
2010年10月31日 星期日

PHO24河粉專賣店 /李歸仁


作者:張翔一  出處:天下雜誌 458期 2010/10



南安(Nam An)集團創辦人兼PHO24董事長,四十四歲的李歸仁(Ly Qui Trung)回想起二○○三年初創業時,妻子的質疑,李歸仁哈哈大笑,略顯福泰的臉龐上滿是得意,「但事實證明,我沒有走錯路。」

不過短短七年,二○一○年的今天,李歸仁的南安集團,已是越南最大的餐飲集團。旗下最著名的PHO24河粉專賣店,更成為全越南規模最大的連鎖餐 飲。目前PHO24在全越南各大小城市,共有六十二家分店。快速追過在越南經營多年的兩大外商肯德基、儂特利規模。PHO24更走出國境,在亞洲擁有十七 間海外據點。


在台灣,千萬美元營收(約新台幣三.一億),不過是一家中小型上市公司的規模。但在越南,改革開放不到二十年,絕大多數的大型企業,從航空、電信、 金融、煉油甚至到啤酒產業,仍掌握在政府手中。李歸仁卻完全依靠自身的商業手腕和民間資本異軍突起,打造出全越南最大的餐飲連鎖王國。「他是自由越南(市 場開放後的越南),最具代表性的商業鉅子,」《華爾街日報》如此形容。

國際標準+在地特色 創造奇蹟






「當第一個越南本地客人走進我店裡時,我就知道我成功了,現在在地客人超過七成,」李歸仁說。原來他看好的,並非觀光客帶來的有限商機。而是隨著越 南經濟起飛,人均所得快速成長,越南都會地區的消費模式和品味,終將向西方看齊。因此自○五年起,陸續成立數家輕食連鎖餐廳。其中以Terrace Cafe最為著名,營造一個新潮雅痞的空間社交,總是擠滿衣著光鮮亮麗的越南年輕人。








他的加盟體系,又與西方的模式不同。在西方絕大多數採用業主和加盟店主單獨簽約,收取權利金模式,加盟店主則是分店擁有者和管理者。但在越南,李歸 仁則是合資經營PHO24分店,至少入股三○%。「引入合資概念,一方面能降低加盟者對分店所有權和實際經營權(李歸仁)衝突的疑慮,一方面,我也能以大 股東身分,監督加盟者,」李歸仁說。









創辦企業:南安集團(Nam An Group),全球年營收根據內部估計,約1000至1200萬美元,未公開發行。

旗下PHO24河粉專賣店,為全越南規模最大的連鎖餐飲。同時是澳洲連鎖咖啡Gloria Jeans、優格專賣店Yogen Fruz、和麵包店Bread Talk等海外品牌總代理,以及直營的越南本地高級餐廳Maxim Nam An和Terrace Cafe等十餘個輕食連鎖店品牌擁有者。

2010年10月27日 星期三

Softbank CEO School

Forget American Idol, Try Softbank CEO School
It's not a reality show, but it has the blueprint makings of one. About 4,000 people applied to become the next leader of Softbank Corp., the mobile phone carrier and Internet empire built and manned by the colorful chief executive Masayoshi Son.


Buffett’s Chinese car dream sours

From building dreams to breaking them: Warren Buffett’s favourite Chinese car maker BYD, otherwise known as Build Your Dreams, revealed a hope-shattering drop in third quarter earnings of 99 per cent on Tuesday.

从成就梦想到击碎梦想:沃伦•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)最钟爱的中国汽车制造商比亚迪(BYD)(又称“成就你的梦想”——Build Your Dreams)周二披露,第三季盈利下滑99%,令人希望破灭。

It’s not a sign of anything terminal for the Shenzhen-based company in which Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway has a 10 per cent stake. But it is a nightmarish sign (at least for investors whose optimism had not already been extinguished) that the golden days are over.

对于比亚迪,这不是什么致命的迹象。但它是一个噩梦般的迹象(至少对于乐观情绪尚未被 浇灭的投资者们),表明黄金岁月已经结束。比亚迪总部位于深圳,巴菲特的伯克希尔哈撒韦(Berkshire Hathaway)拥有该公司10%股份。比亚迪周二宣布截至9月份的9个月业绩结果,但基于其头6个月业绩计算得出的结果表明,第三季净盈利暴跌至仅有 1180万元人民币(合178万美元),相比之下,去年同期为11.6亿元人民币。

BYD on Tuesday was announcing results for the nine months to September, but a calculation based on its results for the first six months indicated that third quarter net earnings had plunged to just Rmb11.8m ($1.78m) compared with Rmb1.16bn in the same period last year.


Why? Weakening sales.


In reaction, the company’s shares in Hong Kong fell over 10 per cent on Tuesday to a one month low, their biggest one-day drop in nearly two years.


BYD, which started out making batteries, had raised a warning flag in August by cutting its car sales target for the year by 25 per cent to 600,000 vehicles, but its results were worse than analysts had expected.


BYD has become a high-profile example of a Chinese company that has grown spectacularly for a while but then struggled to reinvent itself fast enough to maintain the momentum. This time last year its F3 car was one of the most popular in China, but now it has lost favour and vanished from the top ten sellers.

富昌金融集团(Fulbright Securities)总经理蔺常念(Francis Lun)就比亚迪周二的业绩告诉路透社(Reuters):当其他汽车制造商在发布强劲的业绩时,比亚迪盈利剧跌让投资者们感到失望……它似乎表明产品存在问题。

On Tuesday’s results, Francis Lun, general manager at Fulbright Securities, told Reuters:


Investors were disappointed by its sharp drop in earnings when other automakers were posting strong results … It suggested that the products are having problems.


The company has also delayed its plans to export electric cars to the US, and it has had seven facilities seized by the Chinese authorities this year after it was accused of building them illegally.


As the FT reported last week, mainland auto sales have consistently outperformed expectations over the past 18 months, spurred in part by government stimulus measures including tax breaks.


As the effect of stimulus measures fades, the rate of sales expansion in both August and September slowed to 17-18 per cent compared with the previous year - although those are still figures that car salesmen in the sickly west can only dream about.

随着比亚迪在上季度市场份额流失,以通用汽车(General Motors)和大众汽车(Volkswagen)为首的早已站稳脚跟的外国制造商,在中国扩大了地盘。

BYD’s sales, meanwhile, were down 19 per cent from the previous year in August and down 25 per cent in September.

