
2017年7月28日 星期五

豐田工廠大換血 Toyota makes $1.33 billion investment in Kentucky

Toyota makes $1.33 billion investment in Kentucky plant - Reuters

Apr 10, 2017 - Japanese automaker Toyota Motor Corp (7203.T) said it ... plant as part of a plan toinvest $10 billion in the United States over the next five years.

Toyota to invest $10 billion in U.S. over five years - Reuters

Jan 9, 2017 - DETROIT (Reuters) - Toyota Motor Corp (7203.T) will invest $10 billion in the United States over the next five years, the same as in the previous five years, North America Chief Executive Jim Lentz said on Monday, to meet demand and upgrade plants to build more fuel-efficient ...

彭博商業周刊 / 中文版
2016年,豐田Camry連續第15年成為美國人購買最多的車型。市場信息服務商J.D. Power & Associates對中型車的調查顯示,豐田在受歡迎程度和質量排名上長期居於高位。但即便如此,隨著曾經佔主導地位的家用轎車在汽車行業風光不再,豐田也未能倖免。這對豐田來說是一次痛苦的領悟。過去幾年來,汽車買家對更寬敞的小卡車和運動型多用途車(SUV)趨之若鶩,讓豐田難以招架。
美國市場的Camry車型主要產自豐田位於肯塔基州喬治敦的車廠,這也是豐田在美國最大的組裝廠,佔地相當於156個足球場。負責生產的副總裁安第斯(Dan Antis)表示,車廠在4月的產能利用率只有80%,勉強收支平衡。「我能說Camry讓我們賺得盆滿鉢滿嗎?」豐田北美行政總裁倫茨(Jim Lentz)表示。「恐怕不能。」
豐田的首席工程師兼研發高級副總裁勝又真人(Masato Katsumata)表示,豐田希望把喬治敦工廠整改一新後的生產程序作為範例,在此基礎上對Camry和其他車型的組件進行混合配對,這對豐田來說是前所未有的做法。「這是對設計和製造系統的徹底革新,」撰寫過九本關於豐田的書籍的密歇根大學教授萊克(Jeff Liker)表示。「他們在研發下一套生產平台時可以重復運用這次的原理和程序。」
豐田喬治敦工廠的改革之路始於2009年。當時,全球經濟危機讓豐田於59年來首次蒙受損失,一系列意外加速事故迫使公司召回逾1000萬輛車。豐田超越通用汽車(General Motors)成為了世界上最大的汽車生產商,但這樣的增長來自高成本的複雜生產模式:工人組裝汽車時會用到大約800種不同的發動機,但基礎組裝平台只有100個左右。
安第斯表示,車廠的一部分革新是為了改進汽車外觀、提供更動感的駕車體驗,而不僅僅是為了工廠自身的靈活運作。勝又表示,到目前為止,柔和的車身結構和軟塌塌的懸架系統讓消費者只能被迫接受在轉向和變速時會左右或前後搖擺的轎車。勝又認為過去的Camry車型太平庸乏味。 「如果你不是對車很有激情的人,你可以選擇Camry,」 勝又這樣定位過去的Camry車型。他在豐田已經擔任了十多年的資深工程師。
豐田不願透露其在開發新生產模式上投入了多少資金,但在截止3月的財年裡,豐田的資本支出增加了882億日元,其中大部分流向了工廠革新。投資人對這部分支出並不看好。「豐田預計公司將連續第二次出現利潤下滑,這種情況在1994年以來還是首次,」東京SBI證券的分析師遠藤浩二(Koji Endo)表示。投資者的悲觀情緒、日元走強和美國銷售下降等因素導致豐田股價於今年來下滑了大約17%。
但豐田的勝又表示,這筆投資最終會帶來回報,因為新Camry會吸引更多買家,而且公司生產汽車的效能也得到提高。「兩年、三年、四年或五年後,總收益可能會高過」累計成本,他說。——John Lippert、Kevin Buckland

Lucy Kellaway


露西•凯拉韦- FT中文网

露西•凯拉韦(Lucy Kellaway)是英国《金融时报》的管理专栏作家。在过去十年的时间里,她用幽默的语言调侃各种职场现象,并为读者出谋划策。她的专栏每周一出版在 ...



