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2010年7月26日 星期一
這家公司早已是bp 而不是英國石油公司
可是且看"(中央社記者胡立宗華盛頓24日專電)「華盛頓郵報」指出,雖然美國官員及石油業者堅稱,英國石油(BP)的漏油事件只是特例"或"成報 - 3小時之前 【本報綜合報道】美國資深政府官員周一說,英國石油公司(BP)執行長海沃德將為墨西哥灣石油外漏事件下台。目前最可能的繼任人選包括BP總經理達德利,他目前負責監督該公司墨灣油污善後處理。如果他正式出任BP執行長,將是BP第一個美國人擔任執行長。 ..."
不過 上述報導觸及有點敏感的國籍問題
"馬英九總統26日出席「連鎖商店響應MIT微笑標章啟動典禮」,經濟部長施顏祥(左)將MIT微笑標章品質驗證制度代言人「台灣超寶」公仔遞給馬英九(右)。(劉宗龍攝) 總統馬英九和經濟部長施顏祥昨日出席連鎖商店響應MIT(Made In Taiwan)微笑標章啟動典禮。 ..."
2010年7月25日 星期日
不 过,自然灾害都是发生在人的背景下,其损害程度与人的因素不无关系。比如,智利今年2月27日发生8.8级强震,虽然造成的财产损失高达300亿美元,但 只有279人死亡。而今年1月的海地地震为7.0级,死亡人数则据称超过20万人。2008年中国汶川地震为8.0级,造成69130人死亡,17824 人失踪。其中的巨大差别,除了地震本身的差异,与建筑质量有很大关系。
一是天然湖泊面积大量萎缩,失去了对江河水位的调节作用。以“千湖之省”湖北为例,据水利部门统计,上世纪50年代,湖北省面积大于0.1平方公里 的湖泊有1106个,总面积7141.9平方公里,现同类湖泊仍有958个,但总面积仅2438.6平方公里,只有半个世纪前的1/3左右,调蓄洪能力大 大降低。在全国,自20世纪50年代以来,全国大于10平方公里的湖泊中,萎缩减少面积9570平方公里,共减少蓄水量516亿立方米。“填排涝湖,造高 尔夫”、“水库边上造别墅”的情况普遍存在。
二是生态破坏严重损害了中小流域的抗洪能力。经过多年治理,长江、淮河等大江大河干流的防洪能 力明显提升,但中小支流则险情频发、小型水库隐患重重。今年汛期,中小河流治理严重不足的问题再度凸显。湖北、湖南、江西、安徽等地发生多处险情,支流洪 水不断发生,湖泊、圩垸险情不断。正如著名水利专家沈国舫称,尽管洪涝灾害的直接原因是超常降雨,但从根本上说是水土流失所致。国内各地生态破坏严重,加 剧了水土流失,削弱河床泄洪和湖库调蓄能力。
三是城市建设及规划失当,加剧了洪灾危害。今年汛期受灾地区中,许多城市都出现了严重内涝。这 与快速发展的城市缺乏排洪系统,以及部分建筑挤占河道有关。城镇“洪水”除了降雨强度大之外,更重要的原因是排水系统规划缺失,建设滞后。当前我国城市处 于高速扩张期,各种利益错综复杂,各个部门、各个群体之间由于没有统一的规则可供遵循,成为城市内涝灾害的人为因素。目前我国一些城市排水管网欠账比较 多,管道老化,排水标准比较低,对于排水管网这种不能凸显政绩、吃力不讨好的事情,官员们缺乏兴趣认真去做。此外,在解决城市排水问题上,国内在诸如法 律、资金投入、管理等各方面都存在严重的欠账。
安邦曾在《战略观察》中分析西南大旱的原因时指出,导致西南大旱的根本原因不是天灾,而是当 地的人口和经济发展超出了环境承载力。今年夏天的洪灾,同样也暴露出了环境承载力方面的问题:国内快速的经济发展和城市化进程中的种种失当行为,破坏了生 态环境,损害了自然生态和水文系统对洪灾的调节能力,显著降低了环境承载力。
(注:安邦咨询公司是中国内地一家独立智库机构,专注于财经与公共政策研究。本文只代表该机构观点。)Before the curtain falls, three final words
临别赠言:人性化管理 Before the curtain falls, three final words
Arthur Miller's shattering play All My Sons is currently playing to packed audiences in London's West End. The story concerns a businessman, Joe Keller, who built a successful manufacturing company during the second world war, selling engine parts to the US Air Force, but who has kept a terrible secret hidden ever since. | 阿 瑟•米勒(Arthur Miller)震撼人心的剧作《全是我的儿子》(All My Sons)目前正在伦敦西区上演,观者甚众。该剧讲述的是一位名叫乔•凯勒(Joe Keller)的商人的故事。这位商人在二战期间向美国空军出售发动机零部件,由此打造出一家成功的制造公司,但从那时起,他的心中就隐藏着一个可怕的秘 密。 |
As the drama unfolds family tensions explode, and ... well, if you have never seen the play, get hold of a copy of the text or, better still, buy a ticket for the current superb production. | 随着该剧情节逐步展开,家庭矛盾爆发了,然后……如果你从没看过这部戏,那就找来剧本看看,要么,最好是买张戏票去欣赏一下这部一流的现代剧作。 |
Keller is a deeply flawed man. He tries not to think about the wider responsibilities he faces in the world beyond his factory gates. But in seeking to justify his actions during war time, he does, perhaps unwittingly, hit upon a reasonable and rather important argument. You have to understand the kind of pressure he was under, he says. You have to “see it human”. | 凯勒是一个犯下严重过错的人。他努力不去考虑在他工厂门外的世界中他所面对的更广泛的责任。但在为自己在战时的行为寻找理由的过程中,他确实(或许是不经意地)找到了一个合情合理且颇为重要的理由。他说道,你必须理解他所承受的那种压力。你必须“用人性的眼光看待它”。 |
Management is about getting work done. This means that, sooner or later, people are going to be involved. It is remarkable how many senior executives have told me over the years, with a hint of wonder in their voices, that their business is “really a people business”. As if there were any other kind! | 管理就是确保工作被完成。这意味着,它早晚会涉及到关于人的问题。不可思议的是,多年来,不知有多少高管曾经略带惊叹地告诉我,他们的生意“实际上是关于人的生意”——好像世界上还有什么其它类型的生意一样! |
Managers climb the career ladder thanks to their financial performance, or through their successful completion of tasks and projects. But in time they find, often to their horror, that most senior jobs are largely concerned with managing other people. | 管理者通常是因自身财务业绩或成功完成任务与项目而获得升迁。但最终他们常常恐惧地发现,大多数高级岗位多半都与人员管理相关。 |
The big question facing managers over the next few years is this: will it be possible for businesses to remain competitive, keeping up and preferably improving the quality of what they do, without making impossible demands on employees? | 管理者在未来几年面临的一大问题是:企业有可能在不向员工提出不合理要求的前提下保持竞争力、即保持甚至提高他们产品或服务的质量吗? |
Consider Apple's beautiful new iPad, that small object of desire. They are really cool, aren't they? Some of you may even be reading this column on one. Customers naturally want them to be affordable. | 考虑一下苹果(Apple)漂亮的新产品——人人都想拥有的小物件iPad。它们确实很酷,不是吗?你们当中有些人甚至正在用它读这篇专栏。消费者当然希望它们价格便宜一些。 |
But now consider also the wave of suicides and suicide attempts at Foxconn's manufacturing plant in Shenzhen, southern China, which is where many Apple products, including iPads, are assembled. Must a competitively priced new gadget come at the cost of young lives? We need to see it human. And pass over the comments of Louis Woo, a Foxconn executive, who attributed part of the suicide problem to the high number of employees aged between 18 and 24, “the prime age for suicides in China”. | 现在再来考虑一下富士 康(Foxconn)位于深圳制造园区发生的一系列自杀与企图自杀事件,包括iPad在内的许多苹果产品都是在那里组装的。我们必须要牺牲年轻的生命来换 取具有价格竞争力的新设备吗?我们需要用人性的眼光看待这件事,而不去理会富士康高管Louis Woo的言论——他认为自杀问题在一定程度上归咎于富士康18至24岁的员工人数庞大,称“这是中国最容易发生自杀行为的年龄段。” |
What does the future have in store for us? Short of some fantastic scientific innovation that uncovers vast new sources of clean and sustainable energy, it seems likely that the world faces many severe and related problems. | 未来为我们准备了什么?除了一些发掘出大量清洁与可持续能源的、令人称奇的科学创新外,这个世界似乎很可能会面临许多严重且相互关联的问题。 |
