
2020年6月1日 星期一

悲欣人間 (63 ):劍橋 Cavendish laboratory 茶點會與諾貝爾獎;有64%的港人反對中央繞過立法會訂立港區國安法;中國製名牌巧克力會變味嗎?中共留學美國小粉紅學生參與抗議活動/戰狼外交有中國歷史特色

根據書中J. J. Thomson的兒子回憶,這種茶會/討論會,在德國很常見,但他老爸主持的這,是英國物理學界的首創 (學期內每2周一次.....):茶點之後,由"後浪"學子報告其論點/實驗......常常會後繼續續談......
The Historical Development of Quantum Theory: Part 1 The ...books.google.com.tw › books-
For instance, in 1919 J. J. Thomson supervised four students and Rutherford fourteen, in 1921 the total number of people ... Marcus Oliphant has recalled that: This tea-break was a valuable institution at which members of the Laboratory ...
Jagdish Mehra, ‎Helmut Rechenberg - 2000 - ‎Science
The Historical Development of Quantum Theory: Part 1 The ...
books.google.com.tw › books

Nobel Prize

Do you take (digital) tea breaks with your colleagues?

A Nobel Laureate who really enjoyed his afternoon tea was physicist J.J. Thomson. Thomson was awarded the 1906 Nobel Prize in Physics for his studies of cathode rays which culminated in the discovery of the electron.

When he became the leader of the research students at the Cavendish laboratory at University of Cambridge, Thomson established a daily tea time welcoming all research students for a tea break. The tea break supposedly became an important ritual during the day at the laboratory. This gave the research students an opportunity to discuss ideas freely on topics such as science and politics. Many students were later grateful for these breaks where Thomson both engaged in their research as well as in their well-being.


支聯會原定 6 月 4 日在維園舉辦六四燭光晚會。不過支聯會秘書蔡耀昌向《立場新聞》證實,已收到警方的電話通知,警方就活動發出反對通知書。將是首次六四晚會遭警方反對。

Hong Kong police have banned the annual vigil marking the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre for the first time in 30 years, citing coronavirus public gathering restrictions.

“In 15 years of doing this, it’s the toughest I’ve seen. It’s comparable to the financial crisis.”

Hong Kong bankers suffer sharp cuts in pay and bonuses, headhunters say


Although 5G phones are just starting to go mainstream this year, Xiaomi has already started pre-research into the next generation.

//媒體 Inkstone 訪問了個別參與示威的學生,跟訪的主角竟然表示由於美國的外宣能進入中國,而中國的大外宣無法傳播到美國,所以他們要扮演「國家的喉舌」,在美國成為中共的宣傳機器。每年中共在美國花費數以十億計的媒體資源,目的就是影響輿論,唱好中共;反觀在中國,中共掌握所有在中國的媒體運作,不時驅趕國際記者,國際新聞及資訊根本無法在中國全面控制輿論及傳媒的狀況下自由流通。

羅冠聰 Nathan Law

小粉紅於美國示威 自認黨的喉舌 應被查證是否進行諜報工作 | 羅冠聰 | 立場新聞
今年二月,我與黃之鋒 Joshua Wong 應美國

The concept of "diplomacy" is relatively new to China, where dynasties were based on Sinocentrism -- the idea it was the center of the world -- and thus did not recognize other countries as sovereign. Is China going back to the old days?


Beijing Diary: Roots of the 'wolf warrior' mentality Nikkei's China bureau chief offers snapshots of the fight against coron
Customers are furious saying they taste nothing like they used to

Outrage as some of the most beloved chocolates are now being made in CHINA and Egypt

