protecting gains in the economy.
Dozens of interviews and a review of records revealed a fuller picture of the extent of Mr. Trump’s halting response.

4h ago
2. 陳時中接掌指揮中心那一天,我就開始寫防疫文章了,當時我並不看好他,沒想到後來成了防疫英雄。那時我也開始看歐盟網站,他們評估歐盟的傳染風險為何?極低!那時世衛已說會人傳人,而且第二天武漢就封城了。但那時美國有沒有任何警覺心與防疫準備?零。川普一直到二月底還在說,病毒會像奇蹟一樣消失。
3. 現在英美一直在說,如果中國大陸當時早點防疫,就可減少英美多少多少損傷,但台灣不是照樣防得幾乎滴水不漏嗎?川普為了推卸防疫責任,一直拉台灣一起來譴責中國大陸,殊不知台灣的防疫成果,正是打臉美國防疫不力藉口的最好對照。
4. 川普說他即將做出最艱難的決定,也就是到底要不要重啟經濟,而這就是美國防疫成果平平的根本原因。短期內重啟經濟,只會造成人員更大傷亡,美國醫界與媒體都紛紛呼籲,但未必能拉得住川普,因為他在意的是連任選票。
5. 美國人在問,「何時可以回到新冠前的生活?」佛奇說,「永遠回不去了!」但張文宏今天就說,「如果美國可以像中國大陸一樣防疫,當然可以過正常生活,因為上海就是如此。」沈政男


“羅斯福號”航母事件發酵,美國海軍代理部長莫德利辭職:托馬斯·莫德利此前曾批評“羅斯福號”艦長“ 太天真或太愚蠢 ”,並將其解職 。他的做法引發了廣泛批評。特朗普週二表示,自己與莫德利辭職一事無關,但他對莫德利辭職的決定感到失望。

How a Ship’s Coronavirus Outbreak Became a Moral Crisis for the Military


In a profanity-laced reprimand, the acting Navy secretary criticized sailors aboard the Theodore Roosevelt for cheering their fired captain, who had requested more assistance to fight the infection.

"The sudden firing of Capt. Brett Crozier, the commanding officer of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, has created another unsettling moment for a country traumatized by the worsening pandemic," writes David Ignatius in Opinions.


Opinion | Inside the ouster of Capt. Brett Crozier

"Undue command influence” amid a coronavirus outbreak on an aircra

The captain of a U.S. aircraft carrier relieved of his command after seeking stronger measures in response to a coronavirus outbreak aboard his ship was given a hero's ovation by his crew when he left the vessel, video posted on Twitter showed.

Dismissed U.S. carrier captain gets hero's ovation from crew

Trump 老總統三年半來把美國和世界玩得團團轉.......
Great Leadership in a Time of Crisis

Books from the past show us how John Kennedy, Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill confronted the crises they faced.

Coronavirus Live Updates: As Fleeing New Yorkers Are Told to Quarantine, Trump Says U.S. Should Reopen ‘by Easter’

Stocks surged on the promise of a bailout as companies and workers tried to navigate the crisis.

Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas continued to resist calls for a statewide order to keep millions of residents in their homes.


Here’s what you need to know:
White House: Anyone who has left New York should self-quarantine.
Trump expressed outrage at having to ‘close the country’ to curb the spread of the virus.
New York’s case count is doubling every three days, says the governor, who is emerging as a national leader.
The country’s second-biggest state is not on lockdown.
Stocks surge on promise of a bailout as companies and workers navigate the crisis.
Slow U.S. response to the virus created missed opportunities to make ventilators.
A teenager died in Southern California, one of the youngest victims in the United States.

