未能憑借搭載谷歌(Google Inc.)安卓(Android)操作系統的平板電腦獲得大量市場份額﹐三星電子(Samsung
Electronics Co.)如今把賭注押到搭載微軟(Microsoft Corp.)
Windows操作系統的新設備上。目前﹐三星在繼續與蘋果公司(Apple Inc.)爭奪移動設備市場的主導地位。三星電子本週四在德國柏林的一個展會上展示了今年下半年將推出的一系列新產品。此前﹐上週三星電子在美國遭遇了滑鐵盧﹐陪審團認定三星侵犯了蘋果公司的設計和軟件專利﹐要求三星向蘋果支付逾10億美元的賠償金。

三星ATIV智能手機屏幕尺寸4.8英寸﹐搭載Windows Phone 8操作系統。
三星在一份聲明中說﹐該公司致力於向消費者提供基於Windows 8平台的更多選擇。
韓 國券商NH Investment & Securities的分析師Lee Sun-tae說﹐三星很有可能會爭取降低對谷歌的依賴﹐同時繼續擴大基於Windows系統的產品陣容。他說﹐推出Windows設備表明三星正在加快 其從安卓向微軟操作系統的轉變過程。
儘管如此﹐分析師對三星能否憑借微軟操作系統獲得更多市場份額持懷疑態度。Windows手機的銷售 情況已經令諾基亞公司(Nokia Corp.)倍感失望。諾基亞會定期從微軟收到用於研發Windows手機的資金。由於來自蘋果的競爭令諾基亞舉步維艱﹐其Lumia系列智能手機賣得並 不好。
韓國券商Korea Investment & Securities的分析師Seo Won-seok說﹐在三星發佈上述設備之後﹐預計三星與微軟的合作將會加強。但他也說這些新產品在短期內對提振三星業績沒有多大幫助﹐原因在於消費者需 求疲軟導致Windows手機銷量並沒有大幅增長。
安卓系統已經給三星智能手機業務打了一針強心劑。按發貨量計算﹐今年早些時候三星一舉 超越蘋果和諾基亞成為全球最大的智能手機製造商。市場研究機構國際數據公司(IDC)的數據表明﹐今年二季度三星在全球智能手機市場的份額達到 32.6%﹐領先於蘋果的16.9%和諾基亞的6.6%。但在平板電腦市場﹐三星就顯示出明顯的落後。蘋果iPad以68.2%的市場份額在這一領域遙遙 領先。IDC的數據表明﹐三星在平板電腦市場的份額僅有9.6%。
週四三星還展出了新一代Galaxy Note跨界產品。該產品搭載的是安卓系統﹐融合了智能手機和平板電腦的各種功能。
三 星試圖創建這一名為“平板手機”(phablet)的新產品類別。去年11月﹐就在三星和蘋果的專利戰在全球範圍內不斷升級之際﹐三星推出了第一代 Galaxy Note。去年4月﹐蘋果首先對三星提起訴訟﹐稱三星“完全”抄襲了蘋果iPad和iPhone的設計和外觀。三星隨後提出反訴﹐稱蘋果侵犯了其與電信技 術相關的多項專利。
Galaxy Note已經成為三星移動設備業務最大的利潤來源之一﹐作為三星旗艦產品的Galaxy智能手機也是主要利潤來源。今年二季度﹐在三星近60億美元的營業利潤總額中﹐超過60%來自移動設備的銷售。
Galaxy Note II屏幕尺寸更大﹐為5.5英寸﹐用戶可以使用一種特製的筆在屏幕上進行書寫並瀏覽互聯網。自第一代Galaxy Note上市以來﹐三星說其銷量已經超過1,000萬部。
三星表示﹐Galaxy Note的設計和iPhone不同﹐前者屏幕更大﹐邊角更圓潤。在美國進行庭審的整個過程中﹐蘋果始終認為三星智能手機的長方形造型看上去和iPhone過於相似。
三星希望﹐一旦其智能手機今年晚些時候在美國遭遇銷售禁令﹐新一代Galaxy Note II能夠幫助其緩解由此帶來的沖擊。
A Japanese Court Sides With Samsung Against Apple
Voice of America
... has won the latest round in its continuing battle with the American owned computer company Apple over property rights. A court in Japan ruled in favor of the South Korean company last week in a case involving its Galaxy series of smartphones and ...
