
2019年11月6日 星期三

快速移動通信技術的競賽: S. Korea, Finland to collaborate on 6G network中國召開6G技術研發工作啓動會;5G:"華為對授權美國公司5G技術的交易持開放態度"

S. Korea, Finland to collaborate on 6G network - The Investor

2019/06/13 - South Korea's top state-run research institute ETRI has signed a memorandum of understanding with the University of Oulu in Finland to develop the sixth-generation network technology, according to the Ministry of Science ...

LG already moving toward 6G network technologies - The ...

2019/01/28 - LG opened a 6G research center within KAIST Institute, a research organization for technologies for the country's economic development run by the Korea Advanced Institute of Technology in Daejeon Metropol...

Samsung, SK Telecom join hands for 6G R&D - The Korea ...


  • 科技部發布消息,11月3日,科技部會同發改委、教育部、工信部、中科院、自然科學基金委組織召開6G技術研發工作啓動會。會議宣布成立國家6G技術研發推進工作組和總體專家組。