2月份,《中国经济季刊》(China Economic Quarterly)创始编辑周博(Joe Studwell)在英国《金融时报》上聚焦比亚迪规模较小的另一块业务——电池制造,他表示:冰箱、微波炉、电视机、钢铁、摩托车、汽车和现在的新能源 企业:都造就了产量十分可观的中国制造商,但这些产量不能转化为在长期内支持股价上升的那种盈利。

As BYD lost market share in the past quarter, long-established foreign manufacturers led by General Motors and Volkswagen gained ground in China.


In the FT in February, Joe Studwell, founding editor of the China Economic Quarterly, focused on another, smaller part of BYD’s business - battery making - and said:


Fridges, microwave ovens, television sets, steel, motorbikes, cars, and now new energy businesses: all have given rise to Chinese manufacturers with very substantial production volumes that have failed to translate into the kind of earnings that sustain rising share prices in the long run.


2010年10月26日 星期二

FamilyMart a convenient link for Asians eyeing Japan studies



FamilyMart Co., through its network of convenience store outlets in Asia, has begun offering help to foreign students looking to study in Japan.

In cooperation with Kawaijuku Educational Institution, a major prep school chain that offers university entrance exam preparation, and travel agency JTB Corp., FamilyMart will provide free newspapers at its overseas stores containing information on studying in Japan.

The new service will also offer assistance in obtaining visas and finding a place to live and part-time jobs in Japan. The company operates thousands of stores in Asia.

According to a survey of foreign students in Japan by 52school.com Corp., a member of the Kawaijuku group, many students found it hard to obtain information on universities and other schools in Japan matching their areas of study. They also had trouble applying to Japanese schools and finding a place to live upon arrival.

To help address such problems, FamilyMart started distributing a free newspaper with information on study in Japan at its convenience stores in Taiwan in mid-September. Taiwan has more than 2,500 FamilyMart stores.

Customers can pick up school application forms at the stores and receive help on how to apply. JTB will also assist students applying for student visas and make other arrangements, such as accommodations.

FamilyMart will help students get part-time jobs at its domestic stores.

According to Japan Student Services Organization, as of May 2009, about 133,000 foreign students were enrolled at Japanese four-year undergraduate schools, two-year junior colleges, graduate schools and other schools. Many were from Asian countries, including China, South Korea and Taiwan.

Based on a plan advocated in 2008 by then Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda to increase the number of foreign students in Japan to 300,000, the government hopes to attract more students from overseas. Government efforts include a project to improve the international competitiveness of Japan's institutions of higher education.


漫畫來源: Ted Goff

2010年10月25日 星期一


2010年10月26日 06:16 AM 百度兵陷日本 英国《金融时报》中文网专栏作家 程苓峰


百度对日本业务投入不菲。2007年筹措日本分公司之初,百度就动用了12亿日元也就是近1亿人民币买服务器。百度日本站点www.baidu.jp 于08年1月正式推出。


Alexa数据显示,Google日本在日本网站中排名第2,百度日本排名300上下,Google日本在全球网站的排名是27,百度日本排名是 4000以后。从2008年末开始,Google日本的全球排名从40名逐步提升到目前的27名;百度日本的全球排名一直在4000名转。从2008年末 的4300名下降到2010年的低谷8000名,最近又慢升到4300名左右。

李彦宏一直奉行本土化,并放手给日本人。2008年8月,百度挖来雅虎日本搜索业务副总裁井上俊一做百度日本总裁。但井上俊一并没给百度带来流量增 长或产品突破。百度日本的中国员工对此不满,评价包括:李彦宏崇洋,对日本业务的细节关注少;中国员工在百度日本地位低;等等。

井上俊一做总裁已2年,百度日本至今未能迎来转机。据分析,其实日本本土一直缺乏优秀的搜索人才,本土市场一直被Google和雅虎所垄断;日文搜 索至今不具备本土化的能力。所以即便是主管雅虎搜索业务的副总裁,井上俊一在日文搜索产品上一直未有突破性创新。而产品突破,据称,正是李彦宏所希求的, 他一直期望井上俊一能成为能设计出百度贴吧的前百度产品副总裁俞军那样的人物。



在日本互业界流传的消息:李一男本身对百度日本业务并未有浓厚兴趣,并且在百度内部缺乏影响力和话语权;之所以由李一男来接管,部分由于总裁井上俊 一与二把手、百度日本首席代表、中国人陈海腾之间的博弈。由于直接向总部汇报的是井上俊一,如果主管人从CEO李彦宏变成CTO李一男,这种汇报的“含金 量”就打了折扣,对陈海腾有益。





1. 百度在中国就是靠本土化成功的,所以李彦宏寄望在日本通过重用当地人实现本土化。这个逻辑不难理解。不过,就算日本也有李彦宏,日本的李彦宏肯定会自己干,不会给中国的李彦宏打工。

2. 百度在日本是后发,Google已经建立了绝对优势。在中国,Google、有道、搜狗、搜搜这些对手要战胜百度是非常困难的,所以相应的百度在日本也会非常难。李彦宏在中国有多舒服,在日本就会有多难。

3. 李彦宏进攻日本的理由之一是:日文跟中文同属亚洲语系,跟英文不一样。百度宣称自己更懂中文,于是自然觉得自己也可以更懂日文。不过事实是,就算百度更懂 日文,也没打穿Google的先发优势。而且,百度不一定如自己所称的那样更懂中文,我就一直用Google.cn,Google在中国20%的份额,感 觉都是高端用户。

. 日本的失败,百度也在反思。据说变招之一,就是不再单单依靠当地人搞产品,而是把中国的好产品比如贴吧、音乐、知道等等嫁接过去。似乎有效果,最近小半年,流量确实有回升。也就是,不再搞本土栽培,而是国际移植。

5. 百度国际化头一炮就哑了。不用惊讶。其实百度多元化已经哑了很多炮,有啊、空间、小声,等等产品。百度的扩展能力一直不好,管理水平不上档次,有目共睹。 好在百度不断调整,多元化的调整就从自己做变成跟别人合资做,以及花钱投资和并购。相信国际化上也会有类似的举动。

6. 就算百度诸多不是,可架不住利润狂涨、市值狂窜。目前百度市值全球第四,离第三的腾讯也没多远了。看衰百度的人会说:这就是李彦宏运气,卡位好,但其它的 不行,再过三五年必衰。而看好百度的人会说:这就是李彦宏智慧,一直聚焦在自家的金饭碗上,70%精力在搜索,20%在搜索相关,只有10%在其它。而只 要搜索匹配上的一点点优化,就能带来巨大的业绩。