As Rich Lyons, the dean of the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley, points out, the straight line extrapolations on a number of important graphs lead you to a pretty scary place. | 正 如加州大学伯克利分校哈斯商学院(Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley)院长里什•里昂(Rich Lyons)所指出的,若对许多情况进行线性外推,你会得到非常可怕的结果。 |
Over the next few decades the earth's population looks set to climb to about 9bn. Temperatures and sea levels are rising. But we may not have enough habitable land, water, energy or food to cope with these changed circumstances. Future healthcare costs in a world of greatly increased longevity are daunting. See it human. The outlook is bad. | 未来几十年里,地球人口似乎必将攀升至90亿左右。气温与海平面将会不断上升。但我们可能没有足够的适于居住的土地、水、能源或食品,来应对环境的改变。随着人类寿命大幅延长,未来的医疗成本将高得吓人。从人类的角度来看,前景可谓糟糕。 |
That is why Haas is completely revamping its MBA syllabus. Business as usual is not even close to being good enough any more. Haas wants its graduates to be people who will do something about those scary straight line extrapolations, slowing if not necessarily reversing the trends. Dean Lyons calls this sort of activity “path-bending leadership”, because it will bend that 45-degree line back nearer to the horizontal. | 这正是哈斯商学院彻底改写其MBA教学大纲的原因。维持原有做法已不再符合时代要求。哈斯商学院希望,它的毕业生们能够成为影响上述线性外推、减慢甚至逆转趋势的人。院长里昂将此称为“扭转路径的领导力”,因为它将把那条45度的直线扳回到接近水平方向。 |
These are the great management challenges for the 21st century. But from next week someone else will be analysing them here. Because, sadly, this is my last column in this slot. | 这些问题都是21世纪所面临的重大管理挑战。但从本周起,会有其他人在这里分析这些问题。因为,很遗憾,这将是我在此处撰写的最后一篇专栏。 |
It has been an enormous privilege, and great fun, writing these pieces. I am grateful to the many readers who have responded so generously, if not always uncritically, to my work. And if anyone is worried about not being able to read my words in the future, in due course if you search the blogosphere hard enough you will find me there. | 写这些专栏文章,是一件无比荣幸与有趣的工作。我感激许多读者慷慨地(即使不总是不加批评地)对我的工作做出回应。此外,大家无需担心以后读不到我的文章,过不了多久,如果你在FT.com的博客区域足够用心地搜索,你就会在那里找到我。 |
Management is an urgent, profound and moral task. Even the flawed and forlorn figure of Joe Keller seems to realise that. We need, as much as ever, to act on his simple instruction to us: see it human. If you remember nothing else that has appeared in this space over the past four and a bit years, please try to hold on to that thought. | 管理是一项急迫、深奥、关乎道德的工作。连犯下严重过错的可怜人物乔•凯勒似乎都意识到了这一点。我们需要(像以往一样)按照他给我们的简单指示行事:用人性的眼光来看待管理。如果你记不住过去四年多一点的时间里出现在此处的其它文字,那么请努力记住这个观点。 |
注:本文是斯特凡•斯特恩离任FT专栏作家前发表的最后一篇文章。 | |
译者/何黎 |
2010年7月20日 星期二
廉政署未來將設在法務部之下,此一設計讓廉政署喪失了獨 立性及公正性。因為法務部是司法行政部門,並非獨立司法機關,執政當局很容易透過行政系統,將黑手伸進廉政署,這樣的廉政署,未來勢必無法甩脫「選擇性辦 案」的質疑。
法務部高層信誓旦旦說,行政並不凌越司法,因為廉政署內將設十名檢察官,可獨立辦案。其實,這正是「關鍵的疑慮」,把檢察官直 接放進行政部門內,外界擔心遭受干預的情況反而更甚。
原因就在於,法務部是司法行政部門,未來廉政署長的直屬長官,就是法務部高層,法務部 的上級是行政院,政院再受總統府節制,換句話說,廉政署長不僅被法務部長權管、也聽命於院、府。
行政體系講求上命下從,萬一法務部、行政院 或總統府對廉政署辦案與操作有意見,上級或上上級,隨時可以介入署務運作,廉政署在這種組織架構下,如何維持超然立場?
雖然廉政署內的辦案 主力是由檢察官負責,但這樣的體制,檢察官的長官就是廉政署長,不敢說檢察官一切都會聽從行政首長,但檢方想要擁有一個完全不受干擾、不受行政指導的辦案 環境,恐怕不易。
當局今天提出的廉 政署,不僅在組織架構上無新意,也未賦予超越調查局等其他肅貪單位更高的權力,廉政署充其量只能稱之為「另一個肅貪機關」。
其次,廉政署主 要是納入政風司後成立,其肅貪主力,以現有政風人員再訓練後而成,而政風人員長年以來,主要是負責發掘公務員貪瀆不法,及公務機密安全維護等工作,以往並 無實際偵辦案件的經驗,其肅貪能力仍待觀察。
星港三特點 馬版廉政署闕如
馬英九總統昨天宣布要在法務部下設立廉政署,各國國情不 同,台灣廉政署的規劃自然不必全盤移植星港經驗,但是能讓星港廉政單位發揮功能的幾項特點,台灣如果無法精確掌握,必定會讓反貪廉政任務失去實質效力。
新 加坡的貪污調查局(CPIB)成立比香港的廉政公署(ICAC)更早,CPIB是在一九五二年即成立,直接隸屬於最高行政首長。
ICAC則 是在歷經波折之後,於一九七四年正式成立,在港英政府時期,ICAC直屬於香港總督,香港主權移交中國後,ICAC仍直接隸屬香港特區首長,這種直接隸屬 最高首長的規劃,讓反貪工作人員少了許多不必要的行政干擾,是星港兩地廉政工作得以發揮實效的關鍵。
反觀台灣,馬政府的版本是將廉政署隸屬 於法務部,在此政府體制底下,未來的廉政署長依然是政府事務官層級,難以與星港廉政單位特任官相比,縱向必須接受府院部的三級指揮,橫向必須與諸多政府組 織協調,上面的公公婆婆之多,將讓小小的廉政署難以施展。
星港廉政體制的另一項特點,則是預算受立法部門的充分尊重及支援,避免民代透過預 算的節制,讓廉政人員執行任務時,對民代及其背後所代表的勢力有投鼠忌器之感;馬政府的廉政署版本,則將因為廉政署隸屬於法務部,相關預算也連帶得受立法 院控制,因此,立委以預算綁架要脅行政部門通病,未來廉政署也恐難以避免。
馬總統宣稱成立廉政署後,可與調查局等單位發揮交叉火網的功效, 如果沒有賦予廉政署獨立於政府行政體制之外的中立客觀地位,將會因自家人查自家人,更加出現包庇及集體犯罪的漏洞。
星港的廉政體制早年就曾 出現這種弊端,新加坡CPIB成立初期,人員都是借調自警察單位,這些換上新制服的警察人員在調查昔日同僚時,由於牽扯複雜,加上行政部門官員以各種方式 進行抵制,導致CPIB初期難以施展。香港也是如此,為了避免同流合污,ICAC才設計出不隸屬於港府任何政府單位,ICAC人員並非公務員,採工作合約 方式聘用,用此種方式切斷政府官僚體系的人情壓力及包袱。
〔記者顏若瑾、施曉光/台北報導〕馬總統宣布將成立廉政署,國民黨團表示支持,認為有必要成立;不過 有藍委表達異議,國民黨立委曹爾忠昨直言,他贊成政府肅貪的決心,但堅決反對成立廉政署,因為調查局就是台灣的廉政公署,「不能用成立廉政署當作遮羞布或 是擋箭牌」。「不能當遮羞布」曹爾忠反對成立國民黨團副書 記長林滄敏則說, 成立廉政署是政府展現整治貪瀆的決心,「若做不好再裁撤」。至於綠營質疑過去國民黨曾阻撓成立廉政署的立法,國民黨立委 謝國樑指稱,當年是因為調查局抓了很多民進黨貪官污吏,藍營擔心民進黨想藉廉政署弱化調查局,才會反對;如今法官、公務員確實都有風紀問題,民意又有呼 聲,因此有必要成立廉政署。曹爾忠強調,香港廉政公署具備的功能,除了最可用的「財產與所得不相稱罪」法律利器外,其餘的功能灣調查局都已 具備;此外,香港沒有監察院,檢察官也不具有監察權,而台灣有政風單位與監察院,許多機關皆具備肅貪功能。曹爾忠說,這無關政治立場,他從 民進黨執政、前法務部長陳定南提出「法務部廉政署組織條例草案」時,就堅決反對成立廉政署;無論是調查局還是另設廉政署,肅貪的根本是因為有像檢察總長黃 世銘這樣的人在做事,要讓前司法院長賴英照的請辭下台有意義,不能用成立廉政署當作遮羞布或是擋箭牌,這是台灣司法整頓的大好機會。謝國樑 則透露,「法務部廉政署組織條例草案」除將政風等單位納入外,未來調查局的肅貪功能仍將保留,廉政處也會繼續存在,因此廉政署不會完全取代調查局,而是多 了宣導、預防的功能;他強調,就像調查局、刑事局、海巡署都有緝毒功能,三個機關同時存在,一樣可以正常運作。
〔記者項程鎮、楊國文/台北報導〕馬總統親自拍板宣布成立廉政署,但法界普遍認為未來肅 貪成效有待觀察,台灣透明組織常務理事陳俊明教授呼籲,媒體及非政府組織要發揮監督功能,勿讓政黨介入廉政署辦案,民間司改會執行長林?正不看好廉政署的 功能,認為只是舊瓶裝新酒。
台灣法治促進會理事長張學海明白指出,馬總統說要設廉政署,表面上展現肅貪決心,其實只是轉移社會焦點的幌子。 他說,過去政風做不好,問題不在制度,而是決心,長期以來國民黨都反對設廉政署,現在要設,誠意令人質疑。
林?正與前台北地院審判長吳孟良 律師也都認為,因為剛好發生法官貪瀆案,馬認為有民意支持,就急著掛招牌,其實馬對廉政署是否成立一直立場搖擺,以前反對、現在又變了。
張 學海並認為,把法務部政風司納入廉政署,政風人員變成具有司法警察身分,實際上只是「換湯不換藥」,而且廉政署未仿照香港或新加坡作法,在制度上既有別, 當然就不可能比得上新加坡或香港的績效。
對於廉政署設在法務部底下,陳俊明表示,他可以理解是要利用檢察官法定職權,調度指揮辦案,但他希 望政治人物或執政黨,能支持廉政署運作,把習慣伸入司法機關的手抽出來,廉政署才能發揮應有功能。
林?正認為,廉政署設在行政機關下,就有 可能被執政者利用,現在檢察官辦案都被質疑遭政治力介入,他預測未來廉政署會比特偵組更慘,獨立性及辦案公平性都會受外界質疑。
