
2021年5月22日 星期六

《渋沢栄一傳》 By 幸田露伴;永田町「渋沢栄一」論 「道徳と利潤の調和」現実政治に. The autobiography of Shibusawa Eiichi: from peasant to entrepreneur


Shibusawa Eiichi

 幸田露伴 (1867~1947)

In 1917, out of empathy for the suffering resulting from the enormous death and destruction in Europe during World War One, Prince Iyesato Tokugawa and Baron Eiichi Shibusawa, representing Japan, published a condolence booklet honoring her fellow Allies. Japan not only militarily supported her democratic allies’ in their war efforts, she also aided the Allies’ sick and wounded during the war. This condolence booklet described the Japanese creating an association that collected a monetary fund that was gifted to Allied nations to help with their health costs. Prince Iyesato Tokugawa was the president of this organization and Baron Eiichi Shibusawa and S. Shimada were its vice-presidents. Many of Japan’s top leaders contributed articles to this booklet expressing their support of the Allies. This booklet was published in a French and English edition. The booklet was titled: Japan to her Allies: A Message of Practical Sympathy from the Japan Association for Aiding the Sick and Wounded Soldiers and Others Suffering from the War in the Allied Countries. Published in Tokyo, Japan, 1917. Just seven months prior to his death, Theodore Roosevelt wrote a lengthy article for The New York Times, November 30, 1919, titled: "What the Japanese Have Stood For In World War," in which he. emphasized the great appreciation America should have for the Japanese people and for Japan's significant role in winning WWI.[13]



  • Shibusawa, Eiichi, and Teruko Craig. The autobiography of Shibusawa Eiichi: from peasant to entrepreneur (University of Tokyo Press, 1994).


渋沢栄一伝 (岩波文庫) (Japanese) Paperback Bunko 

「日本資本主義の父」と呼ばれる渋沢栄一の伝記を、文豪が手掛けた.士は士を知る.本書は,類書中,出色独自の評伝. 激動の幕末・近代を一心不乱に生きた一人の青年は、「その人即ち時代その者」であった。枯淡洗練された名文は,含蓄味豊かな解釈を織り込んで、人間・渋沢栄一を活写する.露伴史伝文学の名品(解説=山田俊治)。




永田町「渋沢栄一」論 「道徳と利潤の調和」現実政治に