7. 李彦宏当然有运气,也有智慧。问题是:百度能否在传统的搜索引擎这根树老掉之前,生长出新的能力。考验李彦宏运气的是,这根树在社区搜索、个性化搜索、以 及人际链条推荐等新趋势成为主流之前还能扛多久的大旗?这也就是所谓的时间窗口。考验李彦宏智慧的是,否定自己过于成功的过去,再生出新的思路和技能。没 这一点,单靠运气是架不住的,充其量就是裸泳,传统搜索一退潮就现形。


2010年10月20日 星期三

We need more CEOs willing to speak their minds

We need more CEOs willing to speak their minds

I’m speechless,” Larry Ellison said last week about the appointment of Leo Apotheker as CEO of Hewlett-Packard. Only it turned out the Oracle chief wasn’t speechless at all. He had rather a lot to say and

“我彻底无语了,”拉里•埃里森(Larry Ellison)就日前惠普(HP)任命李艾克(Leo Apotheker)担任首席执行官(CEO)一事如是评论。然而后来的事实却证明,这位甲骨文(Oracle)的掌门人压根儿就没有“无语”。相反,他 大发议论,还给多家报纸发了电子邮件,对惠普挑选“一个因工作业绩一塌糊涂而刚被SAP开掉的家伙”提出异议。他还补充说,“惠普董事会应该为此集体请 辞”。

e-mailed various newspapers to protest that HP had chosen “a guy who was recently fired because he did such a bad job of running SAP”, adding, “the HP board needs to resign en masse”.

两天后,当各方开始抨击这项任命时,杰克•韦尔奇(Jack Welch)也打破沉默,发表了自己的高论。他说,惠普董事会“是在犯罪”。“这个决定彻底惹恼了众多CEO。他们心中竟然没有考虑过其他任何人选。他们 把领导力培养丢到什么地方去了?这些董事究竟是干什么吃的?”

Two days later, Jack Welch turned out not to be speechless either when it came to rubbishing the appointment. The HP board had “committed sins”, he said. “They end up blowing up the CEOs and don’t have anyone else in mind to come in. Where the hell was the leadership development? Who are these board members?”


What is happening? Is it now okay for business leaders to launch vigilante attacks on each other when they think they spot incompetent behaviour? Has the dreary fashion of looking the other way and minding your own business come to an end? It would be great if it had.

25年前我刚当记者时,英国还有那么几位天不怕地不怕的商界大佬以直言不讳为快。但待 到温斯托克勋爵(Lord Weinstock)和约翰•哈维-钟斯爵士(Sir John Harvey-Jones)一离世,“口无遮拦”的时代就一去不复返了。当代的CEO们似乎不表达任何看法,特别是不表达负面看法。即使真到了憋不住的时 候,也早有律师和公关顾问劝戒他们隐忍不发。

When I started as a journalist a quarter of a century ago, there were a few bold British business figures who were happy to say what they thought. But when Lord Weinstock and Sir John Harvey-Jones died, bad mouthing died with them. Modern CEOs seem to have no opinions, especially not negative ones. If they feel one coming on, they have been trained by their lawyers and PR advisers to suppress it.


I have quite often had the experience of interviewing a business leader who said something about another company that was not interesting enough to print, only for them to phone up afterwards in a panic, pleading with me for their innocuous remarks to be scrubbed from the record. Everyone lives in mortal dread of getting into trouble. CEOs are all shacked up together in a glass house in which no stones ever get thrown.

那么,上述各方对惠普的抨击是否标志着风向的根本转变呢?恐怕并非如此:埃里森这个人 做事向来想怎么干就怎么干,况且不管怎么说,他与SAP还有一段由来已久的纠葛。韦尔奇也可以随心所欲地评头论足,因为他已经退休,无需再与惠普董事会打 交道。他现在是一位评论家,心里很清楚不愠不火的批评会让他写的书卖不动、让他的讲座没人乐意听。

So does the crossness over HP mark a general change? I fear it doesn’t: Ellison has always done as he chooses, and in any case has a long and horrid history with SAP. And Welch feels able to throw stones because he is retired and will never need to do business with the HP board. He is a pundit, and being bland doesn’t sell books or fill lecture halls.

我禁不住希望会有其他人前赴后继地跟进,因为这样“尖酸刻薄的批驳”有两大重要功效。 其一纯属嬉笑逗乐;人人都爱看打得不亦乐乎的群架。比方说在英国《金融时报》的网站上,“甲骨文对惠普挑选的主管愤愤不平”这样的新闻,肯定要比“欧洲之 星(Eurostar)签下价值6亿欧元的机车订单”更具点击率——即便后者可以说更为重要。

I can’t help wishing that others would follow, as such vicious attacks serve two important purposes. The first is the sheer fun of it all; everyone loves a good punch up. On FT.com, the headline “Oracle fury at HP choice of chief” was infinitely more clicked on than, say “Eurostar places €600m trains order” – even though the latter is arguably more important.

可是更深刻的意义在于:由这些“老资格”来发表尖锐意见是件好事,因为此举可以让讨论 更加有的放矢。网络上充斥着一无所知者的八卦恬噪之言。大家都可以在网络上相互攻毁对方;这倒是全世界人民挺不赖的消遣方式。各位领袖早就习惯了普通网民 的谩骂与攻讦,那么,面对对他们所说言论知根知底的人发出的刁钻诘问,他们还能做到气定神闲吗?

More than that, though, it is good for senior people to speak out, because it makes the discussion better. The internet bristles with the low-grade views of people who know nothing. Everyone slags off everyone else online; it’s a great global pastime. All leaders are used to having virtual rotten tomatoes slung at them from nobodies, so surely they are big enough to take the odd attack from people who actually know what they are talking about?


Whether Ellison is right about Apotheker I have no idea. But Welch’s view about the inept changing of the guard at HP is correct and needed saying.


HP has 150,000 employees – so it is impossible to believe that none of them was good enough to be groomed for the top slot. We know that internal candidates are far less likely to fail than external ones and we know that boards need to focus on this. I’m on a board myself and Welch’s reminder makes me feel properly anxious.

至少,惠普的这场口水仗表明,高管中敢于“直言犯忌”的人比市场期望的要少。即便 CEO们感到现在不得不保持缄默(因为保持缄默有时候有助于他们保住自己的饭碗),他们也可以对退休之后畅所欲言心向往之。在我看来,相比更为常见的退休 后出路(加入政府专责小组,比以前更守口如瓶),作公司“惹事佬”的工作更有意义。

At the very least, what the HP spat shows is that there is a gap in the market for more feather-rufflers among top people. Even if CEOs feel they have to keep quiet as holding their tongues is helpful when it comes to holding on to their jobs, free speech could be something they look forward to in retirement. The job of corporate hell-raiser strikes me as much more worthwhile than the more common retirement route of joining a government taskforce and keeping lips zipped tighter than ever.