更新於2017年7月26日06:07 英國《金融時報》專欄作家露西•凱拉韋








上周清理自己的辦公桌的時候,我感覺不錯。我只是把32年的工作累積下來的殘留物品攬起來扔到垃圾桶裡。我幾乎沒看那些我幾十年來保存在辦公桌抽屜裡的信件。我按照近藤麻理惠(Marie Kondo)的整理法把它們一股腦扔進廢紙回收箱。我在各種已不復存在的機構給我頒發的落滿灰塵的獎杯前稍微猶豫了一下。讓我左右為難的是,究竟是把它們扔進混合回收箱,還是當做一般垃圾處理。






相反,我感覺我是與英國《金融時報》的理念結成了一段關係。這個理念代表判斷力、知識和正派。這麼說可能有點矯情,但這是我堅持的理念,一個讓我充滿自豪的理念。最重要的是,這其中還有我與讀者結成的關係,這麼說可能有點一邊倒。你們認識我(或者說你們認識我選擇寫在文章裡的那一面),但我卻不認識你們。即使在寫作這個專欄這麼多年以後,我依然看不清你們。有的時候我寫了一些我覺得特別逗樂的東西——比如傑夫•貝索斯(Jeff Bezos)把他的維生素片放在襪子裡——你們卻覺得很蠢。但當我寫了一些我覺得有點牽強的東西的時候,比如學會拒絕是多麼棒,你們卻非常喜歡。





露辛达•钱伯斯(Lucinda Chambers)一下子打破了两条关于被解雇后怎么做才得体的黄金法则。最近接受一个采访时,这位英国版《Vogue》前时装总监拒绝假装双方是好聚好散的。她说:“我是被解雇


一艘巨大的宇宙飞船降落在库比蒂诺。今年夏天,1.2万名苹果(Apple)员工将开始搬入这座巨型碟形建筑。这项工程持续了8年、耗资50亿美元,使其成为全世界最昂贵的办公室。 苹果公园(Apple Par




最近,英国《金融时报》(Financial Times)把我的部分工作交给了一个机器人。过去这些年,我一直会把自己的专栏做成播客版本,但现在我遇到了激烈的竞争——来自实验机器人艾米(Experimen


不久前,庞德文(David Bonderman)捅了一个天大的娄子。他在谈论优步(Uber)的性别歧视文化时说漏了嘴,开了一个关于女性话太多的愚蠢玩笑。他还打断了同为优步董事的阿里安娜•赫芬顿(Ari


今天我没在早上6点半起床去骑士桥(Knightsbridge)参加一场早餐会。明天,我不会去参加一场三明治午餐会,讨论一个跟我只沾一点点边的项目。 周四,我不会去参加一场夏季交流派对。我既不会给一家“


这是我许久以来读过的最悲伤的故事了。世界银行(World Bank)首席经济学家保罗•罗默(Paul Romer)命令手下以后写报告要更加清楚明了,作报告时一旦开始啰嗦就立刻让他们闭嘴,还坚持所有报告


几周前,我参加了一次讨论会,讨论一个我内心很喜欢的话题:既然所有人的寿命都在延长,那么五六十岁的人该从事什么职业呢? 我明确指出,所有职业都应该开始在最基层岗位接纳50多岁的员工,让他们跟毕业生一起接


很少有比在大公司当首席执行官更没劲的工作了。压力大得喘不过气。还得强忍孤独。见不着孩子。花大量时间在3.6万英尺高的加压舱里呼吸污浊的空气。到头来还常常一败涂地、颜面尽失。 强生(Johnson &


不久前的一个周三,我坐火车前往牛津,为我母校的赞助人做一次演讲。那天我精神不错。阳光灿烂,我读着企业家奇普•康利(Chip Conley)的一篇博文自娱自乐,其内容是智慧随年龄增长。56岁的他,不把自


上个月,华盛顿大学(University of Washington)开了一门新课,名为《在大数据时代拆穿胡扯》(Calling Bullshit In the Age of Big Data)。过去


我违反了雇主的行为守则。不仅是以一个方式,而是以四个不同方式,其中之一涉及公然撒谎。 正常做法是对此保持沉默,但我选择“出卖”自己,部分原因是我有理由相信,跟我处境相同的人很多,但也是因为真正过错并不