吳孟良坦 言,未來執法單位這麼多,律師界很擔心辦案品質,依他觀察,很多案子被告明明沒自白,但在政風人員或司法警察約詢後,竟都自白認罪,未來廉政署成立後,會 不會有更多人被犧牲,令人憂心。
Nexus One在美國停售
谷 歌拒絕透露已銷售多少部Nexus One手機﹐但它說已收到最後一批廠家發貨。Nexus One為觸屏手機﹐貼有谷歌品牌﹐安裝谷歌的Android操作系統。谷歌在5月份說﹐一伺供貨售完﹐它就會關掉銷售這款手機的網上商店。

Nexus One是在今年1月份發佈的﹐被視為谷歌通過網絡直接向消費者銷售手機(有的含話費套餐﹐有的不含)的一個大膽試驗。由於銷量不佳﹐客戶服務頻遭投訴﹐這 次試驗未能成功。
主要運營商的高管說﹐Nexus One賣得不是很好。Verizon Wireless曾考慮採用這部手機作為它的終端﹐但在今春放棄﹐原因是看到Nexus One最開始的服務提供商T-Mobile USA業績慘淡。
Verizon Wireless首席執行長麥克亞當(Lowell McAdam)在5月份接受採訪說﹐T-Mobile採用了它﹐表現不是特別好﹐顯然﹐用戶對這款手機加T-Mobile套餐的接受程度﹐並沒有達到他們 的預想。
雖然Nexus One即將壽終正寢﹐但谷歌的Android操作系統仍在發力。信息提供商comScore 數據顯示﹐5月份﹐Android系統在美國智能手機用戶中佔據13%﹐2月份為9%﹔蘋果(Apple Inc.)佔據24.4%。
Nexus One生產商宏達國際(HTC Corp.)負責北美業務的副總裁邁克肯茲(Jason MacKenzie)說﹐谷歌堅持只通過它的網站銷售﹐壓制了Nexus One的銷量。
他說﹐通過實體店和傳統的運營商分銷渠道﹐我們 會不會賣得更多?這是沒有疑問的。
對於這部手機為何沒有流行起來﹐以及一共有多少部已經售出的問題﹐谷歌一位發言人沒有立即置評。她說﹐ 谷歌的目的是嘗試在智能手機上推出新功能﹐並推動Android系統的採用。
Amir Efrati / Niraj Sheth
2010年7月19日 星期一
How Mercadona Fixes Retail's 'Last 10 Yards' Problem
Spanish supermarket chain Mercadona offers aggressive pricing, yet high-touch customer service and above-average employee wages. What's its secret? The operations between loading dock and the customer's hands, says HBS professor Zeynep Ton.
2010年7月18日 星期日
〔記者王昶閔、葛祐豪、林相美、蘇孟娟/綜合報導〕衛生署推動的「醫院緊急醫療能力分級」評鑑,國內尚有台北萬芳 醫院、台北馬偕醫院、中山醫學大學附設醫院、高雄醫學大學附設醫院四家醫學中心需要在下半年重考,屆時如果再無法取得認證,就會喪失醫學中心資格。 若無法取得認證 將被降級 為提高急診醫療品質,衛生署在去年底舉辦「醫院緊急醫療能 力分級」第一階段評鑑,評鑑的五大項目包括重大外傷、心肌梗塞、腦中風、周產期與加護病房照護等,醫學中心急診必須符合「重度級」,否則將撤銷醫學中心資 格,今年初公告結果。 由於評鑑標準嚴格,國內十九家醫學中心,只有中國醫藥大學附設醫院、彰基、高雄榮總三家醫院過關,台大、榮總、長庚等 知名醫學中心竟全軍覆沒,上個月參加複評才過關,共十二家。 然而,台北萬芳、台北馬偕醫院、高醫、中山醫院四家醫學中心,因五項指標中有三 項不合格,根本沒有資格參加複評,必須直接參加下半年的第二階段評鑑。 台北馬偕、萬芳 三項指標不合格 醫事處簡任技正劉明勳表示,該項評鑑兼顧急診、必要手術到加護病房照護的所有環節,要求時效與品質,絕大多數 的醫院一開始都敗在加護病房照護人力不足。 此外,醫事處長石崇良表示,該評鑑還要求心肌梗塞病患從進入急診到心導管抵達血管阻塞部位,必須 在九十分鐘以內,且達此標準的病患數,必須至少七成;腦中風病患進入急診六十分鐘內,要注射血栓溶解劑,達成率需有五成。未來將逐步提高標準。 石 崇良表示,未通過評鑑的四家醫院,主要是資料不全或欠缺標準作業流程,難以證明自己符合標準,因此給他們一段時間累積新資料;劉明勳指出,四家醫院必須在 七月底前將資料送交衛生局初審,八月中再由衛生署進行審查。 此外,國內的非醫學中心,只有童綜合醫院、嘉義長庚兩家醫院取得重度級急診認 證。 高醫、中山附醫:強化照護品質 對評鑑結果,高醫坦承, 該院不像高雄榮總有本身的急診大樓、急診加護病房等設施,高醫急診室長久以來就沒有加護病房及病床,若人潮太多,會增設觀察病床、治療病床等臨時病床。高 醫急診科主任林增記強調,會努力提升急診的照護品質,希望下半年能過關;中山附醫院長呂克桓說,已成立重症醫學部,並以去年的標準讓重症專科醫師進駐加護 病房,強化醫療照顧;萬芳醫院也表示,會依據衛生署的評鑑標準,盡力達成;至截稿前,未獲台北馬偕相關回應。 |
2010年7月16日 星期五
富士康十二跳背後 高壓失靈 管理新一代的兩難
富士康十二跳背後 高壓失靈 管理新一代的兩難
作者:江逸之.黃靖萱 出處:天下雜誌 448 期 2010/06
相關關鍵字:富 士康;自殺;郭台銘
富士康員工連續自殺, 引發高度關注,不僅突顯中國新一代工人所面臨的身心壓力,更是數以萬計企業在管理上的共同困境。
五月二十六日,鴻海董事長郭台銘親自帶著三百多位中港台與外籍記者,要說明位於深圳龍華的富士康不是「血汗工廠」。年初跳樓身亡的富士康 員工馬向前的父母,突然跪地陳情喊冤,「我要見郭董,馬向前死得不明不白,」馬父流著鼻涕大聲哭訴。
走進面積相當於九座台北大安森林公園的富士康龍華廠,就像是闖入了一座巨大的迷宮,所有廠房長得都一樣,唯一不一樣就是小小的廠房編號,四十五萬名 員工在龍華幾個廠區內,變成一隻隻沒有名字的小螞蟻,只能用制服顏色來辨別所屬單位,個人價值隱沒在鴻海帝國裡。
龍華廠的每棟廠房牆壁都爬滿了一條條修補裂痕的「成長痕跡」,見證鴻海的高速發展歷程,「廠房剛蓋好,我們等不及水泥乾燥,就直接開工,造成牆壁龜 裂,」一位富士康陸幹透露。
富士康龍華廠處處感受得到郭台銘鐵血治軍風格,每一座樓梯都貼滿了「魔鬼都藏在細節裡,走出實驗室,就沒有高科技,只有執行的紀律」的郭語錄,任何 人上下樓梯都得複習「郭語錄」。
龍華廠就像是一座與世隔絕的小王國,在廠區內各項生活機能一應俱全,每棟宿舍一樓都是餐廳、便利店、水果店與銀行。但一走出龍華廠,卻是另外一個落 後世界,馬路上漫天灰塵,大卡車橫衝直撞,整個龍華地區就只有一家設備簡陋的電影院,連間像樣的餐廳都沒有,四十幾萬的富士康員工嚴重缺乏娛樂休閒活動。
八○後、九○後的富士康員工佔八成以上,下班後唯一的娛樂就是上網,雖然富士康在廠區內設置了網吧,每位員工都有免費的上網點數,但仍僧多粥少,無 法滿足年輕員工上網打發時間的需求。
相較於其他大陸企業的簡陋員工宿舍,富士康的員工宿舍蓋得美輪美奐,十四層樓的宿舍裡,第一線作業員平均每八人一間房間,十多坪的空間裡,四張上下 鋪鐵床與整排內務櫃,生活空間尚屬寬敞。
但為了避免同鄉串連、結黨;在工廠裡,刻意地將同鄉員工拆開在不同的車間;在宿舍,同生產線的員工,也一定會拆在不同宿舍。因為不同上班時間、不同 生產線、不同家鄉,同宿舍不見得會交談,「往往一個月都看不到同房間的人,我睡覺時候,他們都在上班,等到我上班時候,同房間的人都在睡覺了,」來自雲南 的小鋼抱怨。四十五萬人,彼此成為最接近的陌生人。
就在郭台銘帶媒體參觀關愛中心時,一通電話打進了關愛中心,電話那一頭的員工大聲泣訴著想要自殺,關愛中心網路平台立即顯示為特急案件,一位資深的 心理醫生立即衝進來接聽電話,不斷地安慰對方,「我們一定要讓電話不斷線,就有機會搶救這位員工,」一位關愛中心主管指出。富士康在去年成立員工關愛中 心,培訓一百位的心輔員,其中七十一位通過考試合格。
今年中國科學院在二月初,針對深圳八家企業進行員工抗逆力調查,發現富士康員工的抗逆力低於八家企業的平均值,「二十歲以下的員工抗逆力水平很 低,」中國科學院心理所社會與經濟行為研究中心主任時勘分析,中國正處於一個容易發生貧富不均壓力的社會階段。時勘建議富士康,首先要控制負面情緒的感 染,其次從所有員工中篩選出有負面情緒的員工,同時建立起員工援助計劃(EAP),所有幹部都必須學習心理學與社會學,「愈是困難時,愈要倡導正面情 緒。」
面對接連而來的員工自殺事件,郭台銘徹夜難眠,眼珠充滿血絲,雙手發抖地高舉筆記本,「我們沒把握沒有下一個(自殺的員工),我不知道明天要如何面 對媒體,想到什麼,就馬上爬起來寫筆記。」
富士康員工十二跳引發兩岸三地的高度關注,自殺引發的負面情緒效應也逐漸擴散到其他工廠,珠三角的很多工廠員工都以自殺做為威脅,要求老闆加薪,甚 至連本田汽車中國區四座工廠也爆發罷工潮,抗議工資過低。
2010年7月14日 星期三
Three years ago, Carrefour, the French hypermarket group, announced an expansion drive to open new stores in Thailand, backed by a Bt5bn ($154m) investment. | 3年前,法国大型超市集团家乐福(Carrefour)宣布了一项扩张计划,在泰国投 资50亿泰铢(合1.54亿美元)开设新店。 |
Today Carrefour is planning to quit the country – where it added 16 stores to the 24 it had, to become one of the top five players – and to pull out of Malaysia and Singapore. Despite being the world’s second-largest retailer by sales after Walmart of the US, it seems Carrefour will become less international under Lars Olofsson, chief executive. | 此后,在泰国,家乐福在24家分店的基础上,又新开了16家,从而跻身市场前五名。但 如今,家乐福正计划撤出泰国,同时撤离马来西亚和新加坡。尽管以销售额衡量,家乐福是全球第二大零售商,仅次于美国的沃尔玛(Walmart),但在首席 执行官罗盛中(Lars Olofsson)的领导下,家乐福的国际化程度似乎正在下降。 |
The former Nestlé senior manager, who took the helm in January 2009, is charged with turning round the underperforming retailer by Carrefour’s two activist shareholders, Bernard Arnault, chairman of LVMH, and Colony Capital, which between them hold a 14 per cent stake. | 曾担任雀巢(Nestlé)高管的罗盛中,于2009年1月接管家乐福,使命是带领表 现不佳的家乐福扭转局面。罗盛中受命于集团两位维权股东——路易威登轩尼诗(LVMH)董事长伯纳德•阿尔诺(Bernard Arnault)与柯罗尼资本(Colony Capital),他们共拥有家乐福14%的股权。 |
The shares rallied on reports last week that Carrefour was preparing the pull-out – something the company will not comment on – but the decision has provoked surprise, given the favourable long-term demographics of those countries. Carrefour was one of the first into China, where it is still market leader with 424 stores. It also has a large business in Taiwan and Indonesia – Mr Olofsson described the latter at May’s annual meeting as “very promising”. | 上周传出家乐福准备撤离上述市场的消息后——该公司拒绝就此置评——家乐福股价有所反 弹。但考虑到这些国家的长期人口发展前景较为有利,上述决定令人颇感意外。家乐福是首批进入中国的零售商之一,目前仍以424家分店的规模占据着市场领导 者地位。该集团在台湾和印度尼西亚的业务规模也相当庞大——罗盛中今年5月在年会上形容后者的“前景非常光明”。 |