See all stories on this topic »
In Japan, Apple suffers patent setback
TOKYO — A Japanese court has rejected patent claims made by Apple
against Samsung, a victory for the Korean company after its crushing
defeat in the United States and a reminder of the global scope of the
patent war.
With a judge in South Korea having handed down a split decision in a patent case earlier, Apple and Samsung remain neck-and-neck in legal disputes spanning almost a dozen countries.
For both companies, Japan makes up a far smaller proportion of sales than the all-important U.S. market. But the Tokyo ruling suggests that despite Apple’s victory in the United States — which included a $1 billion judgment against Samsung — jostling between the two companies for the upper hand in the fast-growing smartphone and tablet segments is just beginning.
The Tokyo District Court ruled that Samsung’s Galaxy smartphones and tablets did not violate an Apple patent on technology that synchronizes music and videos between gadgets and servers.
With a judge in South Korea having handed down a split decision in a patent case earlier, Apple and Samsung remain neck-and-neck in legal disputes spanning almost a dozen countries.
For both companies, Japan makes up a far smaller proportion of sales than the all-important U.S. market. But the Tokyo ruling suggests that despite Apple’s victory in the United States — which included a $1 billion judgment against Samsung — jostling between the two companies for the upper hand in the fast-growing smartphone and tablet segments is just beginning.
The Tokyo District Court ruled that Samsung’s Galaxy smartphones and tablets did not violate an Apple patent on technology that synchronizes music and videos between gadgets and servers.


專欄:三星敗訴 蘋果成移動市場霸主
Samsung Widens Handset Lead
Electronics widened its market share lead over rivals Nokia and Apple
in the second quarter, selling 90.43 million handsets, research showed.
今(13)日下午2時許,摩托羅拉行動(Motorola Mobility)通過其官方微博宣佈,全球將裁減約4,000個工作崗位,並且計劃關閉或合併90家運營機構的三分之一,以幫助行動終端業務重新盈利。
摩托羅拉官方聲明顯示,全球將裁減約4,000個工作崗位,即裁員20%,其中美國之外的地區占總裁減人數的三分之二。除此之外,摩托羅拉計劃關閉或合併 90家運營機構的三分之一,同時還將精簡產品線,將業務重心從功能手機逐步轉向更具創新性和盈利性的終端產品。摩托羅拉期待通過此項決策創造新機遇,幫助 其行動終端業務重新實現盈利。
三星運用「錢海戰術」,換取高速成長,但效益卻遠遠落後其他科技公司:每一美元的資產,只創造1.4美元的營收;相較之下,蘋果每一 美元的資產可創造4美元的營收。再比較另一個數字,2011年三星的營業利潤將近10%,雖然高於索尼和鴻海,但反觀蘋果與英特爾,均超出於30%以上。
