Enactus, known before October 2012 as Students In Free Enterprise (SIFE), is an international non-profit organization that works with leaders in business and higher education to mobilize university students to make a difference in their communities while developing the skills to become socially responsible business leaders. Participating students form teams on their university campuses and apply business concepts to develop outreach projects that improve the quality of life and standard of living for people in need. An annual series of regional and national competitions provides a forum for teams to present the results of their projects, and to be evaluated by business leaders serving as judges. National champion teams advance to the Enactus World Cup. In addition to the community aspect of the program, Enactus leadership and career initiatives create opportunities for learning and exchange among the participants as well as the placement of students and alumni with companies in search of emerging talent.
Enactus (SIFE) also serves as a "low-cost" source of entry-level managerial talent, especially for sponsoring retail companies like Walmart who subscribe to the management philosophy of "servant leadership." Bethany Moreton’s book in 2009, "To Serve God and Walmart: The Making of Christian Free Enterprise,"[1] provided a fascinating account of Walmart’s history and its relationship to SIFE. Especially noteworthy was SIFE's role in Walmart's “complex network that united Sun Belt entrepreneurs, evangelical employees, Christian business students, overseas missionaries, and free-market activists.”
Originally SIFE, Enactus was founded in 1975 to use the entrepreneurial spirit to change people's lives. Since its founding, it has become an international organization with 36 different country operations.[2] In 2012, the name was changed to Enactus to convey the organization's unique nature. There is really no other program like Enactus, so the name change reflected that.[3] The new name is a combination of three words. "En" comes from the word entrepreneurial, representing that Enactus members see opportunity in everyday surroundings. "Act" comes from action, because members show willingness and commitment to see things through. "Us" represents that Enactus is a group of people, connected as a part of a greater whole. Together Enactus is "A community of student, academic and business leaders committed to using power of entrepreneurial action to transform lives and shape a better more sustainable world."[4]
國際大學生企業家聯盟 Students In Free Enterprise | |
公司類型 | 非營利 |
成立 | 1975年 |
代表人物 | Alvin Rohrs, 董事長兼執行長 |
總部地點 | ![]() |
標語口號 | 改變世界 Changing The World |
產業 | 教育計畫(Educational Programs) |
營業額 | 1258.3萬美金 [1] |
賽扶,全名國際大學生企業家聯盟(Students In Free Enterprises,簡稱SIFE),是一個國際性的非營利組織,總部位於美國密蘇里州斯普林菲爾德。其前身為「美國領導力研究協會」。主要是通過課外實踐,建立學生、學術界與商業界領袖的國際教育學習網絡。
Congratulations to our Enactus Essex students who came away from the National Enactus competition with four awards.