
2011年1月7日 星期五


南山人壽產業工會常務理事兼發言人藍維鼎,去年九月遭南山人壽解除區經理職務,昨日台北市勞工局重罰公司卅萬元。但藍不滿說,公司依舊沒恢復原先職務,勞工局「軟弱」。勞工局回應,行政機關僅能罰款,無法要求公司恢復職務,建議他訴諸法律行動,也會協助他打官司。  南山人壽發言人周佳蓉昨表示,公司是站在顧及多數員工的立場,做出終止藍維鼎區經理合約的決定,因不管是從公司面、或業務同仁端,這些不實言論已造成困擾,並嚴重破壞公司信譽。  周佳蓉並表示,對主管機關不採納其說法感到遺憾,但也尊重其決定。  勞工局表示,藍維鼎為維護勞工權益,多次應媒體邀約,以產業工會發言人的身分,發表有關南山股權交易案之訊息,遭南山人壽以「公開發表有損公司形象之言論」為由,解除他區經理的職務。台北市就業歧視評議委員會指出,南山人壽解除藍維鼎區經理的職務,顯然跟工會會員身分有關,但該人壽未能提出「發言不當」,破壞公司信譽,導致公司損失的具體事證,實在令人難以信服,因此判定「工會會員身分歧視成立」,判定南山人壽違反就業服務法規定,處卅萬元罰鍰。  談到南山人壽遭罰卅萬,藍維鼎不滿說,罰卅萬只是形式正義,並沒有還他公道,痛斥勞工局軟弱,他強調,資本額一兆多的公司,僅被罰卅萬元,「你覺得他們會這樣就屈服嗎?應該不會」,他要求公司應恢復區經理的職務。  勞工局被罵軟弱,勞工局長陳業鑫說,罰錢就是告訴南山人壽做錯了,但恢復職務僅法院做得到,行政機關無法做到,他強調,很同情藍先生處境,希望能訴諸法律行動,勞工局會協助。


繼美國國際集團(AIG)要出售台灣南山人壽股權後,和台灣第一金控合資成立保險公司的英 國最大保險機構英傑華集團,也宣布退出台灣市場。外商保險公司出現出走潮,金管會今天(7日)表示,除了金融風暴影響,歐洲會計準則的改變也是原因;但不 管如何,金管會還是會嚴加把關,維護保戶權益。


   黃天牧表示,分析外商保險機構這一波撤退的原因,除了金融風暴,另外,歐洲會計準則的改變,也讓這些外資重新思考全球資產配置;但此同時,也有新的外商 保險機構,想進入台灣市場。他說:『(原音)包括前年底的法國巴黎人壽和合庫合資成立的保險公司,在去年這一年都有不錯的表現。另外更早的蘇黎士離開,大 前年也重新進入台灣的保險市場。目前還有1、2家,也在跟我們接觸,表達這個時點進入台灣市場,未來還是有商機的。』


AIG's Taiwan unit fined for punishing union member

TAIPEI — The Taiwan unit of US insurance giant AIG has been fined for punishing a union official after he spoke out on the planned sale of the company, authorities said Thursday.

Nan Shan Life was told to pay Tw$300,000 ($9,930) after it stripped the union spokesman of his title as a regional manager for "making comments that hurt the company's image," said the Taipei City Labour Department.

"The spokesman didn't make the comments for his personal gains. The punishment obviously targeted his role as a union member... and constituted employment discrimination," it said in a statement.

The spokesman, Lan Wei-ting, was said to have made "emotional" remarks on television and in newspapers last year, claiming the sale would hurt clients' rights and lead to lay-offs, an official at the labour department said.

Nan Shan's labour union has repeatedly voiced concerns over AIG's plan to sell Nan Shan as it tries to pay back huge loans it received from US government to save it from collapse during the 2008 financial crisis.

AIG has reportedly received five bids so far for Nan Shan, with Taiwan's Chinatrust Financial offering the highest bid of $3 billion, sources said.

Other bidders for the unit include Cathay Financial, Fubon Financial, Goldsun Group and Ruentex Group.

Goldsun has teamed up with other local business groups, including security firm Taiwan Secom and the Industrial Bank of Taiwan, to press for its bid for Nan Shan, according to the Economic Daily News.

It is also reportedly backed by Hong Kong-based Primus Financial Holdings, whose previous bid for Nan Shan of $2.15 billion was rejected by the Taiwan government last year.

Taiwan authorities cited concerns that the Hong Kong consortium of Primus and China Strategic Holdings lacked the experience needed to manage an insurer while it also failed to provide a long-term management commitment.

The rejection of the bid came as a blow to AIG, once the world's largest insurer, which has been selling assets to pay back the US government.