新加坡國立大學教授張錫金接受英國《衛報》採訪時表示,「三星最大的優勢就在於速度。」再加上高度的危機意識和軍隊般嚴明的紀律,造就了三星的霸業。最令人 印象深刻的,是1987年李健熙接任董事長時,公開對著員工說,三星是一家二流企業,從今而後每位員工必須「徹底改頭換面,除了太太和小孩之外,所有的一 切都必須改變。」直到兩年前,李健熙仍不忘在推特上寫道:「如今我們面臨的是真實存在的危機。如今三星絕大多數的旗艦業務和產品未來10年內都將消失。因 此我們必須從現在開始就要改變。」三星的成功,自有其道理。
The Guardian - Samsung: Olympic smartphone firm aims for big global wins
Financial Times - Lex in depth: Samsung
Apple-Samsung Case Is a Proxy for Google
trial pitting Apple against Samsung that kicks off Monday in federal
court in California could help bolster or refute Apple's contention that
Google's operating system illegally copies software features of its own
根據IDC先前報告,三星在2012年第2季出貨5,020萬之手機,年增1,840萬支;蘋果出貨由1年前的2,040萬支增加到2,600萬 支;諾基亞(Nokia)則從1,670萬支下滑至1,020萬支。三星跨越5,000萬支門檻,是重要里程碑,今年下半與iPhone的競爭亦持續受到 關注。----
サムスン営業利益、史上最高に スマホ売り上げ75%増
![]() |

不過﹐蘋果的代理律師本週將在加州聖何塞(San Jose)的聯邦法庭上給出一種不同的解釋。蘋果的律師在上週提交給法院的文件中聲稱﹐三星通過侵犯蘋果的知識產權獲得了數十億美元的利潤﹐給蘋果造成了數億美元的損失。
除非能在最後一刻達成和解﹐否則蘋果與三星將對簿公堂。去年4月﹐蘋果就是在這家法院提起了對三星的第一樁訴訟﹐指控其非法抄襲iPhone的技術功能和設計﹐用於自己的旗艦智能手機產品Galaxy S。

三 星從去年年初開始停止公佈其手機發貨量的數據。但在三星上週五發佈季度業績後﹐市場分析人士估計﹐三星第二季度的智能手機發貨量在5,000萬部以上﹐幾 乎得到蘋果在本季度公佈的iPhone發貨量2,600萬部的兩倍。分析人士還估計﹐三星智能手機的發貨量超過了其第二季度全部手機發貨量9,500萬部 的一半。
在 週五舉行的三星管理人員與投資分析師的電話會議上﹐三星沒有對蘋果的訴訟做進一步評論﹐投資分析師也沒有提起此事。相反﹐他們關注的是三星電信部門運營利 潤率的小幅下降──從第一季度的18.4%下降到17.4%。面對外界的疑問﹐三星的高管們說﹐運營利潤下降是三星向網絡運營商出售電信設備的這一規模相 對較小的業務所致﹐他們還表示﹐智能手機的利潤率出現了增長。
根據湯森路透(Thomson Reuters)的StreetEvents對此次電話會議的記錄﹐在被要求估計該部門現階段的運營利潤時﹐電信部門的高管金漢中(Kim Han-joong)說﹐他預計本季度的運營利潤率將與第二季度持平。
券商Hanmag Securities的分析師Y.B. Oh說﹐據他預計﹐由於三星旗艦智能手機Galaxy S III從5月發佈之後銷售量增長一直在加速﹐電信部門當前季度的運營利潤將達到4.8萬億韓圓﹐高於剛剛結束的這個季度的4.2萬億韓圓。
目前依然是三星電子(Samsung Electronics Co.)和蘋果公司(Apple
益究竟會有多大的影響。
Associated Press
不過﹐蘋果的代理律師本週將在加州聖何塞(San Jose)的聯邦法庭上給出一種不同的解釋。蘋果的律師在上週提交給法院的文件中聲稱﹐三星通過侵犯蘋果的知識產權獲得了數十億美元的利潤﹐給蘋果造成了數億美元的損失。
除非能在最後一刻達成和解﹐否則蘋果與三星將對簿公堂。去年4月﹐蘋果就是在這家法院提起了對三星的第一樁訴訟﹐指控其非法抄襲iPhone的技術功能和設計﹐用於自己的旗艦智能手機產品Galaxy S。

Bloomberg News
三星和蘋果本週將因產品抄襲指控在美國對簿公堂。圖為三星旗艦智能手機Galaxy S III。
三 星從去年年初開始停止公佈其手機發貨量的數據。但在三星上週五發佈季度業績後﹐市場分析人士估計﹐三星第二季度的智能手機發貨量在5,000萬部以上﹐幾 乎得到蘋果在本季度公佈的iPhone發貨量2,600萬部的兩倍。分析人士還估計﹐三星智能手機的發貨量超過了其第二季度全部手機發貨量9,500萬部 的一半。
在 週五舉行的三星管理人員與投資分析師的電話會議上﹐三星沒有對蘋果的訴訟做進一步評論﹐投資分析師也沒有提起此事。相反﹐他們關注的是三星電信部門運營利 潤率的小幅下降──從第一季度的18.4%下降到17.4%。面對外界的疑問﹐三星的高管們說﹐運營利潤下降是三星向網絡運營商出售電信設備的這一規模相 對較小的業務所致﹐他們還表示﹐智能手機的利潤率出現了增長。
根據湯森路透(Thomson Reuters)的StreetEvents對此次電話會議的記錄﹐在被要求估計該部門現階段的運營利潤時﹐電信部門的高管金漢中(Kim Han-joong)說﹐他預計本季度的運營利潤率將與第二季度持平。
券商Hanmag Securities的分析師Y.B. Oh說﹐據他預計﹐由於三星旗艦智能手機Galaxy S III從5月發佈之後銷售量增長一直在加速﹐電信部門當前季度的運營利潤將達到4.8萬億韓圓﹐高於剛剛結束的這個季度的4.2萬億韓圓。
Samsung Gets Boost From Smartphones
sales of high-end smartphones likely helped Samsung Electronics post a
