
2020年2月15日 星期六

2020年與 " the Party is always right" (黨(中央)是永遠對的,中共建政七十年来的一贯做法:王毅歌頌法 )1940及1949 ):George Orwell (1903~1950)

2020年1~2月,中國和美國各有一件 " the Party is always right"(黨是永遠對的)案件。
美國是總統彈劾案:共和黨/D. Trump 永遠對的。所以參議院否決彈劾案。
中國是"武漢肺炎"的失控,地方 vsˉ中央的問責。此案還沒了。
我趁機會介紹George Orwell 在1940及1949年使用的"the Party is always right" 。

Robert Reich
...Clearly, Trump has learned a lesson from his impeachment: he has learned that he can abuse his power however he pleases and no Republican will hold him accountable. Somewhere, Susan Collins is “disappointed” and Lisa Murkowski has furrowed her brow. They should be ashamed of what they have unleashed on our democracy.

这是一场甩锅大战,武汉当局称,12月份就已报告北京武汉疫情,球踢向党中央了! https://rfi.my/5MnN.f 甩鍋 甩锅 ,网络流行语,含义是把过错推到别人身上,让别人当背锅侠让别人来背黑锅的意思。…


Xi also called for a review of laws on infectious disease prevention and treatment, as well as wildlife protection.
President underlines need for biosecurity law in national security interest.SCMP.COM

Xi Jinping calls for overhaul of China’s health crisis response system

【疫情灾难当前 中共强调政治安全第一】在发生涉及千百万人生命安全的公共卫生危机之际,公众最希望得到的是可靠的、科学的、有助于保全性命的信息。但掌控中国大陆的中国共产党当局坚持强调政治第一,声言应对当前新型冠状病毒疫情的首要当务之急是政治,是“政治安全”,即中共政权及其领袖的政治地位的安全。观察家指出,以习近平为首的中共当局的这种看似怪异的做法,其实是中共建政七十年来的一贯做法。 https://www.voachinese.com/a/5288355.html

 George Orwell 在1940年就使用  " the Party is always right"(黨是永遠對的)* ,當然1949年發表的小說1984年』,也使用了它。

*參見:"Freedom of thought and of the press are usually attacked by arguments which are not worth bothering about. " (思想和新聞自由通常受到不值得打擾的爭論的攻擊。)

The Prevention of Literature | The Orwell Foundation

Nineteen Eighty-Four: A Novel  is a dystopian novel by English novelist George Orwell. 1949發表

Google 翻譯:“每條記錄都被破壞或篡改,每本書都被改寫,每張圖片都被粉刷過,每座雕像和街道建築物都被重新命名,每一個日期都被改變。 而且這個過程每天都在不斷地進行著。 歷史已經停止。 除了黨永遠是對的無休止的存在之外,沒有任何東西存在。”

-喬治·奧威爾(George Orwell),1949年發表

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

― George Orwell, 1984

