
2019年3月27日 星期三

The rise and fall of the China bike craze可能造成全球某些大城市的"放棄自行車環保災難":不知道Hellobike的最後一搏的成績如何?


這行業 (the bike sharing industry)在中國燒錢幾年,可能造成全球某些大城市的"放棄自行車環保災難":

But instead of a smooth bike-ride, the bike sharing industry in China has experienced nothing short of a roller-coaster ride: From 2016 onwards, a growing number of start-ups entered the bike-sharingmarket, resulting in more than 80 domestic companies fighting for market share and new customers by mid-2017.Aug 3, 2018The Evolution of Free-Floating Bike-Sharing in China – Sustainable ...

Web results

Dec 31, 2018 - Bike-sharing apps seemed poised to be the solution—and millions of bikes ... The rise and fall of the China bike craze played out like a sped-up ...
2017年6月至11月期間,Kuqi Bikes,Bluegogo,Dingding Bikes,3Vbikes和Wukong Bikes全部關閉,無法向供應商付款,維持運營或退回存款。

Between June and November 2017, Kuqi Bikes, Bluegogo, Dingding Bikes, 3Vbikes, and Wukong Bikes all shut down, unable to pay suppliers, maintain operations, or return deposits.


Despite the ongoing Ofo crisis, Hellobike has just raised 4 billion yuan, more than half a billion dollars, from Primavera Capital and Alibaba’s Ant Financial. It seems that there are still some who hasn’t woken up from the bike-share fever dream.
Meanwhile, Shanghai is adding more docking stations, perhaps a return to the boring, but infinitely more manageable, version of the bike-share. There’s always going to be a small audience for cycling—but it turned out to be a bad dream to build giant firms on.
儘管Ofo危機持續,但Hellobike剛剛從Primavera Capital和阿里巴巴的Ant Financial籌集了40億元人民幣,超過5億美元。 似乎還有一些人沒有從自行車共享發燒夢中醒來。

與此同時,上海正在增加更多的停靠站,或許是回歸無聊,但無限可管理的自行車共享版本。 騎自行車的人總是很少 - 但結果卻是建立大公司的壞夢。