The remaining three countries – Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore – had total sales last year of €1bn, ($1.27bn) representing 15 per cent of Carrefour’s Asia sales but only 1.1 per cent of group sales of €86bn. | 其余三个国家——马来西亚、泰国和新加坡——去年的销售总额为10亿欧元(合12.7 亿美元),占家乐福亚洲销售总额的15%,但在整个集团860亿欧元的销售总额中,仅占1.1%。 |
“Carrefour may remain committed to China and Brazil, but getting out of other growth markets seems at odds with a desire for long-term growth,” said Christopher Hogbin, analyst at Bernstein Research. “There is no reason why Carrefour needs to restrict its Asian presence in this way – Tesco manages to be in many countries quite successfully.” | 伯恩斯坦研究公司(Bernstein Research)分析师克里斯托弗•霍格宾 (Christopher Hogbin)表示:“家乐福可能仍然致力于在中国和巴西的发展,但撤离其它成长型市场,似乎与其长期发展愿望相左。家乐福没有理由以这种方式限制其亚洲 业务规模——特易购(Tesco)就相当成功地进入了多个国家。” |
Mr Olofsson’s strategy is to make France, Carrefour’s biggest market, and its three other large European markets – Spain, Italy and Belgium – more profitable. These countries have been allocated the lion’s share of investment this year along with important “growth” markets, notably China and Brazil. | 罗盛中的战略是增强家乐福最大市场即法国、及其它三大欧洲市场——西班牙、意大利和比 利时——的盈利能力。今年集团大部分投资都配置到了这些国家,以及重要的“成长型”市场(尤其是中国和巴西)。 |
He has said that he will consider pulling out of countries where Carrefour has no realistic prospect of becoming market leader. So far he has exited Russia and southern Italy and is examining a sale of the Portuguese business. Some analysts say that to concentrate resources on countries with the greatest growth potential is sensible and that Carrefour is present in too many, which weighs on management time. Mr Olofsson’s predecessor, Jose-Luis Duran, also withdrew from markets where the company was weak, such as Mexico and Japan. | 罗盛中曾表示,将考虑撤出那些家乐福无望成为市场领袖的国家。迄今,他已撤出了俄罗斯 和意大利南部地区,并正在审视葡萄牙的销售情况。一些分析师表示,将资源集中到那些最具增长潜力的国家是明智的做法,因为家乐福目前在太多国家拥有业务, 这会带来管理时间上的压力。罗盛中的前任杜浩诚(Jose Luis Duran)也曾退出公司表现不佳的市场,例如墨西哥和日本。 |
“Carrefour is not exactly strapped for cash – so we would not see the disposal of these assets as that material from an earnings nor valuation perspective,” said Justin Scarborough, analyst at RBS. Analysts estimate the businesses could fetch €500m-€700m. | 苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)分析师贾斯廷•斯卡伯勒 (Justin Scarborough)表示:“家乐福并不是缺现金——因此,无论是从收益还是估值角度来看,我们都不会认为出售这些资产有多么重大”。分析师估计,这 些业务的售价会在5亿至7亿欧元之间。 |
The pull-out is in its early stages. Carrefour is talking to bankers but has yet to decide how to proceed and, according to one person familiar with the situation, there have been no serious discussions yet with potential buyers. | 退出计划仍处于初期阶段。家乐福正与银行进行商讨,但尚未决定如何处置。据一名知情人 士透露,家乐福目前尚未与潜在买家进行严肃的谈判。 |
Talk among mergers and acquisition bankers in Hong Kong is that the sale would probably be split into two separate chunks: Malaysia and Singapore on one side; Thai assets on the other. | 香港并购银行家内部的传言称,出售很可能分成两块进行:马来西亚和新加坡是一块,泰国 资产单独是一块。 |
Tesco, the UK retailer, is regarded as the most likely trade bidder for the Malaysia and Singapore assets, but Dairy Farm, the Singapore-listed retailer and Aeon, the Japanese retail group, could be interested. | 人们认为,英国零售商特易购最有可能成为马来西亚及新加坡资产的商业竞购者,但新加坡 上市零售商牛奶国际(Dairy Farm)及日本零售集团永旺(Aeon)可能也会感兴趣。 |
Potential private equity bidders include CVC and Navis Capital, the Malaysia-based group. NTUC Fairprice of Singapore, which runs a supermarket chain, is seen as a potential buyer for the Singapore and Malaysia businesses, if they were to be sold separately. | 潜在的私人股本竞购者包括CVC和马来西亚的Navis Capital。如果新加坡和马来西亚业务可以分开出售,新加坡连锁超市——新加坡职工总会平价合作社(NTUC Fairprice)也被视为一个潜在买家。 |
Tesco is also a top contender for Thailand as is France’s Casino group. These two chains are the biggest in the country. Neither would comment. | 特易购和法国的卡西诺集团(Casino)也是泰国业务的主要竞争者。它们是泰国规模 最大的两家连锁超市,但双方均拒绝置评。 |
译者/陈云飞 |
2010年7月12日 星期一
(新加坡)2012年倫敦奧運會主設計顧問查德‧伯戴特認為,新加坡已經創造了一個異常 秩序井然,結構完好的城市,對新加坡來說,未來應在一定程度上為公共空間注入“複雜性”。所謂的“複雜性”指的是城市或區域的多元化。
作為英國倫敦政治經濟學院(LSE)城市規劃系主任、倫敦市長的建築顧問,伯戴特說,在許多城 市,市民根據貧富差距、宗教信仰、皮膚顏色等分區。
“城市已經不再是個大熔爐。人們應該避免這種使城市隔離的社會模式,建造一個更綜合的可持續城 市,把人與設施融合在一起,營造一種街道層面上可以體現出來的複雜性。”這種“複雜性”是使一個城市具有吸引力的重要元素,而城市人源源不斷的創意,以及 機會也就會應聲而出。
不過伯戴特說,城市的“複雜性”不是一朝一夕能夠打造的。除了當政者的努力,也需要幾分歷史的 沉澱。
他以倫敦諾丁山(Notting Hill)區為例說,諾丁山的洋房於1850年代專為富有家庭設計。60年後,這些房子卻多被學生或貧窮家庭佔據,一間房子可以擠入5個家庭。戰後,牙買 加社區把毒品等諸多問題帶入諾丁山。
“現在這裡住的可以是律師、雅皮士,各種各樣的人。也就是說,建築的形式能夠適應各種社會變 遷。使這個鄰裡運作極佳。這就是所謂的建築‘彈性’(resilience)。”
不過伯戴特以新達城為例說,新達城30年後肯定還是老樣子,無論功能或環境都不會改變。如何讓 這個城市更富層次感,是新加坡的挑戰。
20 reasons to hate the airlines
Prices Take Off
- And So It Continues
- 1. The Hub System
- 2. Nonrefundable Fares
- 3. The Demise of People Express
- 4. The Disappearance of Legroom
- 5. Frequent-Flyer Gimmickry
- 6. Lunch Is Not Served
- 7. Speak to an Agent? Don't Press 1
- 8. Pay TV
- 9. Pay for Pets
- 10. The Security-Line Confiscation
- 11. Checked-Bag Fees
- 12. Who Took My Blanket?
- 13. VIP for a Day
- 14. All Seats Are Not Created Equal
- 15. Stingy Over Soft Drinks
- 16. Bye-Bye, Standby
- 17. Carry-On Luggage
