
2022年12月29日 星期四

地球,人間煉獄:疫情、戰爭、窮困 (308期):俄烏戰爭爭持不下And What Will JDAMs Do For Ukraine?:烏克蘭文化處所、民生基礎建設大破壞。(紐約時報中文網)中國新冠危機最前線:醫療系統極限承壓,面臨「慘烈戰役」。China’s Easing of Travel Rules Met With Joy, and Some Anxiety

Dec. 23, 2022
Putin 說它們必被炸毀 

聯合直接攻擊彈藥英文Joint Direct Attack Munition,簡稱JDAM),是由波音公司美國海軍空軍聯合開發的一種空投炸彈配件,裝在由飛機施放的傳統炸彈上,將本來無控的傳統航空炸彈轉變為可控,並能在惡劣氣象條件下使用的精確制導武器。彈藥的導引功能是由炸彈尾翼控制附件以及全球定位系統慣性導航系統提供,與美軍的B-2幽靈戰略轟炸機等多種軍用飛機的火控系統相容,JDAM的單價約兩萬美元。裝配了JDAM的炸彈重量一般在500-2,000英磅(227-907公斤)之間。

China’s Easing of Travel Rules Met With Joy, and Some Anxiety

By Chang Che, Claire Fu and Amy Chang Chien

Many welcomed Beijing’s plan to loosen quarantine rules for travelers, but concerns linger about the country’s Covid wave.


A Culture in the Cross Hairs


A Culture in the Cross Hairs

By Jason Farago, Haley Willis, Sarah Kerr and Ainara Tiefenthäler

Russia’s invasion has systematically destroyed Ukrainian cultural sites. A Times investigation has identified 339 that sustained substantial damage this year.


U.S. Scrambles to Stop Iran From Providing Drones for Russia

By David E. Sanger, Julian E. Barnes and Eric Schmitt

As the war in Ukraine grinds on, some officials have become convinced that Iran and Russia are building a new alliance of convenience.

Hard-Line Positions by Russia and Ukraine Dim Hope for Peace Talks

Hard-Line Positions by Russia and Ukraine Dim Hope for Peace Talks

By Shashank Bengali

Both Moscow and Kyiv say they are ready to talk, but their terms for sitting down at a negotiating table suggest otherwise.


The Post-COVID “Immunity Gap” Continues to Pummel Pediatric Wards

While hospitals struggle to find room for young patients, parents have few options for O.T.C. medicines to soothe their sick children.

雖然醫院努力為年輕患者尋找空間,但家長們為安撫生病孩子,多只好買藥 O.T.C. (藥店供應的不用醫生處方箋之藥),選擇卻很少。

Over-the-counter drug - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Over-the...

Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs are medicines sold directly to a consumer without a requirement for a prescription from a healthcare professional, ...






“中央和地方當局,以及政府和民間部門有關感染情況的信息存在重大的不一致,”他說。 “這讓人們很難清楚地了解情況,加劇了日本的擔憂。”




