雀巢欲斥巨资进军保健行业 Nestlé plans to bite into health industry with standalone unit
Nestlé is challenging the global drugs industry with plans to invest SFr500m ($510m) over the next decade to support the creation of a standalone health science business to tackle obesity and chronic disease. | 瑞士食品集团雀巢(Nestlé)计划在未来10年投资5亿瑞士法郎(合5.1亿美元),支持创建独立的保健科学业务,以治疗肥胖和慢性疾病。此举将对全球药品行业构成挑战。 |
The Swiss food group, which announced the move on Monday, appointed Luis Cantarell, one of its most experienced executives, to “pioneer a new industry between food and pharma” that will develop products to combat diabetes, heart problems and Alzheimer’s. | 该公司周一宣布了上述消息,并任命经验最为丰富的高管之一路易斯•坎塔雷利(Luis Cantarell),负责“开拓一个介于食品和制药之间的新行业”,将开发一些治疗糖尿病、心脏问题和老年痴呆症的产品。 |
The decision reflects a trend among food and pharmaceutical groups that are converging around high-margin non- prescription health products, for both humans and animals. | 这一决定反映了食品和制药公司中存在一种趋势,它们正汇聚到为人类和动物开发高利润率的非处方保健产品方面。 |
“The combination of health economics, changing demographics and advances in health science show that our existing healthcare systems . . . are not sustainable and need redesigning,” said Peter Brabeck, chairman, a key backer of the Swiss group’s push into nutrition. | 雀巢进军营养产业的关键支持者、董事长包必达(Peter Brabeck)表示:“健康经济学、不断变化的人口统计学状况以及健康科学的进步,都表明我们现有的医疗体系……不可持续,需要重新设计。” |
Pharmaceutical groups including Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi-Aventis have placed increasing emphasis on consumer health products sold over the counter, in an effort to diversify away from high-risk traditional drug development. | 包括辉瑞(Pfizer)、葛兰素史克(GSK)和赛诺菲-安万特(Sanofi-Aventis)在内的制药公司,越来越关注在柜台销售的消费者保健产品,旨在从高风险的传统药物开发转向其它领域。 |
Nestlé recently completed the divestment of Alcon, its specialist eyecare business, to Novartis. | 雀巢最近完成了将眼部护理专业公司爱尔康(Alcon)出售给诺华(Novartis)的交易。 |
The new health science division, to open in January, will include the group’s existing healthcare nutrition business, which had sales of SFr1.6bn last year. | 雀巢新的健康科学部门将于明年1月启动,将包括雀巢集团现有的医疗营养业务,去年该业务的销售额为16亿瑞士法郎。 |
By setting up a standalone subsidiary, the group may avoid perceived conflicts between core products, such as chocolate, and obesity – which now affects a sixth of the world’s population. | 通过设立独立的子公司,雀巢或许能避免核心产品之间的明显冲突,例如巧克力和肥胖症——目前全球六分之一的人口被肥胖问题所困扰。 |
Some analysts are sceptical about a food company’s ability to break into this area, citing the time it has taken arch rival Danone of France, which has invested heavily in recent years, to see a significant payback. | 一些分析师对于一家食品公司进军健康领域的能力感到怀疑,他们举出了最大竞争对手法国达能(Danone)见到巨额回报所花费的时间为例,该公司近年来进行了大笔投资。 |
Regulators, including the European Food Safety Authority, have begun imposing tougher standards to ensure any health-related claims are backed by science. | 包括欧洲食品安全局(European Food Safety Authority)在内的监管机构,已开始实施更为严格的标准,以确保所有与健康相关的主张都有科学依据。 |
However, Nestlé said it was no newcomer and already had a pet food that holds back Alzheimer’s in dogs. The group says its Pro Plan Senior is “the first and only dog food to contain ANTI AGE – a nutrient blend proven to improve cognitive function and mental alertness in senior dogs.” | 但雀巢表示,自己并非一位新进者,该公司已生产了一种治疗犬类老年痴呆症的宠物食品。该集团表示,冠能Senior(Pro Plan Senior) “是第一种、也是唯一一种含有抗老化物质的狗粮,事实证明,这种混合营养物质能够改善老年犬的认知功能和精神警觉性。” |
译者/梁艳裳 |