- 18. Surcharges on Peak Travel Days
- 19. The Cut-in-Line Charge
- 20. Pay Toilets
Read more:,29569,2002620,00.html#ixzz0tWZL2bWF
(nĭk'əl-ən-dīm') Informal.
- Involving or paying only a small amount of money: a nickel-and-dime job.
- Minor; small-time: "a nickel-and-dime operation run out of a single borrowed room" (New York).
v., nick·el-and-dimed, or nick·eled-and-dimed, nick·el-and-dim·ing, or nick·el·ing-and-dim·ing, nick·el-and-dimes, or nick·els-and-dimes. v.intr.
To spend very little money.
- To drain or destroy bit by bit, especially financially: nickel-and-dimed the project to death.
- To accumulate in small amounts: "nickel-and-diming a substantial bankroll together" (Newsweek).
Y.M.C.A. Is Downsizing to a Single Letter
Y.M.C.A. Is Downsizing to a Single Letter
Published: July 11, 2010
Note to the Village People: The lyrics in your biggest hit need an update. The organization previously known as the Y.M.C.A. is henceforth to be called “the Y.”
Times Topic: Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA)
Readers' Comments
One of the nation’s most iconic nonprofit organizations, founded 166 years ago in England as the Young Men’s Christian Association, is undergoing a major rebranding, adopting as its name the nickname everyone has used for generations.
“It’s a way of being warmer, more genuine, more welcoming, when you call yourself what everyone else calls you,” said Kate Coleman, the organization’s senior vice president and chief marketing officer.
Soon a special dictionary will be necessary to help navigate all the abbreviations being adopted as formal names by companies and charities alike: KFC. BP. Xe. AARP. A few months ago, National Public Radio sent a note to all its staff members asking everyone to refer to it as NPR.
“In many ways, we are just catching up to our audience,” said Dana David Rehm, NPR’s senior vice president for marketing and communications.
Jonah Disend, chief executive of Redscout, a brand strategy company in New York, said adopting abbreviations in lieu of long names could make sense in an era of Twitter, with its 140-character diktat, and apps for mobile phones.
“There’s a real need to make everything fit into a bite-size space,” Mr. Disend said. (The Y has an app, but nonprofits have not fully embraced them yet, in part over their vexation with Apple, which prohibits the use of iPhone apps for fund-raising.)
Brand experts say a new name can make sense when a company has outgrown its name or offers services that go way beyond what its name describes. “I’m advising a client right now to do just this,” said Larry Checco, president of Checco Communications and author of “Branding for Success: A Roadmap for Raising the Visibility and Value of Your Nonprofit Organization.”
The Y’s new name coincides with its efforts to emphasize the impact its programs have on youth, healthy living and communities. Its affiliate in Sioux City, Iowa, for instance, is working to change zoning regulations to promote sidewalks, which it hopes will encourage more people to walk. In Louisville, Ky., the local Y is trying to increase the distribution of fresh fruits and vegetables through bodegas. In low-income housing complexes in Houston, landlords have given the affiliate apartments for an after-school program to reduce vandalism by teenagers.
“We’re trying to simplify how we tell the story of what we do, and the name represents that,” said Neil Nicoll, president and chief executive of the organization, whose membership peaked in 2007 and has remained flat.
The challenge, Mr. Disend said, is to continue to make consumers and donors aware of the history, tradition and meaning behind the letters. “It’s particularly a danger in the nonprofit space, where the story and awareness of the history and mission is critical when trying to raise money,” he said.
Perhaps aware of that danger, most organizations that adopt abbreviations as names do so only for marketing and branding purposes. Legally, for example, NPR remains National Public Radio. Procter & Gamble, too, is still, for legal purposes, Procter & Gamble, though it has used P&G for branding purposes since 1999.
Conversely, the KFC Corporation is now the legal name of the restaurant chain formerly known as Kentucky Fried Chicken, but the company uses both names in its marketing.
BP, formerly British Petroleum, adopted its initials after acquiring companies including Amoco and ARCO. ARCO itself used to be the Atlantic Richfield Company. The Obama administration’s use of the old name in chiding BP after the recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has annoyed a number of British publications and political leaders.
While the public seems to have no trouble embracing abbreviated names, the news media often remains stubbornly attached to old names. AARP dropped its full name in 1999 and is frustrated that reporters still identify it as “formerly known as the American Association of Retired Persons.”
“Some names die hard,” said Michelle Alvarez, a spokeswoman for AARP, which changed its name in an acknowledgment that more than half of its nearly 40 million members are not retired.
Xe Services, the private security firm formerly known as Blackwater Worldwide, continues to be described with both names by most media outlets.