突然间,我脑海中想到了一位理想人选:雅虎(Yahoo)的卡罗尔•巴茨(Carol Bartz)。在YouTube上有一段她唠唠叨叨介绍自己企业的视频,浏览者只有廖廖300人。但在上面还有一段“雅虎CEO卡罗尔•巴茨对迈克•阿灵 顿(Mike Arrington)说‘滚蛋’”的视频,浏览者已超过209506人。如果她真得因为受欢迎度不高、难以执掌公司而被雅虎扫地出门,她倒是公司“惹事 佬”的不二人选。

2010年10月19日 星期二

Master who plays his cards right

Master who plays his cards right

Not many corporate chiefs would admit to having cleaned bathrooms as part of their training, but Ajay Banga, chief executive of MasterCard, is not your typical business leader. “Cleaning bathrooms,” which he did in the 1990s while opening Kentucky Fried Chicken and Pizza Hut restaurants in India for PepsiCo, “made me very valuable to my wife”, he says. “I’m called the bathroom fairy at home.”

没有多少公司高管愿意坦承,曾把打扫卫生间作为历练自己的一项内容,但万事达 (MasterCard)首席执行官彭安杰(Ajay Banga)却不是人们通常印象中的公司高管。他表示,上世纪90年代在印度开设百事公司(PepsiCo)旗下的肯德基(Kentucky Fried Chicken)和必胜客(Pizza Hut)快餐店时,自己就曾干过清扫卫生间的活,“打扫卫生间让我太太觉得我很有价值,我在家里是打扫卫生间的大拿。”

That willingness to poke fun at himself extends to his appearance. As a Sikh, Mr Banga, 50, wears a turban and has a full beard, making for a striking contrast with Robert Selander, his predecessor and current vice-chairman. “Bob and I joke about it all the time,” Mr Banga says. “I know I look different from a lot of people around the world, but I don’t view that as something that defines me.”

他的勇于自嘲还表现在装束上。现年50岁的彭安杰是一位锡克教徒,戴着头巾,满脸络腮 胡子,这与他的前任、目前担任公司副董事长的罗伯特•塞兰德(Robert Selander)形成了鲜明对比。“我与鲍勃(罗伯特的昵称)总是拿这个开玩笑,”彭安杰表示,“我明白自己的装束和世界上的很多人不一样,但我认为这 并不能真正诠释我本人。”

His affability is disarming, but it also masks a competitive streak that propelled Mr Banga from fast food to one of the top jobs at Citigroup, where he ran the global consumer bank, before joining MasterCard last year with a promise of quickly being promoted to chief executive.


Since then, he has set about shaking up MasterCard’s sleepy culture. The company processes more than 22bn transactions a year, at the speed of 140 milliseconds each, faster than the blink of an eye. Its entire business depends on making sure each of those transactions clears without a hitch, a model that tends to reward reliability over risk-taking. “When somebody swipes a card in Guam and that card was issued in Bangalore, if it doesn’t go through, that’s the end of my so-called guarantee,” he says.

加盟之后,他开始着手“唤醒”万事达令人昏昏欲睡的公司文化。万事达每年处理逾220 亿笔交易,相当于每笔交易140毫秒,比眨眼的速度还要快。公司的整个业务都取决于每笔交易都结算得毫无差错,这种模式偏重于牢靠而非冒险。“设想有人在 关岛刷卡,而发卡地点是班加罗尔,如果没有刷成功,那就丧失了我所说的保证,”彭安杰表示。

To speed up decision-making, Mr Banga has given lower-level employees more authority to negotiate contracts and has created a new division to better compete with electronic payment systems such as PayPal. The urgency Mr Banga is trying to instil in employees also applies to him. Any request to which he does not respond within two weeks is automatically approved. “He operates on Ajay time, which is about 10 times faster than everyone else,” says Josh Peirez, the head of MasterCard’s business development unit.

为了加快决策流程,彭安杰在合同谈判方面给予了低级别员工更多权限,并创建了新的部 门,以便更好地与贝宝(PayPal)等在线电子支付系统展开竞争。彭安杰设法给员工灌输紧迫感,这同样也适用于他本人。发给他的任何请求,如果在两周内 未予回复,都将自动获准。“他按照‘彭氏时间’工作,大约是常人速度的10倍,”万事达业务开发部门负责人乔希•佩雷兹(Josh Peirez)如是说。

An extrovert, who encourages staffers to drop by his office to discuss everything from the quality of the coffee in the cafeteria to world affairs, Mr Banga can also be extremely blunt, a quality that has rubbed off on other executives. Mr Selander says that Mr Banga has taught him to be more direct in his feedback. “After two hours with Ajay, you know exactly what he thinks,” he says.


At a leadership meeting in December, Mr Banga grew impatient when executives spouted too many platitudes. “I told them: ‘I’m not going to let this conversation end here. You’re not being as forthright as you need to be.’ ” So he had the executives anonymously write down on index cards the five things that bothered them most. Their answers led him to slash the company’s bureaucracy by improving the expenses policy, hiring process and procedures for signing on new clients. “A lot of what we did came from these touchy, feely meetings,” he says.

在去年12月份的管理层会议上,彭安杰对高管们的陈词滥调很不耐烦。“我告诉他们: ‘我不希望这个会议就这样结束。你们不够直截了当。’”所以他让高管们在卡片上匿名写下自己最头疼的5件事。根据他们的答案,他大刀阔斧地整饬公司的官僚 作风——改善费用政策、聘用流程和新客户签约流程。“我们过去做的很多事,都源自于这些让人上火、又劳民伤财的会议,”他表示。

Playing the role of corporate psychoanalyst is a world away from where Mr Banga started. As the son of a lieutenant-general in the Indian army, who was transferred from post to post every two years, Mr Banga had a nomadic childhood. “The moving around made me who I am,” he says. “I make friends easily. I adjust easily to new situations. I was always the new kid on the block, so I had to learn to break into established groups.”

扮演企业心理学分析师的角色,与彭安杰刚刚起步时的生活有着天壤之别。他的父亲是一位 印度陆军中将,每两年就会调动一次岗位,因此彭安杰童年时经常搬家。“搬来搬去的生涯造就了现在的我,”他表示。“我很容易交到朋友,能很快适应新的环 境。我当初总是家属院中的新面孔,所以必须学会如何融入那些已经确立的圈子。”

He believes it also made him more open to divergent points of view. “When you come to the US and hear people talking about diversity, well, I grew up with it,” he says.