fresh record quarterly operating profit in the second quarter.
HTC's Profit Falls 58%
HTC's Profit Falls 58%
handset maker HTC said its unaudited second-quarter net profit fell 58%
to $247 million due to intense competition and a slowing global
Apple Gets Sales of Samsung Tablet Blocked in U.S.
Money Box: The ruling is "good news for people who hate competitive markets."
New Samsung CEO to Have Less Clout
Electronics named Kwon Oh-hyun as its new CEO and redefined the
position to create more separation between consumer and component
Samsung 考驗TSMC
Chip shaker: TSMC, Samsung to flex foundry muscle
TAIPEI, June 4 |
(Reuters) - Morris Chang, the father of
Taiwan's chip sector, once shrugged off Samsung Electronics'
entry into the foundry business - making private-label
semiconductors under contract for others. Now, he calls the
South Korean group the industry's "700-pound gorilla" with
formidable financial firepower.Samsung's rise highlights the rapid changes in one of Asia's top industries - where speed, creativity and deep pockets count in a race to make chips smaller, but smarter, to keep up with a consumer shift from computers to mobile gadgets such as Apple Inc's iPhone and iPad.
While U.S. firm Intel remains the dominant player, with as much as a two-year lead in process technology, the chip industry is going through its biggest shakeout in a decade, and the less well-known contract makers, or foundries, are set to emerge strongest.
Once-dominant Japanese firms have been battered by rising costs and the investment clout of Samsung and Chang's Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC) .
The Japanese have the technology, but the likes of Elpida Memory, a maker of DRAM memory chips for computers, and Renesas Electronics Corp, the world's leading maker of microcontroller chips for automobiles, just don't have the money to plough into the constant plant and technology upgrades.
"As technology moves forward, companies simply can't afford to individually build advanced fabs. The foundry model of aggregation is very good for addressing the cost issue," said Len Jelinek, director and chief analyst of semiconductor manufacturing at research company IHS iSuppli.
While the word conjures up images of red-hot steel and pounding metal, a chip industry "foundry" is a company that makes chips for others in large, modern and ultra-clean plants, or fabs, that cost billions of dollars to build.