Of course, organizations sometimes enable such bad habits. The Y said in a note to editors that affiliates collectively should be referred to by the new name, but a specific branch should still be referred to as, say, the Y.M.C.A. of Greater Seattle.
2010年7月11日 星期日
世界杯“險”象環生 2010年07月11日 14:43:13 來源: 北京晚報
世界杯即將塵埃落定,全世界的保險商們總算松了口氣。此次南非世界杯前後總計安排了89.8億美元的保險保障,投保了8大險種,活動中斷險和恐 怖主義險等特殊險種榜上有名。Aon怡安保險經紀公司、AIG南非有限公司、南非本地最大的兩家保險公司(Santam/Hollard)和倫敦勞合社, 從吞下這份天價保險大餐開始,心就一直懸著……
只有世界杯決賽結束的哨音響起,總部設在英國倫敦的勞合社高層們才能松一口氣,因為此次世界杯的活動取消保險是由他們承保的。保險期限從 2009年2月28日至2010年7月11日,負責賠償南非世界杯足球賽因突發原因造成的取消、放棄、延期、移址或縮減而導致的確定的凈損失。同時,還負 責賠償組委會為避免或減少上述損失而支付的合理的額外費用,但以不超過避免或減少的損失金額為準。另外,如果比賽沒有進行,用運動隊和隊員名義所作的廣告 損失,也包括在保險費中。賠償限額最高累計至2.5億美元。只要在這將近20小時內,不發生強烈地震或火山爆發之類的特大災害致使決賽取消,他們就穩賺 了。
賠了英國的居家建築物保險公司,一到有足球盛事的時候,就“哆嗦”不已。熱心的球迷們在院子裏、街道上撒歡,他們興奮而且不加節制地打碎玻璃門窗, 搗毀花園,破壞家具,所造成的星星點點的損失積攢起來,讓保險公司非常頭痛。
據英國最大的保險公司阿維瓦公司的統計數字表明,在上屆世界杯期間,居家理賠的金額上升了25%,平均每一筆賠償費在600英鎊左右。其中球迷 和兒童們把自家和鄰居的玻璃門窗當成了球門的情況佔了大多數,散碎玻璃還造成了住戶內部家具的損傷。另外,球迷們在看比賽時,特別是慶祝和泄憤的時候,常 把飲料等灑在沙發和地毯上,當無法清理幹凈和需要更換的時候,也由保險公司負責理賠。所以保險公司在新制定的保險政策中規定,將會提高保險金,對凡是這次 要求賠償的人家,加收30英鎊年費。
傷了到現在為止,本屆世界杯球隊尚未因隊員受傷出現重大索賠。在西方國家裏,一個球員在巔峰時期,加入頂級球隊比賽,那麼投保5000萬英鎊並不罕 見,該保險涵蓋全天24小時在運動中整個身體任何部位的損傷,包括死亡和永久性傷殘。目前最貴的球員保單,是2006年底英格蘭隊隊長貝克漢姆簽下的,保 險部位擴展到全身。如貝克漢姆在球場內受傷、毀容或染上疾病,將獲賠1.2億歐元。
世界杯歷史上最貴的賠償,也在2006年。當美國HCC保險控股公司的總監伊萬斯看到英格蘭隊球星歐文韌帶拉傷時,他鬱悶地低下了頭。根據保險 合同,保險公司要對歐文承擔20萬美元的周薪,直至他康復,最終保險公司支付給他的總賠償額約1000萬美元。
破了今年的世界杯,有一項罕見的要求賠償的項目,元兇竟然是出盡風頭的嗚嗚祖啦。也許是樂極生悲,一個名叫梅耶的29歲女球迷,因為吹這種小喇叭過 度,造成了喉嚨破裂。醫生告訴梅耶要讓喉嚨全面休息,再不能刺激傷口,也就是說,梅耶整整挨了兩天餓,到了第三天,才能喝湯和吃一點酸奶。據信,她是這次 世界杯賽吹喇叭受傷的第一人。現在她已經向投保的人身健康保險公司申報索賠,要求按意外事故賠償醫療費用。現在,傷勢見好的梅耶成了運動場邊義務服務者, 她告訴即將觀看比賽的人們要小心,教給他們如何正確地吹喇叭,避免他們受到和她一樣的傷害。
到目前為止,已經有很多暴露在這種小喇叭超過100分貝的聲浪中的人,抱怨出現耳聾、耳鳴等不適症狀。這些人包括在球場看球的人、在夜總會和足 球俱樂部等處休閒的球迷和普通客人。當幾千人一起吹響喇叭,那種強大持續的鳴響給人心理造成的壓力,也持久不退,很多人表示出現了煩躁和失眠的情況。而在 體育場館、足球俱樂部等處的工作人員受害更加嚴重。
上屆世界杯時,有保險公司推出“被進球保險”。本國足球隊在世界杯期間每被對方球隊攻破球門一次,保險公司將給付投保客戶高額的賠償金。這種保 險利用人們對強勢球隊充滿信心的心理,預期球隊將在世界杯賽場取得好成績,保險公司也可趁熱打鐵得到一筆不菲收入。
上屆世界杯前夕,有約1萬名荷蘭人向雇主提出要告病在家。于是荷蘭的保險公司見縫插針,推出專門為世界杯設計的保險。自世界杯開始,投保的荷蘭 雇員都可從這家保險公司獲得醫療賠償,而投保的雇主也能因為缺失員工獲得經濟賠償。 (溫玉順)
2010年7月9日 星期五
Huawei’s push to expand in the US through acquisitions and contracts with telecoms groups could come at a high cost for the Chinese equipment maker, including structural changes that are already under consideration by the company. | 华为(Huawei)试图通过并购活动和与电信集团签订供应合同在美国扩张,但这种努 力可能会让这家中国电信设备制造商付出高昂代价,包括公司已在考虑的结构性转变。 |
Huawei, which was forced to abandon a joint bid for 3Com in 2008 because of US government security reasons, is still viewed with deep scepticism by US security officials, experts say. | 由于美国政府的安全顾虑,华为2008年被迫放弃了对3Com的联合竞标。专家表示, 美国安全官员仍对华为持有深深的疑虑。 |
Fears about Chinese cyberattacks and China’s access to US infrastructure have heightened following a string of internet attacks against the US government that are believed by Washington to have stemmed from Beijing and accusations by Google that it was the victim of hacking in China. | 华盛顿认为之前一连串针对美国政府的互联网攻击源头来自中国,谷歌(Google)也 声称自己是中国黑客的受害者,这些都加重了对于来自中国的网络攻击、以及中国侵入美国国家安全设施的担心。 |
These concerns complicate all large pursuits by the company in the US, including its tender for a major equipment contract with SprintNextel, the US telecoms group. | 这些担忧令华为在美国的雄心遇到了挫折,包括它对美国电信集团 SprintNextel大型设备合同的竞标。 |
Motorola is considering options for its telecoms network business and Huawei is considered a potential bidder for the unit. | 同时,在摩托罗拉(Motorola)考虑如何处理其电信网络业务之际,华为也被认为 是一个潜在竞购者。 |
It has been touted, too, as a possible partner to Harbinger, the hedge fund that owns US spectrum rights and has said it wants to build a fourth generation wireless network. | 人们甚至认为华为可能成为对冲基金Harbinger的合作伙伴。Harbinger 拥有美国频谱权,并表示希望建立第四代无线网络。 |
However, it is far from certain whether Huawei will ever be able to convince officials charged with protecting the integrity of the US communications infrastructure that it is a reliable corporate partner. | 然而,目前还远不能确定,华为能否说服负责保障美国通讯设施安全的官员们,它将是一个 可靠的企业合作伙伴。 |
The company declined to respond to questions by the Financial Times on how precisely it planned to persuade officials that it is trustworthy. | 英国《金融时报》曾问华为:它具体打算如何说服官员们相信它的可信度,但华为拒绝回 答。 |
What is clear, say attorneys and former government officials who are well versed in the internal workings of the Committee on Foreign Investment (Cfius) – the interagency panel that has the power to block or approve foreign acquisitions of US assets – is that Huawei will have to agree to significant conditions if it is to make headway in the US. | 精通美国外国投资委员会(Cifus)内部运作的律师和前政府官员们表示,有一点很清 楚,如果华为要在美国取得进展,它将不得不同意一些重要的条件。外国投资委员会是一个有权阻止或批准外资对美国资产收购的机构间协调小组。 |
James Lewis, a director at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, says Huawei, which is privately held, will have to consider going public on a US or Hong Kong exchange. | 战略和国际研究中心(Center for Strategic and International Studies)驻华盛顿负责人詹姆斯•刘易斯(James Lewis)表示,作为一家非上市公司,华为将不得不考虑在美国或香港上市。 |
It will also have to look hard at a possible realignment of its executive structure if it is to seriously dent concerns about a lack of transparency and allegations that the company has retained ties with the People’s Liberation Army. | 同时,华为可能还得考虑调整其高管结构。只有这样,才能真正平息人们对华为缺乏透明 度,并与中国人民解放军仍保持某种关系的担心和指责。 |
Mr Lewis says the company has already taken a few steps to appease security concerns: it created a US subsidiary in Texas that is getting involved in community programmes and has produced an annual report that is similar to one that would be filed by a public company to the Securities and Exchange Commission. | 刘易斯表示,华为已经采取了一些措施来缓和美国当局安全方面的顾虑:它在德州设立了一 家美国子公司,积极参与社区项目,并发布了一份与上市公司递交给美国证券交易委员会(SEC)类似的年报。 |
“All these pieces add up to a nice picture but whether it is enough to overcome their radioactivity, that will be hard to tell,” Mr Lewis says. | “这一切加起来看上去不错,但是否足以消除他们的辐射,还很难讲,”刘易斯表示。 |
Huawei is also considering creating an advisory board or panel staffed with former senior officials, a common tactic for foreign companies working in sensitive industries in the US, Mr Lewis says. | 刘易斯称,华为还在考虑成立一个由前高级政府官员组成的顾问委员会或小组,这是在美国 从事敏感行业的外国公司常用的策略。 |
At a minimum, as part of any deal, Huawei will have to offer Cfius assurances that companies such as Alcatel Lucent have agreed in their own dealings with the committee. | 最低限度是,在任何与美国公司的协议中,华为都必须向Cfius保证,诸如阿尔卡特- 朗讯(Alcatel Lucent)这样的协议伙伴,已同意自行与该委员会沟通。 |
