
2022年3月23日 星期三

地球,人間煉獄 (223期):人人容易做檢測才可徹底抗疫。美國不至於讓新變種完全失控 (Omicron subvariant taking hold, but so far, life goes on). 香港不全城檢測Covid-19的決策,沒錯。 Japan Covid-19【新研究:染新冠將增加患糖尿病風險】"A third of European nationsare seeing a surge in Covid cases after "brutally" easing restrictions"

 地球,人間煉獄 (223期):


People must continue to have "easy access" to testing and 'an awful lot of people are still getting sick and dying' from coronavirus, the World Health Organisation has told Sky News


A mainland Chinese health expert has defended Hong Kong's decision to suspend citywide Covid-19 testing plans, refuting netizens who likened the suspension to the city "lying flat" in its anti-epidemic efforts. The term suggests a passive approach, or doing only the bare minimum.

美國密蘇里州 #聖路易醫療照護體系榮民醫院 的研究人員發現,#COVID19 康復者與控制組相比,有40%的機率更可能罹患 #糖尿病
研究指出,在遭到COVID-19感染後,100人中有1人罹患糖尿病的風險增加。而根據 #美國疾病管制暨預防中心 到21日為止的統計,美國已有7,950萬人感染COVID-19,意味著可能會有79萬5,000人日後可能被新診斷出糖尿病。

From JHU CSSE COVID-19 DataLast updated: 13 hours ago
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A third of European nations, including Germany, France and the U.K., are seeing a surge in Covid cases after "brutally" easing restrictions, the WHO says.