IHS predicts revenue from the foundry business will jump to $42 billion by 2015 from around $30 billion this year, pushing up its share of the total chip industry to 10.8 percent from 9.1 percent. Foundries will account for almost a quarter of total chip capacity by 2015, up from a fifth currently.
The world's top foundries are Taiwanese: TSMC and United Microelectronics (UMC) .
TSMC, founded by Chang in 1987, had revenue last year of $14.5 billion and a 49 percent market share, about four times the size of UMC, according to industry researcher Gartner. Then come GlobalFoundries, the former manufacturing arm of Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), which is backed by the Abu Dhabi sovereign fund and had revenue last year of $3.58 billion, China's SMIC and Israel's Towerjazz.
The foundries' workload is dictated by rapid technological change as consumer hunger for mobile devices means chips must be smaller and lighter yet do more and use less power. This means a bigger focus on logic or system chips, which make such devices work.
"For the first time in semiconductor history, the most leading-edge technology is not being driven by computers, but now mobile processors need it, too," said Samuel Tuan Wang, chief analyst for semiconductor manufacturing at Gartner.
The key for foundries is to perfect that technology, and shrink the space between the transistors on a chip that make it work, so more of them can be fitted on. Currently, the thinnest TSMC and other top makers are able to produce at is the 28 nanometre (nm) level - meaning the gap between the transistors is several thousand times thinner than a human hair, and tens of millions of transistors can fit on the head of a pin.
Intel's latest Ivy Bridge chips are produced at the 22nm level. Both TSMC and Samsung are working on 20nm technology, but this has so far proved unstable. A 28nm fab costs around $5 billion.
Samsung, which has a near-50 percent share of the memory chip market, is converting lines to non-memory chips to boost production of mobile processors used in Apple products and its own mobile devices such as the Galaxy smartphone and Note tablet-phone. In non-memory, it competes with Intel, Qualcomm , Broadcomm and specialist chip designers such as ARM.
Samsung's foundry business, ranked 9th globally with a 1.6 percent market share, is set to grow as it pushes into these logic chips. The firm is one of very few with the money and capacity to seriously challenge TSMC in advanced technologies. It already has foundry clients such as Qualcomm, and increased capacity could see it win more clients such as Texas Instruments and Nvidia away from TSMC - which is itself struggling to keep up with demand for chips in 28nm.
In January-March, non-memory chips accounted for nearly 40 percent of Samsung's total semiconductor revenue, and the group's investment in non-memory chips is expected to overtake memory chips for the first time this year.
"In future, Samsung will take a bite out of the orders that foundries get," said Clark Tseng, senior manager of market analysis at chip industry association SEMI, who sees TSMC and Samsung dominating the top-tier foundry business, with UMC and GlobalFoundries forming a second-tier and the rest trailing.
But Samsung does have an Achilles heel: it competes in some product areas such as mobile phones with potential foundry clients, raising the question of whether firms would feel comfortable handing over their technology to a rival.
Its recent dispute with Apple over mobile patents while at the same time being a supplier of chips to Apple shows the sensitivity and complexity of such arrangements.
And the smaller foundries aren't giving up just yet.
UMC has broken ground on an $8 billion expansion of a plant in Taiwan, and U.S.-based GlobalFoundries, with its Middle East backing, has been linked with a bid for Elpida. SMIC, too, has big backers - the Chinese government - keen to develop high-value-added industries in a country better known for low-margin assembly work.
Now in his 80s and showing no signs of stepping down from an industry he created, TSMC's Chang is up for the challenge.
"I'm not afraid," he told a recent youth gathering in Taipei. "If I were, I wouldn't be doing this."
Samsung Seeks Outside Talent
has long shunned outside help in favor of developing devices on its
own. But the smartphone industry's shift in emphasis from hardware to
software is forcing the Korean manufacturer to look for acquisitions and
foreign engineers.
Samsung Unveils Challenger to iPhone
introduced a faster, larger version of its flagship smartphone, aimed
at sustaining its growth in advanced cellphones and challenge Apple's
iPhone dominance.