In spite of his globetrotting, he has not abandoned his Indian heritage. On the 30-minute drive from his Manhattan home to MasterCard’s I.M. Pei-designed headquarters in Purchase, New York, he tunes in to Sikh radio, which airs traditional hymns. Yet he is also thoroughly Americanised. He loves baseball (the Mets), listens to Quincy Jones and Lady Gaga and “owns practically every Elvis Presley album that you could think of”.

尽管奔走于全球各地,彭安杰却没有放弃自己的印度传统。从他在曼哈顿的家,到位于纽约 帕切斯(Purchase)、由贝聿铭(I.M. Pei)设计的万事达总部,需要30分钟车程,他一路收听播放传统赞美诗的锡克教广播。不过,他也已经彻底地美国化,喜欢棒球(是纽约大都会队(the Mets)的拥趸),爱听昆西•琼斯(Quincy Jones)和Lady Gaga的音乐,且“几乎拥有猫王(Elvis Presley)的所有唱片”。

After receiving a bachelor’s degree in economics from Delhi University and an MBA from the India Institute of Management, he joined Nestlé in 1981 as a management trainee. Thirteen years later, Mr Banga signed on as director of marketing for PepsiCo Restaurants in India. He was charged with doing everything from choosing the right-sized chickens – too big, and they do not fry properly – to working the register and, yes, cleaning those bathrooms.

彭安杰在德里大学(Delhi University)拿到了经济学学士学位,在印度管理学院(India Institute of Management)获硕士学位,1981年他加入了雀巢公司(Nestlé),成为一名管理实习生。13年后,彭安杰签约成为百事餐饮印度区营销主 管。他的工作内容包罗万象:从负责挑选大小适中的鸡(太大,就不能炸得恰到好处),到负责登记,哦,还有打扫卫生间。

When he learnt that PepsiCo was planning to spin off its restaurant division, Mr Banga decided it was time for a career change. He wanted to work for a large global enterprise and, as a standalone business, PepsiCo’s restaurants would be a far smaller and less well-capitalised company. “I realised I was in the wrong place at the wrong time,” he says.


He accepted a job with Citigroup, where he briefly served as a debt collector before going on to become head of marketing for the consumer bank.


Although banking was an entirely different industry, he saw similarities to the restaurant business. “One is share of throat, the other is share of wallet.” By the time he left in 2009, he had been promoted to chief executive of the Asia-Pacific division.


With his 50th birthday looming, Mr Banga started to think seriously about what he wanted to do with the rest of his career. He considered teaching but couldn’t resist the urge to run a public company. So when a headhunter called him at his Hong Kong home late one night to talk about becoming the chief operating officer of MasterCard, he was intrigued. He flew to Connecticut in March 2009 and met Mr Selander at his home. The two talked for five hours. Mr Banga came away thinking that “this was a job that used all of my skills, yet wasn’t something I had done before”.

即将年满50的时候,彭安杰开始认真思考自己职业生涯的剩余时间想做些什么。他曾考虑 过教书,但又难以抑制执掌一家上市公司的冲动。因此,当一位猎头深夜把电话打到他香港的家中,询问他是否愿意出任万事达首席营运官时,彭安杰顿时来了兴 致。2009年3月,他飞往康涅狄格州,在塞兰德的家里与之会面。两人谈了5个小时。彭安杰离开塞兰德家时,认定“这是个能用上我的全部技能、而我以前又 从未涉足过的工作”。

The clincher: when the board offered Mr Banga the job, it promised to promote him to chief executive by June 30, when Mr Selander, who had run the company for 13 years, planned to retire from day-to-day management. Just to be sure, Mr Banga negotiated a $4.2m signing bonus that would have been his if MasterCard failed to make good on its promise.


Mr Banga’s accomplishments have certainly been financially rewarding. At a time when compensation has come under scrutiny, his $13.5m pay package means he is earning more than the heads of Goldman Sachs and Bank of America. And although success runs in the family – Mr Banga’s older brother Vindi was a former Unilever executive who now works for the private equity firm Clayton, Dubilier & Rice – Mr Banga does not take it lightly. “To join Citi 14 years ago as a lower-level executive in India and end up as one of the top people at the company, that’s pretty good,” he says.

彭安杰的成绩当然带来了财务上的回报。在高管薪酬面临严格审查之际,他1350万美元 的薪酬,超过了高盛(Goldman Sachs)和美国银行(Bank of America)的掌门人。虽说彭安杰的家庭中不乏成功人士——他哥哥文迪(Vindi)曾担任联合利华(Unilever)高管,如今效力于私人股本公 司Clayton, Dubilier & Rice——但他并没有妄自菲薄。“14年前,我在印度加盟花旗时是一个低级管理人士,如今成为了公司负责人之一,这种感觉很棒,”他表示。


2010年10月18日 星期一

name-brand to store-brand

Basket cases

"WE WON'T let up," insisted Bob McDonald, the boss of Procter & Gamble (P&G) at the annual shareholder meeting of the world's biggest consumer-goods company on October 12th. He promised that P&G was still on track to have 5 billion customers by 2015. But it is a struggle for the maker of Pampers nappies and Fairy washing-up liquid. "Many of the economies in which we operate are still recovering from recession," Mr McDonald admits.

P&G and its archrival Unilever, another global consumer-goods firm, had a grim time last year: profits plummeted. This year has been only slightly better. Economies are still ailing, and the cost of raw materials is climbing.

But there is something else happening. Basic consumer goods were long assumed to be more or less recession-proof. Shoppers may not be able to afford Dior dresses or Cartier watches, went the argument, but they still need loo paper and detergent. Yet people are finding ways to save money even on daily necessities.

They are shopping less and with more purpose. Some people deliberately pick up a basket rather than collect a trolley in supermarkets, to prevent themselves from buying too much. Some buy smaller packets, which are cheaper, or huge ones, which are better value. Many make do without air fresheners, hair conditioner and other fripperies once deemed essential.

Many scour the internet for special deals. According to a report by PwC, a consultancy, 93% of shoppers say they have changed their behaviour as a result of the economic downturn.

Many have traded down from name-brand to store-brand products. Alarmingly for, say, Kellogg's or Heinz, many have discovered that Tesco's cornflakes and Wal-Mart's baked beans taste no worse. A survey of 2,500 American households by Consumer Edge Research found that supermarkets' own labels have become increasingly popular, especially for staples such as milk, peanut butter, bottled water and cooking oil. Trading down is most common among households with an income of more than $100,000 a year. (Poorer people bought fewer posh brands in the first place.) Store-brand goods are especially popular in Spain, the Netherlands and Germany (see chart).

