我就是不相信『綠色博雅』口號 (可美其名為vision)的人。
一個月前,我發現自己陷於兩難: 你愛東海,卻不愛東海的代表人的治校方針。
這種惱人的事可能經常發生。 譬如說今晨袁祝平學長邀我下月台北校友會的餐會。
(1000元不是問題的) 他還說有長官會來詳細解釋什麼greeEn, ……等於是交錢去受刑。
所以, 有什麼不禮貌的事,請學長諒解。
(我在16日的東海大學開《我看東海校園的發展》座談會已說過, 讓蔡副校長臉色不太好……)***** 我請教徐錚教授,這兩難有何解法?
You know how to handle this dilemma better than I
can. I would try either to focus on some specific issues/aspects of the
university (a kind of "functional" attitude) or to keep an arm's
distance to the university administration, including their PR
I always believe that we can have only two approaches
to the problem of Tunghai: 1. fine-tuning, one issue and one step at a
time (bottom-up), and 2. transforming vision and big drive (top-down). 『綠
色博雅』does not seem to be either - I don't know what pressing issues
(e.g., student-faculty ratio) it addresses, and what transforming
strategies it bestows (e.g., developing the under-used land assets and
integrate/expand the core campus)? Without concrete and compelling
substance, it could destine to be only a 口號 - a buffer to protect the administration and shield off criticism?
slogan does have one immediate effect: it distinguishes for the
administration who are friends and who are foes. If one does not embrace
it, then not only one could feel aliened (like you), but one could
also be kept at an arm's distance by the administration.
Thanks for sharing pointers. I will find time to read them as soon as I can.