
2020年6月2日 星期二

悲欣人間 (64 ):周芬伶《雨客與花客》、許閔淳《地底下的鯨魚》; ‘When Adam delved and Eve span, who was then the gentleman?’ 亂與正義:Protests sparked by George Floyd’s death are still raging

 ‘When Adam delved and Eve span, who was then the gentleman?’
Google translate:‘當亞當鑽研而夏娃跨越時,那位先生是誰?

William Morris Gallery 01.06.2020

 Socialist banner (c.1890s)

When William Morris was 49 he crossed ‘the river of fire’ and became a revolutionary socialist. He had always felt uneasy about the disparity between his comfortable lifestyle and the conditions endured by most of the British working classes. In the 1880s he began working towards overthrowing the system that enabled the rich to profit from their labour, going on marches, writing articles and lecturing all over the country.

When Morris and his comrades attended rallies, they carried banners to identity their political allegiance. The image of Adam and Eve on this banner has been borrowed from Burne-Jones’s illustration to Morris’s socialist novel ‘A Dream of John Ball’, about a priest who was one of the leaders of the Great Revolt in 1381. Ball believed all people were created equal, asking ‘When Adam delved and Eve span, who was then the gentleman?’https://www.instagram.com/p/CA5aWEnoKe_/

America is now wracked by the most widespread, sustained unrest it has seen in more than 50 years


 周芬伶、許閔淳師生聯合新書發表會:周芬伶《雨客與花 客》許閔淳《地底下的鯨魚》。(
5月30日下午6:32 ·
悲欣人間 (56) :周芬伶、許閔淳師生聯合新書發表會。UEA Creative Writing Course 。John Fowles 的房子贈UEA大學。香港人國尋求政庇。特朗普與世衛斷交將讓全球衛生遭遇重挫?


悲欣人間 (56) :周芬伶、許閔淳師生聯合新書發表會。UEA Creative Writing Course 。John Fowles 的房子贈UEA大學。

後來我知道她們的文章被選入:《借味‧越讀─時光‧地景‧大度山》  林香伶主編:

〈有放光的種籽嗎?〉 周芬伶
〈路徑〉 許閔淳
以前讀過周芬伶寫她的故鄉-家族,《雨客與花 客》談到她家族的"亞斯 "性格,相當有力。

匆匆一覽,知道書中引了不少黃山谷-蘇東坡的鬥香詩等,這些我都外行。80年代常去日本的Kamakura,該市有專業的"香道"商店,我都沒勇氣進去那世界。然而,香是很基本的欲求,所以據說正倉院有來自中國的"香木"( 用來聞香/嗅的)。

色香原是假的, 但衣服如經過薰香,雖明知其故,而一聞妙香,必會心動。(女色,第八段,周作人譯)

書中一篇文章,有兩個典故: 1.電影Victoria 中的一口氣彈奏鋼琴曲: 夢菲斯特.....
2.直島Ando 和Jaams Turrell 的南寺:
(南寺是安藤忠雄和James Turrell合作的作品作品名「Backside of the Moon」(1999年) James Turrell的作品都跟"光"脫離不了關係當然南寺也不例外而且個人覺得南寺算是家プロジェクト中的翹楚)


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Protests sparked by George Floyd’s death are still raging
‘When Adam delved and Eve span, who was then the g...