Consumers are also trading down from one name-brand to another: for example, from Lindt chocolates to Cadbury's. Some 18% of packaged-goods buyers switched from a premium brand to a cheaper one during the recession, according to McKinsey, another consultancy. Most said they found that the pricier brand "was not worth the money".

Ebbing tide

Terrified consumer-goods firms have cut costs and slashed prices. P&G launched a less expensive "basic" version of its Tide brand of washing powder, but then withdrew it because it was too popular. Many firms are pushing "three for the price of two" deals and the like. Some see opportunities amid the gloom. As people eat out less, Kraft Foods, an American firm, sells more Macaroni & Cheese and other ready-made meals. As hedonists cut back on spas and beauty salons, P&G sells more beauty products that can be applied at home.

Companies with a strong presence in emerging economies have the rosiest prospects. Shoppers in China and Brazil are trading up to foreign brands, making up for some of the new frugality in the West. Mr McDonald tries to sound cheery. In 173 years, P&G has survived many recessions. No doubt, but what if this one teaches consumers that supermarket brands are just as good and, when the economy recovers, they spend their extra cash on holidays or college fees instead?


作者:經濟學人  出處:Web Only 2010/10


寶僑的老闆Bob McDonald在股東會上承諾,寶僑仍會努力在2015年時讓客戶人數升至50億。這段時間對寶僑來說並不好過,寶僑和主要對手聯合利華去年的表現不佳,營收大幅下滑,今年也僅稍有好轉。經濟仍舊脆弱,原物料的價格卻節節上升。



嚇壞的消費商品企業也開始減低成本並降價。寶僑推出價格較低的「基本」版Tide洗衣粉,後來就撤回這項產品,因為它實在太受喜愛。有些則在一片沮喪中看到了機會,例如,由於民眾減少外食,Kraft Food的即食食品銷售也隨之增加。

在新興市場佔有一席之地的企業前景最為光明。中國和巴西的消費者開始改用較高級的外國品牌,彌補了部分西方興起的節儉風。McDonald表示,寶 僑過去173年來熬過了許多次衰退。確實如此,但如果這次衰退讓消費者發現,超市自有品牌其實也很好用,經濟復甦後改將多出來的錢花在別的地方,該怎麼辨 呢?

2010年10月14日 星期四


針對消基會批評,民眾用非約定銀行金融卡買高鐵車票,要付17元手續費,歧視其他金融卡持卡人。台灣高鐵公司中午回應,17元是「跨行轉帳手續費」,是根據金管會和財金資訊公司規定辦理,不是台灣高鐵公司權責。 台灣高鐵公司強調,所有銀行ATM跨行轉帳都要收17元手續費, ...

桃園機場第二航廈,今天中午12點20分,負責行李運送及分類的行李分檢系統,因「磁碟陣列」與主機之間的介面損壞,導致「磁碟陣列」無法與主機連線,「分檢功能失效」,桃園機場緊 急啟動「人工備援系統」,由各單位派出一百五十多人,以「人力」取代電腦進行分檢,分別派人在出境報到櫃臺,以及行李處理中心進行「人工分檢」,到傍晚為 止,系統仍然沒有恢復正常。當機初期,有五個出境航班延誤約半小時。實施人工分檢之後,就沒有傳出航班延誤。桃園機場目前正要求負責維修的廠商緊急調用零 件,希望趕在今天午夜之前可以修復。


桃 園機場發言人:副主任趙紹廉表示:機場訂有應變計畫,應付類似的突發狀況。所謂的出境行李分檢系統,負責將旅客托運行李透過分檢系統送上飛機,由於目前報 到櫃臺都可提供多個班機辦理旅客報到,因此行李從出境大廳的八條輸送帶送到行李處理中心時,必須依照航班重新分檢,才不會導致行李送錯。目前使用的行李分 檢系統自民國八十九年啟用,並未出現大規模故障。


東海橋「胡」八處題字 遭批馬屁橋


堵住人行道 題字碑成障礙物

市 府建設處土木科解釋,議員所指題字處是「橋頭柱」,一般僅供車行的橋樑會在兩處橋頭柱題字,東海橋因為有人行道,距離又長,四處橋頭柱都題字是正常的,加 上橋上有做景觀意象、觀景台,而且很多民眾都不知道這座橋樑名稱是東海橋,所以才會在正反面都題字;至於擋住人行道的部分,將派員至現場會勘後再研究如何 處理。市長胡志強對「馬屁橋」的批評則不願回應。

連絡台中市中港路東西向的東海橋改建工程在十月八日舉行完工典禮,由台中市長胡志強親自主 持,劉國隆昨天前往東海橋會勘,發現整座橋共有八處胡志強題字,橋樑兩側的橋頭、橋尾各有一處,仔細一看,不僅正面有題字,連背面都題,不管從哪個角度都 可以看到「東海橋」、「市長胡志強題」。


劉 國隆也發現東海橋人行道可連貫堤岸道路的人行道,但雙向上橋處的題字碑就設在人行道上,成為障礙物,行人只能側身而過,而且多了一道水泥駁坎,輪椅根本過 不了。劉國隆表示,胡志強在完工典禮上曾說「東海橋是用民眾角度去想」,結果卻自己題字立碑把人行道擋住,實在太諷刺!


yy 說智利的營救礦工才是好經營劇 你們應該多用心研究.......



  • 2010-10-14
  • 中國時報
  • 【晏山農】


 話說八月五日聖荷西礦場崩塌,各方都以為底下的礦工生跡杳渺,未料兩周之後傳來被困礦工勉力捎來的紙條:「我們都在避難坑內,全部活 著」。此後跨國救援行動就全面開啟,通訊、食物、飲水、氧氣、錄影帶、十字架…源源不斷送入地底,而家屬齊聚「希望營」更給予受困者極大的心理慰藉。災難 初期,據聞礦工們曾分裂,而在鳳凰號救生艙行動前夕,礦工們卻彼此禮讓,流露出生命光輝;也由於生命獲救無虞,所以受困礦工們也開始規畫日後的出書、代言、求償…諸行動。


 無獨有偶的,鳳凰號正式展開救援的這一天,三十八年前南美洲恰巧也爆發一起飛機失事及衍生的悲劇。一九七二年十月十三日,一架載著烏拉圭 橄欖球隊的班機,在從烏拉圭飛往智利途中,於安地斯山脈撞山,機身斷裂成兩截,十二人當場身亡。由於失事位置過於偏僻、加上寒凍逼人,倖存者有不少因而亡 故;更糟的是,官方在遍尋不著之餘,逕行中止了救援行動,致使生還者只能以同伴的屍體充飢,其後兩名隊員下山求救,終於在事發後第七十二天,智利空軍救出 了他們,此時倖存者只剩十六名。

 童年看到這則新聞時,但覺吃人肉是挺可怕的事兒,至於倖存者的求生意志以及與惡劣天候搏鬥的經過自是不曉;直到多年後看了電影《我們要活 著回去》(Alive),才真確體會到人性試煉之不易。曾有的痛、異常之苦終生纏繞著倖存者,卻怎樣也揮之不去,那等折磨遠較早早亡故的同伴來得可怕,可 又難以對外人言!