現在最後就為大家送上自己對於此機的一些感受吧。 說實在,今次Samsung 推出 ...
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南韓「三星電子」,在英國倫敦推出新一代智慧手機「Galaxy S III」,月底首先在歐洲上市,隨後在其他國家發售。 據南韓媒體今天報導,三星電子在倫敦厄爾斯考特展覽中心,
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三星Galaxy SIII 今晨倫敦曝光旗下首部四核機
韓國三星電子(005930-KR) 於香港時間今(3) 日凌晨2 時,在倫敦公布最新旗艦Android 智能手機「Galaxy SIII」。隨著三星成為全球手機市場一哥,
有關新手機的傳言和疑似機身照片,更網上瘋傳。 香港《文匯報》綜合外電消息,雖然三星在 ...
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正當外界把目光放在四核心處理器時,三星GALAXY S III則是聚焦人性化使用介面、社群分享等應用,
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Samsung to launch next Galaxy phone at London event

will put the rumours and alleged leaks about its next flagship
smartphone to rest when it unveils the handset in London later on
More than 20 million copies of the existing Galaxy S2 have been sold since its launch in April 2011.Analysts say its success helped Samsung overtake Nokia to become the world's best-selling mobile phone maker.
Changes in screen size, form factor and a higher-resolution camera are among changes that may drive its appeal.
Battery life Samsung has been close lipped ahead of the event, refusing even to confirm the device's name - its website only states that its is "the next Galaxy".
It has, however, said the phone will not include a 3D display, but will be the first device to feature its new Exynos 4 quad-core chip.
It promised the Arm-based design would offer double the processing capability while using 20% less energy than the chip used in the S2. It can also record and playback video in 1080p high definition resolution.
But many company watchers believe the presentation will concentrate on what the device is like to use rather than raw statistics.
"To the normal consumer the chip is not important per se, but the experience it offers is," said Carolina Milanesi, research vice president at the tech analysis firm Gartner.
"So less battery use, better touch response and the ability to better handle multitasking to let more operations be carried out simultaneously will all be noted."
Smartphone shoppers can be very fickle. Blackberry-maker Research In Motion and HTC have both seen sales lag after misjudging the appeal of their high-end devices to consumers.

"There are only two big companies in the smartphone market making sizeable volumes of profit at the moment - Samsung and Apple," he said.
"Samsung is now a long way ahead of its Android-based rival HTC after the Taiwanese firm had misses with some of its launches.
"Samsung on the other hand has finally learned the lesson that software and making its devices desirable in themselves counts, rather than just having the best technology and specifications."
Special event The level of speculation surrounding the phone suggests Samsung's decision to hold a special event, rather than launch the handset at Barcelona's Mobile World Congress, is already paying off.
But that also increases the risk of a backlash if the upgrade is not seen as a major step forward.
"Events such as this are incredibly important as it gives the company a world stage to launch their product," said Stuart Miles, founder of the tech site Pocket-lint.
"I'm a great believer that trade shows are good for trade but not launches, as a company only has an hour until a rival's product comes along competing for attention.
"It's all about positioning and timing - if you don't get it right the fire isn't lit and the product won't carry forward."
Samsung will reveal details of the device at 7pm BST at London's Earls Court Exhibition Centre.
Samsung Places Bet With Logic Chips
SEOUL—Samsung Electronics Co.'s rapid ascent in smartphones got lots of attention last year. But the company is growing even faster in the market for chips inside the phones, springing into the most challenging and lucrative part of the semiconductor industry.The South Korean company long has been the world's second-largest chip company, after Intel Corp., using its manufacturing muscle to control nearly 50% of the market for memory chips that store data in devices. Samsung has been a smaller competitor in logic chips—the "brains" of computers and other digital devices.
But when Samsung releases its fourth-quarter earnings on Friday, it ...