
2020年1月5日 星期日

頒大獎的遺珠之恨:四個故事:Christo and Jeanne-Claude。 CharlesMackintosh 1868~1928、Herbert A. Simon, 1916~2001、Denise Scott Brown


Christo Vladimirov Javacheff and Jeanne-Claude were a married couple who created environmental works of art. Christo and Jeanne-Claude ... Their works include the wrapping of the Reichstag in Berlin and the Pont-Neuf bridge in Paris, the 39-kilometer-long (24 mi) artwork called Running Fence in Sonoma and Marin ...

Christo Vladimirov Javacheff and Jeanne-Claude were a married couple who created environmental works of art. Christo and Jeanne-Claude ... Their works include the wrapping of the Reichstag in Berlin and the Pont-Neuf bridge in Paris, the 39-kilometer-long (24 mi) artwork called Running Fence in Sonoma and Marin ...


就舉蘇格蘭 的Charles Rennie Mackintosh 1868~1928和其妻當例子。現在我們知道Charles 的作品中,有許多是夫妻合作,甚至是妻子的作品。請參考BBC的 專題報導。

人工智能(AI) 的先驅的 遺珠之恨故事

He  (Herbert A. Simon, 1916~2001)was awarded the ACM Turing Award, along with Allen Newell, in 1975. "In joint scientific efforts extending over twenty years, initially in collaboration with J. C. (Cliff) Shaw at the RAND Corporation,

2013年,丹尼絲.斯考特.布朗登上頭條新聞,因為哈佛大學設計研究所(GSD)的學生組織「女性設計協會」(Women in Design)發動請願書—她們要求享譽國際的「普立茲克建築獎」(Pritzker Prize)委員會,把普立茲克獎補頒給1991年獲獎建築師羅伯特.文丘里(Robert Venturi)的合夥人丹尼絲.斯考特.布朗(Denise Scott Brown),最後並沒有成功!
Denise Scott Brown:「看到這份請願,就像老年收到的禮物,世界各地有二萬人叫我丹尼絲,我不需要普利茲克獎,我的普利茲克獎就是那份『請願書』。」