In 2007, Nokia-Siemens agreed to a slew of security requirements following a classified national security review of its merger, including procedures that dictated whether foreigners could work on US equipment and software. | 2007年,诺基亚(Nokia)和西门子(Siemens)的合并交易受到秘密的国 家安全审查,包括实施了一套程序以判断外国人能否使用美国设备和软件。之后这两家公司同意了许多安全要求。 |
Paul Marquardt, an attorney at Clearly Gottlieb who works on Cfius deals, says the most extreme arrangement is known as a “proxy agreement”, under which foreign companies own their US counterpart but do not manage it or have direct control of the company. | 佳利律师事务所(Clearly Gottlieb)律师保罗•马夸特(Paul Marquardt)精通于处理与Cfius相关的交易。他说,最极端的一种做法是“代理人协议”。在这种机制下外国公司拥有在美国的业务,但不参与管理 或没有直接控制权。 |
Mr Marquardt says, however, that given the US government’s concern with Huawei is of a technical nature, it is unclear whether such an arrangement would satisfy US concerns. | 然而马夸特表示,鉴于美国政府对华为的担忧是技术性的,因此不清楚这种安排能否让美国 满意。 |
“The concern is not about Huawei learning how to make a router. It’s about Huawei having access to installed routers on the US network,” Mr Marquardt says. | “他们担心的不是华为学习如何制造路由器,而是华为能够访问安装在美国网络上的路由 器,”马夸特表示。 |
译者/李裕 |
2010年7月8日 星期四
Sony entered the e-reader price war yesterday by slashing the cost of its digital reading devices in the US just one week after market leader Amazon and book retailer Barnes & Noble cut prices on their e-readers. | 索尼(Sony)昨日加入了电子阅读器的价格大战,大幅下调了其数字阅读设备在美国市 场的售价。而仅仅一周之前,市场领跑者亚马逊(Amazon)和图书零售商Barnes & Noble都下调了其电子阅读器的售价。 |
The pricing moves by the three e-reader pioneers comes as Apple’s iPad tablet computer threatens to eat into the market, which is expected to more than double to 5m units this year from 2.2m last year. | 这三家电子阅读器先驱企业的降价举措,是在苹果(Apple)的iPad平板电脑有可 能蚕食市场之际做出的。预计今年电子阅读器市场的销量将较去年的220万台增加一倍以上,达到500万台。 |
The Japanese electronics company cut the price of its most expensive version of its e-reader, the Daily Edition, to $299.99, down from $349.99. | 索尼下调了其最昂贵的一款电子阅读器Daily Edition的售价,从每台349.99美元降至299.99美元。 |
Without that cut, Sony’s top-end e-reader would have been close in price to Amazon’s most expensive Kindle, the Kindle DX, which came down in price to $379 from $489. | 若不进行降价,索尼此款高端电子阅读器的售价,将接近亚马逊最昂贵的一款Kindle 阅读器——Kindle DX。后者的售价从每台489美元降到了379美元。 |
Amazon has also lowered the price of its cheaper version of the Kindle to $189, while Sony also cut the prices of its Touch Edition to $169.99 from $249.99 and the basic Pocket Edition to $149.99 from $169.99. | 亚马逊还将其较廉价款Kindle的售价下调至每台189美元。索尼也把其Touch Edition的售价从每台249.99美元下调至169.99美元,把基本款Pocket Edition的售价从每台169.99美元下调至149.99美元。 |
Barnes & Noble had kicked off the price cuts last month by lowering the price of its Nook to $199. | 本轮降价由Barnes & Noble发起,上月该公司将其Nook阅读器的售价下调至每台199美元。 |
The price war comes amid concerns in the sector that the iPad, which can also function as an e-reader, will take a significant share of the market, which is dominated by Amazon. | 这轮价格战的背景,是该行业担心iPad将夺走大块市场份额。iPad也具被电子阅读 器功能。目前亚马逊在该市场占据主导地位。 |
Amazon has about 60-65 per cent of the market, with Sony second at 30-35 per cent, Sony said. | 索尼表示,亚马逊占据约60%至65%的市场份额,索尼名列第二,市场份额为30%至 35%。 |
The iPad, which has a starting price of $499, has been a runaway success since its launch. | iPad面市后获得了巨大成功,它的起售价为每台499美元。 |
While the iPad costs more than either the top-end Kindle or Sony’s most expensive e-reader, it has a colour screen and can also play video and browse the web. | 尽管iPad的售价要高于最高端的Kindle和索尼最昂贵的电子阅读器,但它的屏幕 是彩屏,而且可以播放视频和浏览网页。 |
Apple is not the only new operator in the e-reader market. Borders launched its e-book store yesterday. | 苹果并不是电子阅读器市场唯一的新军。Borders昨日也推出了电子书商店。 |
The second-largest US bookstore chain recently started selling Kobo e-readers at $149 and a cheaper version at $119. | 这家美国第二大图书连锁店近期开始销售Kobo阅读器,售价为每台149美元,另一款 较为便宜的售价为119美元。 |
Sony dismissed the idea that it was concerned about competition from Apple’s iPad, saying that lowering the price of any consumer electronics product was normal once the product had been on the market for some time. | 索尼驳斥了关于它对来自苹果iPad的竞争感到担心的说法,称任何一款消费类电子产品 在上市一段时间后降价都很正常。 |
Sony’s latest e-readers were launched in the latter part of last year. | 索尼最新的几款电子阅读器是在去年下半年推出的。 |
Given that the market is still in its early growth years, “we welcome anything that builds this nascent market”, Sony said. | 该公司表示,鉴于电子阅读器市场仍处在成长的初期阶段,“我们欢迎任何有利于这一新兴 市场成长的事物”。 |
译者/汪洋 |
The records keep tumbling for Samsung Electronics. If earnings are in line with Wednesday’s estimates, the April-June period will be its second best-ever quarter in a row. This year Samsung Electronics deposed Hewlett-Packard as the world’s largest technology company by sales. In terms of net profit, it is on course to make more this fiscal year than the top 19 Japanese technology and consumer electronics firms put together. | 三星电子(Samsung Electronics)还在不断刷新着纪录。如果该公司二季度业绩与周三的预估一致,那么这个季度将继上季度之后,再次成为该公司历史上表现最好的季 度。今年,三星电子已经取代惠普(HP),成为全球销量第一的技术公司。本财年三星的净利润有望超过日本最大19家技术及消费电子产品公司净利润的总和。 |
All this obscures the fact that the flagship company of South Korea’s largest chaebol is increasingly a tale of two units: one very good (semiconductors), the other fair to middling (panels, phones and digital media). The first is a largely commoditised market in which Intel, Samsung and TSMC are emerging as industry titans, selling vast numbers of components to plug into other people’s gadgets. | 所有这些骄人成绩,掩盖了这样一个事实:这家韩国最大财团的旗舰企业,越来越像是一部 “双城记”:一部分业务表现上佳(半导体),其它业务则表现平平(面板、手机及数字媒体)。前者是一个已基本商品化的市场,其中英特尔(Intel)、三 星和台积电(TSMC)正日渐成为行业巨头,出售大量的零部件,用在其它企业生产的小型电子设备上。 |
The semiconductor division should account for just over half of operating profits this year, from less than a quarter of sales. But the other unit is showing signs of suffering from years of prioritising speed over innovation; reacting, rather than acting. This is more than mere cyclicality. Five years ago, for every dollar it spent on selling and marketing, Samsung spent 58 cents on research and development. Last year that ratio fell to 1:0.48. At brand-fixated Apple, relative R&D spending rose by 2 cents during the same period, to 24. | 半导体业务应将贡献今年营运利润的一半出头,而销售额却不到四分之一。但其它业务却渐 渐显示出增长乏力的迹象,这要归咎于公司多年来对速度的重视甚于创新,一向被动地做出反应,而非主动出击。这不是简单的周期性变化。5年前,三星销售及市 场营销开支与研发开支的比例为1比0.58。去年,这一比例降至1比0.48。在注重品牌的苹果(Apple),相关研发支出同期增长了2个百分点,至1 比0.24。 |