智利救援成功 值得學習

  • 2010-10-14
  • 中國時報
  • 【楊永年】




 第一,災變現場秩序良好:受困地下六百多米深的礦工不僅不爭先恐後成為獲救對象,還相互禮讓由誰獲救出去。甚至最後能「理性」的討論出礦 坑的順序,並由「領班」最後出坑。礦工情緒穩定雖和政府不一定有關,但其展現的團隊互助合作的精神,令人感動,也因此給了政府救援團隊充足(專業)的救災 空間。在地面上,由於有總統親臨指揮,因此雖有龐大的記者群、家屬群、救災群,但基本上還多能保把良好的秩序,而這背後當然和下個因素有關。

 第二,智利總統親臨礦場坐陣指揮:總統親自坐陣指揮展現救災責任,其實並無法律規定,災變現場要由總統(首長)親自坐陣指揮。不過,若總 統親自坐陣,所發揮的救災能量當然就有不同。智利總統與玻利維亞總統親自在現場坐鎮指揮,不只是因為這是全球矚目的事件,而且因為這是涉及三十三條寶貴生 命的重大工安事件。由於是大型危機,需要龐大的人力、資源投入,但也因為動用的資源複雜,需要首長坐鎮指揮,否則難以發揮有效的分工與整合功能。




2010年10月12日 星期二

Google Price Index

2010年10月12日 06:32 AM

Google to measure inflation by using web data

Google is using its vast database of web shopping data to construct the ‘Google Price Index’ – a daily measure of inflation that could one day provide an alternative to official statistics.

谷歌(google)正利用其庞大的网络购物数据构建“谷歌价格指数”(Google Price Index)——这个每日通胀衡量指数有朝一日可能会提供官方统计数据之外的另一个参考。

The work by Google’s chief economist, Hal Varian, highlights how economic data can be gathered far more rapidly using online sources. The official Consumer Price Index data are collected by hand from shops, and only published monthly with a time lag of several weeks.

谷歌首席经济学家哈尔•瓦里安(Hal Varian)的这项工作突显出,利用网络来源,收集经济数据的速度能够大大提高。官方的消费价格指数(CPI)是从店铺手工收集,只能按月度发布,时间上存在数周的滞后。

At the National Association of Business Economists conference in Denver, Colorado, Mr Varian said that the GPI was a work in progress and Google had not yet decided whether to publish it.

在科罗拉多州丹佛市召开的全美企业经济学家协会(National Association of Business Economists)会议上,瓦里安表示,谷歌价格指数还在日臻完善的过程中,而且谷歌尚未决定是否会将其发布。

While the Federal Reserve is unlikely to panic just yet, Mr Varian said that the GPI shows a “very clear deflationary trend” for web-traded goods in the US since Christmas. Although the data are not seasonally adjusted, Mr Varian said that prices rose during the same period a year ago. The ‘core’ CPI in the US, which excludes food and energy, rose 0.9 per cent on a year ago in August.

尽管美联储(Fed)可能还不用感到恐慌,但瓦里安表示,谷歌价格指数显示,自去年圣 诞以来,美国网购商品价格出现“非常清晰的通缩趋势”。虽然数据尚未经过季节调整,但瓦里安称,一年之前的同期内,价格是呈现上升趋势的。8月份美国“核 心”CPI(不包含食品与能源价格)同比增长0.9%。

“It’s a quite different picture if you go to the UK where you see a slight inflationary trend,” Mr Varian said. He attributed the rise in the UK GPI to the weakness of sterling.


Mr Varian emphasised that the GPI is not a direct replacement for the CPI because the mix of goods that are sold on the web is different to the mix in the wider economy. Housing accounts for about 40 per cent of the US CPI, for example, but only 18 per cent of the GPI.


The GPI shows a “pretty good correlation” with the CPI for goods such as cameras and watches that are often sold on the web, but less so for others, such as car parts, that are infrequently traded online.



2010年10月10日 星期日

Time to spit out more words of praise for Apple

2010年10月11日 07:31 AM

Time to spit out more words of praise for Apple

Last week, at the very moment I was writing a column praising Apple for its plain way with words, Steve Jobs was entering into an e-mail exchange with a young woman that took plainness to a whole new level.

前一阵子,正在我写专栏称赞苹果平实的语言风格的时候,史蒂夫•乔布斯(Steve Jobs)正在与一个女生电子邮件往来。乔布斯的电子邮件又将平实直率带到了一个全新的水平。

Chelsea Isaacs, a student from Long Island University, had got in touch with the Apple press office to get some information about the iPad for a paper she was writing. Six times she tried, but no response. So she e-mailed the chief executive to complain.

长岛大学(Long Island University)学生切尔茜•艾萨克斯(Chelsea Isaacs)为了完成论文而联系苹果新闻办公室,索取有关iPad的信息。她尝试了六次都没有回音,于是就给CEO发电子邮件抱怨。

“Mr Jobs, I humbly ask why Apple is so wonderfully attentive to the needs of students, whether it be with the latest, greatest invention or the company’s helpful customer service line, and yet, ironically, the media relations department fails to answer any of my questions which are, as I have repeatedly told them, essential to my academic performance.”


Mr Jobs replied: “Our goals do not include helping you get a good grade. Sorry.”


Chelsea composed another long message in which she argued that Apple should have answered out of common courtesy.


This time he responded: “Nope. We have over 300 million users and we can’t respond to their requests unless they involve a problem of some kind. Sorry.”


So she pointed out she was a customer and did have a problem.


He replied: “Please leave us alone.”


It is just possible that Mr Jobs himself didn’t write these e-mails. Indeed, Apple’s media relations department has no more replied to queries on that score than they have to Chelsea’s.


