
2021年11月2日 星期二

地球,人間煉獄 CLX (160期) :《破產書商札記》--香港公安法白色恐怖及疫情下,香港牛津大學出版社的美作。全球染疫病故人數已達500萬0425人 Global Covid-19 death toll passes 5 million.Surviving two pandemics in South Africa. 上海迪士尼樂園3萬遊客的核酸檢測夜與中國新冠「零容忍」的代價

 地球,人間煉獄 CLX (160期) :《破產書商札記》--香港公安法白色恐怖及疫情下,香港牛津大學出版社的美作。全球染疫病故人數已達500萬0425人      Global Covid-19 death toll passes 5 million.Surviving two pandemics in South Africa.   上海迪士尼樂園3萬遊客的核酸檢測夜與中國新冠「零容忍」的代價


香港公安法白色恐怖及疫情下,香港牛津大學出辦社的美作《破產書商札記》(OUP 2021:王強譯註,WILL Y. DARLIN原作作)。

The Diverting History of John Gilpin


Surviving two pandemics in South Africa

South Africa has been under varying levels of lockdown since March 2020, and has had the highest number of Covid-19 infections and deaths in Africa.

It is not the first time in recent memory that a pandemic has made South Africans face their collective mortality. In the early 2000s, South Africa was at the center of the H.I.V./AIDS pandemic. The coronavirus has turned our world upside down in less than two years, but H.I.V./AIDS shook South Africa’s foundation for more than a decade. H.I.V. became part of the South African psyche, as fresh graves mushroomed, just as they did again this year with the Covid pandemic...



Global Covid-19 death toll passes 5 million

The coronavirus has been responsible for more than five million confirmed deaths around the world as of Monday, according to data from the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University.

That equates to almost the entire population of Melbourne, Australia, or most of the nation of Singapore.

Experts say that five million is an undercount. Many countries are unable to accurately record the number of people who have died from Covid-19, including India and African nations. They have also questioned the veracity of data from other countries, like Russia.

“All of these estimates still rely on data being available, or someone going and collecting it before antibodies and local memories wane,” said one infectious disease expert in London, adding that the true toll is unlikely to be known for years.

The real number of people lost to Covid-19 could be as high as twice the reported figure, an epidemiologist in New York said.

Pace: Despite the Delta variant, confirmed deaths seem to have slowed slightly since the world reached four million deaths in early July — a sign of vaccine impact.

Details: The U.S. leads all other countries with more than 745,000 deaths confirmed. Brazil, India, Mexico and Russia follow, in that order.




