Yahoo's stock lost about a third of its value last year, as the company went from making $7.5 billion in 2014 to losing $4.4 billion in 2015. Yet its CEO, Marissa Mayer raked in $36 million last year. Why hasn’t Yahoo’s board fired her? According to her contract, if she’s fired she gets $54.9 million in severance.
Mayer can’t lose, either way. Another example of socialism for the rich.
Why do Yahoo's shareholders put up with this? Because they don’t know about it. Their shares are held mostly by big pension funds, mutual funds, insurance funds, and university endowments that don’t want to rock the boat because they skim the cream regardless of what happens to Yahoo. More socialism for the rich.
The rest of us live in a world of hyper-capitalism where wages are falling, workers are fired without warning, and employees are classified as independent contractors without any labor protections at all.
And Republican and Democratic Party insiders wonder where the anti-establishment fury is coming from.
What do you think?