Yet whether he did or not, the world is judging him badly. “Profoundly unhelpful,” says the Guardian. Various Apple-hating readers have gloatingly forwarded the exchange to me, inviting me to swallow my words of praise.


But I’m not going to swallow them. I’m going to spit out some more. Steve Jobs may be a slightly unpleasant piece of work, scary and arrogant. But if these messages are his, I congratulate him on his clarity, his tetchiness and on being entirely in the right.


Chelsea is to be congratulated, too. By goading the head of Apple, she has unwittingly stumbled on a much better topic for a journalistic paper than some nonsense about the iPad.


The first lesson is about brevity. Her initial message was 473 words. His was 12. His words were short and sharp and easy to understand. Hers less so. Even in the one unwieldy sentence quoted above, she makes three elementary mistakes. She uses the word “humble” when she isn’t. She refers to irony when there is none. And sarcasm is always a mistake in an e-mail, especially if you are trying to get your own way.

这件事给我们上的第一课是要简洁。切尔茜的电邮长达473词,而乔布斯只用了12个 词。乔布斯的语言简短、尖锐、容易理解。而切尔茜的语言就稍逊几分。即使是上文引用的那个笨拙的长句中,切尔茜也犯了三个基本错误。她自称“谦卑”言不由 衷,说到“讽刺”却并无讽刺。此外,在电子邮件中进行讥讽并不妥当,尤其是如果你要搞定一件事。

The next lesson is that it is OK for a CEO to be rude to a customer. The customer need not always be king, especially when he or she is behaving like a spoilt, tiresome brat. So long as the rudeness doesn’t involve a loss of dignity and it isn’t being used, Michael O’Leary-style, as a tiresome stunt to get attention for Ryanair, then it is fine.

第二课是CEO对顾客粗鲁未尝不可,顾客未必是上帝,尤其是当他或她自以为是、令人生厌时。只要这种粗鲁不像迈克尔•奥利瑞(Michael O'Leary)为了引起人们对Ryanair的注意而搞出的把戏一样有损尊严就好。

Moreover, in this particular case, Mr Jobs’ grumpiness was in the public interest. He was making a vital, though unfashionable, point about priorities. If I were an Apple shareholder I’d be reassured to know that the company’s top priority did not include helping out Chelsea.


The point needs to be made harshly, because modern students simply don’t get it. I often get e-mails from them saying: “I’m doing an essay on marketing. Can you please send me everything you’ve written on this subject?” Next time I’m going to tell them straight: “No, I can’t. It’s not my job.”


When Mr Jobs was a student, if he needed help I daresay he did what we all did back then: ask a teacher, or work it out yourself. But Chelsea’s generation has been duped by the self-esteem movement into believing its development is a matter of general concern, and then duped some more by the internet, which has taught it that the world is democratic and it can have everything right now.


Alas, these beliefs sit so deep, that Mr Jobs’ forceful messages have not struck anywhere near home: Chelsea was last week still indignantly waiting for the busy head of one of the world’s most remarkable companies to say sorry.


“I have nothing against him,” she said magnanimously. “I hope he gives me a call.”


I trust she will have to wait an eternity for that call, and in the meantime will grow up and get a job and discover that working life is not a democracy and there is a hierarchy, and being just a little humble isn’t a bad way to start.



2010年10月3日 星期日






日 本的知事有東西兩強,都有高支持率,一是東 京都知事石原慎太郎,另一是九州宮崎縣知事東國原英夫(見圖,取自網路)。 石原具有充分政治經驗,並以強硬的愛國主義者著名,東國原則以搞笑做秀受到歡迎,2007年1月初次出馬競選宮崎縣知事,便一舉高票當選,但在今年底的縣 知事改選,東國原已正式宣佈「不玩了」。




東 國原以搞笑藝人的做秀本領,07年轉向政界,初戰當選宮崎縣知事,支持率一直維持在8、9成。09年眾議院選舉前,有強烈危機感的自民黨高級幹部,親自登 門向東國原求救,希望他為自民黨轉戰眾院,東國原居然拿喬,提出「必須以黨總裁候選人為前提」的條件,當時果然把日政界「搞笑」了。

據 日本媒體報導,自民黨籍的宮崎縣縣議會議長中村幸一對東國原的評論是,「做秀的手法令人感動」;宮崎縣政府的職員形容他「黃昏5點準時下班,出差在外時, 下午3點就消失蹤影」;當縣府高級職員來訪時,「愛理不理,一副無精打彩的樣子,可是電視攝影機一進場,就立刻精神抖擻」。


東 國原打的如意算盤是,今年12月放棄競選連任,將有充分時間應付明年4月的東京都知事改選,因為石原已表明不尋求連任,可能成為強敵的蓮舫、海江田萬里都 已入閣,以他的高支持率,新的東京都知事非他莫屬。繼而眾院可能在一年內解散,這也是東京都知事以外的選項之一,萬一當不了知事,若能選上眾議員,很可能 就是以後的總理大臣。



英夫帶著宮崎縣特產到京推銷,他一下子叫賣、一下子試吃,吸引路人及媒體圍繞身邊,達到宣傳目的。 (圖片取自日本「時事通信社」網站)



「電通」日前所公佈的調查結果顯示,上 個月二十三日至二十九日之間,在一百八十二個節目中露臉的時間為二十二個小時又三十分鐘,換算成廣告播出費用高達一百六十五億日圓。日本職棒每年春季定期 到宮崎縣內球場集訓等體育活動,去年為該縣創造約一百一十七億日圓(約三十二億台幣)的經濟效益,而這位新科縣長短短一週內所創造的經濟效益便已超越此 數。




cost-Benefit Analysis of corporate advertising


這 種分析方式很早就應用到著名的公司上頭,譬如說約5-6年前日本報紙對於Toyota 汽車公司的「歌功頌德」,換成登廣告的話,約值5億日元。現在2007可能是數倍的「加持」。這或許是良性循環。不過,如同「本益分析」(Cost- Benefit Analysis )說不定忽略很多,公司見報率,更可能是雙面刃,媒體是信息,不過是好是壞難說。

2010年10月1日 星期五











 鴻海集團董事長郭台銘日前在廣州舉行的廣東省長與專家企業座談會上表示,富士康深圳地區經考核合格的基層員工,標準薪資將提升至每個月人民幣2000 元,對此,富士康新聞發言人、媒體辦主任劉坤今天證實,此計畫從今天開始實施;此次調薪是富士康繼今年6月份加薪33%,讓深圳廠工從原本人民幣900元 升至人民幣1200元後,二度大舉調薪,部分員工薪資上漲幅度因此高達122%。





