
2020年8月3日 星期一

TikTok進軍美國的全球化之路是如何失敗的 ?中國必須面對的地緣政治上的現實:科技大公司難以稱霸世界




TikTok gets a dose of geopolitical reality

President Trump gave the go-ahead on Monday for Microsoft to hold negotiations on a potential blockbuster deal to purchase the Chinese-owned video app’s operations in the U.S.
Mr. Trump had threatened to ban TikTok in the U.S. because of the app’s Chinese ownership, which he has called a possible threat to national security.
Tech on notice: ByteDance, the Chinese social media giant behind TikTok, took ample precautions in its drive to become a global company. TikTok was made unavailable in China so that the app’s users wouldn’t be subject to the Communist Party’s censorship requirements. User data was stored in Virginia and Singapore.
But suspicion never dissipated that TikTok might be unable to withstand pressure from Beijing. Similar doubts hang over many other Chinese tech companies. TikTok’s sudden change of fortunes could force them to re-evaluate their own international ambitions.
Related: A tide of Chinese scholars have turned against Western-inspired ideas that once flowed in China’s universities, instead promoting the proudly authoritarian worldview ascendant under Xi Jinping, the Communist Party leader.
How TikTok’s Owner Tried, and Failed, to Cross the U.S.-China Divide

How TikTok’s Owner Tried, and Failed, to Cross the U.S.-China Divide

By Raymond Zhong
The founder of ByteDance, Zhang Yiming, dreamed of building a global tech company based in China. Then the geopolitical reality set in.
With TikTok, ‘Uncool’ Microsoft Aims for the Love of Tweens

With TikTok, ‘Uncool’ Microsoft Aims for the Love of Tweens

By Karen Weise
Buying one of the largest and most influential social networks in the country could change the perception of the tech giant.

"將軟體/公司賣給美國! "這是美國的慣朝。
注意,facebook 迎戰, microsoft用買得比較快!google 步入中年無感......

• 特朗普對微軟收購TikTok開綠燈 特朗普週一在白宮表示,除非微軟或其他公司收購TikTok,否則該應用將於9月15日被封禁。他還表示,在本週末的電話中,他建議微軟首席執行官“繼續”推進收購。這是特朗普在威脅封禁TikTok後首次對其公開發表評論。
• TikTok進軍美國的全球化之路是如何失敗的 面對中國與世界之間那條危險的數字鴻溝,字節跳動創始人張一鳴採取了充分的預防措施。他讓TikTok在中國無法使用,將用戶數據存放在其他國家,聘請美國人來管理公司,並僱傭遊說者在華盛頓爭取支持。但這些努力最後都沒起太大作用,地緣政治的殘酷現實給他上了一課。