Perhaps as a consequence, Samsung is failing to set consumers’ pulses racing. Lacklustre sales of TVs and appliances meant that digital media probably posted falling operating margins in the second quarter. The handset division, too, has been officially “rebuilding”, a euphemism for struggling. Samsung’s new tablet computer, the Galaxy Tab, bears an uncanny resemblance to the iPad; the one difference of note is a 7in screen, to Apple’s 10in. Those me-too qualities are reflected in one metric that really matters: Apple’s $226bn market capitalisation is almost 2.5 times Samsung’s. |
2010年7月6日 星期二
Economists have quarrelled for centuries about the true definition of wealth. Perhaps a more pertinent question, in these globally troubled times as more people risk sliding into poverty, is the one they are asking now: what is the best measure of poverty? | 数百年来,经济学家一直在为财富的确切定义争论不休。当全球都陷入困境时,可能会有更 多人滑向贫困的深渊,因此在这种时期,或许更加攸关的一个问题正是经济学家现在提出的那个问题:什么才是衡量贫困的最佳标准? |
It used to be simple: you were poor if you did not have enough money to live on. The World Bank, which has been tracking poverty by income since 1990 in its World Development Report, reckons a quarter of the developing world scrapes by on $1.25 a day or less. | 这个问题曾经很简单:如果你的收入不足以糊口,你就是穷人。1990年以来,世界银行 (World Bank)在《世界发展报告》中一直通过收入来跟踪贫困水平。该行估算,发展中国家有四分之一的人口仅能依靠每天1.25美元或更低的收入勉强糊口。 |
Yet economists have long agreed that income alone tells only part of the story. | 不过,经济学家早就达成共识,收入只是故事的一个方面。 |
Instead, measuring things people lack – such as access to education or healthcare – provides insight into chronic poverty down to the household level and “illuminates peoples' lives for policymakers” according to Sabina Alkire, director of the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative, a research centre at Oxford University. | 相反,研究机构牛津大学贫困与人类发展中心(OPHI)主任萨比娜•阿尔凯尔 (Sabina Alkire)认为,通过衡量人们所缺少的东西——例如教育资源或医疗服务——能够从家庭层面透析长期贫困,并“向政策制定者阐明人民的生活状态”。 |
With fellow economist James Foster, she has devised an approach that is being launched this month and used in the UN Development Programme's annual Human Development Report in October. The method draws on data from household surveys by national statistics offices to give a detailed insight into what it means to be poor. | 阿尔凯尔和经济学家同事詹姆斯•福斯特(James Foster)共同设计的测量方法将于本月发表,并在联合国开发计划署(UNDP) 10月份发布的年度《人类发展报告》(Human Development Report)中采用。这种方法利用各国国家统计机构采集的家庭调查数据,以期对贫困的意义进行深入洞察。 |
“It's not as if income measures do not have validity but this gives a much more fine-grained picture,” says Bill Orme of the UNDP's Human Development Report Office. | “这并不是说用收入衡量法不正确,不过用这种方法呈现出的画面要精细很多,”联合国开 发计划署《人类发展报告》办公室的比尔•奥姆(Bill Orme)表示。 |
The approach goes deeper than other aggregate measures such as the unsatisfied basic needs index, developed by the UN in Latin America, because it reveals not only what proportion of the population is poor, but also the extent of their poverty, adds Ms Alkire. | 阿尔凯尔补充道,与其它整体衡量指标相比(例如联合国在拉丁美洲开发的未满足基本需求 指数),这种方法更加深入,因为它不仅揭示了贫困人口所占的比例,还反映了他们的贫困程度。 |
“This is important because in countries with high inequality there may be high average welfare or a high human development index because of incredible wealth among an elite, masking the fact that a lot of people are poor – for example, oil-rich states,” she says. | “这一点很重要,因为在贫富差距很大的国家,由于精英群体拥有的财富数量惊人,因此平 均福利或人类发展指数可能会很高,由此掩盖了贫困人口为数众多的事实——富油国家就是例子,”她表示。 |
An OPHI study of India illustrates how income measures can mislead: despite strong economic growth and falling income poverty rates, it found 46 per cent of children under three were malnourished in 2005-06, compared with 47 per cent in 1998-99. | OPHI对印度的一项研究表明,收入衡量法会让判断出现多么严重的偏差:尽管印度经济 增长强劲,以收入衡量的贫困率不断下降,但OPHI发现,2005-06年,印度3岁以下儿童有46%营养不良,仅略低于1998-99年的47%。 |
UNDP, through its human development reports, has for 20 years been tracking an average of indicators of health, education and living standards. This year's report will use the Alkire-Foster approach to complement its own Human Development Index. | 20年来,联合国开发计划署一直在通过《人类发展报告》跟踪健康、教育和生活水平等指 标的平均水平。今年的报告还将采用阿尔凯尔-福斯特方法,作为其人类发展指数的补充。 |
Although the report does not set UN policy, Mr Orme said its authors considered the approach “extraordinarily valuable . . . We hope that it is used by national governments and UN agencies and others”. | 尽管该报告不决定联合国的政策,但奥姆表示,报告的撰写者认为,这种方法“极具价 值……我们希望各国政府、联合国机构及其它组织都能采用”。 |
In Mexico, elements of the Alkire-Foster method have been incorporated, along with others, into a poverty index introduced last December. In Bhutan, OPHI's approach is used to generate the country's Gross National Happiness Index, which helps to steer government policy. | 墨西哥也将阿尔凯尔-福斯特方法的部分要素纳入了去年12月推出的一个贫困指数。不丹 在生成国民幸福总值指数(Gross National Happiness Index)时也采用了OPHI的方法,给政府政策走向提供参考。 |
Several countries in Latin America, where the UN thinks one in three people is poor and the rate of poverty reduction is slowing, are looking at it with interest. Ms Alkire says her method can highlight what drives poverty among different groups, such as a lack of education in rural areas or health in cities, and can aid corporate social responsibility programmes by giving them a way to track their effect. | 拉丁美洲的几个国家也饶有兴趣地关注着这种测量方法。根据联合国的数据,这几个地区的 贫困人口比例达三分之一,而且减贫速度正在放缓。阿尔凯尔表示,她的测量方法能够突显出不同群体贫困的原因所在,例如农村地区的教育缺失,城市的医疗不完 善等等,因此能为企业社会责任项目提供帮助,为他们提供一种跟踪项目效用的方法。 |
“Per capita income doesn't help us,” says Andrés Peñate Giraldo, vice-president for corporate affairs for Latin America at brewer SABMiller. His company's social responsibility programmes are focused on helping foster entrepreneurism and autonomy among poor people, and a more rounded picture of poverty in communities “interests us and would help”, he says. | “人均收入对我们来说没有用,”SABMiller拉丁美洲企业事务副总裁安德烈斯• 佩纳亚特•希拉尔多(Andrés Peñate Giraldo)表示。该公司的社会责任项目注重帮助贫困人群培养企业家精神和独立性,因此“我们有兴趣”更全面地了解各群体的贫困状况,“这也能对我们 有所帮助”,他表示。 |
In Mexico, the Alkire- Foster approach has shown that poverty among indigenous groups is almost four times the national average. | 在墨西哥,阿尔凯尔-福斯特方法显示,土著居民的贫困比例几乎是全国平均水平的4倍。 |
Gonzalo Hernández Licona, executive secretary of Mexico's National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy, likened the index to a doctor using a battery of tests rather than basing a diagnosis just on blood pressure. “There are many combinations of criteria – some people say it's confusing. But I think the benefit of richer information to be able to tailor policies makes up for that.” | 墨西哥国家社会发展政策评估委员会(National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy)执行秘书长贡萨洛•埃尔南德斯•利科纳(Gonzalo Hernández Licona)称,该指数就好比医生依据一系列检查结果做出诊断,而不是仅仅靠测量血压。“这种方法将各种评判标准综合起来——有些人说它太复杂。但我认 为更充分的信息有助于我们对政策进行量体裁衣,而这足以弥补复杂性的问题。” |
译者/管婧 |
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