安吉拉•阿伦茨(Angela Ahrendts)前不久给她的两个女儿,索玛(Sommer)和安吉丽娜(Angelina),写了一封公开信,她把这封信发表在领英(LinkedIn)上。大部分人对这封信都




不久前,联合利华(Unilever)拒绝了卡夫(Kraft)的收购要约,沃伦•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)就此接受了美国财经新闻频道CNBC的采访,其间巴菲特先生讲了一个有趣的故事。或者说,


在投行、管理咨询公司以及顶级律师事务所工作的那些人上班时的穿着都很荒唐。当然,他们说起话来也是一样。 这个想法是我在不久前观看《托尼•厄德曼》(Toni Erdmann)时冒出来的,在这部德国喜剧电影


前些天,我在工作中跟某人就一个原则性问题吵了一架。回到家,我将吵架的过程一字不落地讲给我闺女听,指望得到她的力挺。不料她翻了个白眼。 “对方真可怜,”她说,跟我的对头站在一边。 “真可怜?”我重复道,


我认识一位女士,她总能够让人们按她的意思办事。她能让忙碌的高管们为她抽出夜晚的时间,贡献他们的想法,并且甘愿掏腰包。她曾在各种场合说服我为她做事,就如她曾经说服无数人为她出力一样。 有一天遇到她,我问


最近,我一个朋友的老板对其所有下属发表了一番鼓舞士气的新年致辞。“你们每人都有权热爱本职工作,”他对部下们说。 我的朋友觉得这话很可怕,看上去有点被雷到了,我则指出这话既危险又不切实际。没谁“有权”热

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2017年7月26日 星期三

7-ELEVEN 業績再成長三成也難博得尊敬

NEC 總經理昨晚來Line 詢及「統一集團兩家上市公司今將停止交易ㄧ天」,是為了什麼事?當時簡單回覆「應與國泰世華的合作有關吧⋯」,結果,CNA 發此消息後,似乎八九不離十。回顧 7/11 的「八爪魚」般崛起,如果不是統一高清愿當時堅持苦撐數載,老早就關門大吉了!如今雖然苦盡甘來;但是,類似:南投清境農場有兩家「違法營運」、以及對加盟店的血汗配合等情形要及時改善⋯不然,業績再成長三成也難博得尊敬*

A boost for managing cities: Bloomberg gift will fund Kennedy School, Business School partnership program to assist mayors, improve programs

A boost for managing cities

Bloomberg gift will fund Kennedy School, Business School partnership program to assist mayors, improve programs
August 25, 2016 | Editor's Pick

By Christina Pazzanese, Harvard Staff Writer

The incessant public drumbeat that “government is broken,” or at least inefficient and ineffective, has long been a popular and politically expedient way to justify ideologically driven policy shifts and budget cuts, or simply to discredit new ideas.

As partisan gridlock at the federal level continues to stymie efforts to accomplish much of anything of national import, state and local governments have embraced the idea that government should identify new tools and solutions that can enhance and expand the way it delivers results for its citizens and improves people’s lives. The stumbling block is often getting the proper training and finding the necessary money and political will to implement change.

To prove that government can, in fact, work and be a positive force, Harvard and Bloomberg Philanthropies, the charitable foundation of businessman and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, M.B.A. ’66, today announced a trailblazing new collaboration to develop and further leadership, management, and innovation in cities across the United States and the world.
Thanks to a $32 million gift, about 300 mayors and 400 of their senior staff members will be invited over four years to participate in the Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative, a comprehensive, year-long executive education program developed and taught by faculty from Harvard Business School (HBS) and Harvard Kennedy School (HKS).
“This is a vitally important opportunity to advance the understanding of urban issues and to work with mayors and other public officials to bring discoveries from University research into communities across the nation and around the world,” said Harvard President Drew Faust in a press statement.
Select mayors and some of their top aides will spend three days at the Bloomberg campus in New York City discussing their challenges, sharing information, and learning about the latest ideas and interventions from Harvard faculty and Bloomberg Philanthropy experts. They’ll reconvene each quarter via HBX Live, HBS’ online learning platform, to continue the dialogue and provide progress updates. They’ll also be able to take advantage of ongoing support throughout the year, such as from Harvard student interns, while gaining individualized executive coaching from former mayors.
‘There’s no easy time to say hard things’

‘There’s no easy time to say hard things’

The partnership ushers in “a new era” in HKS’ longstanding work with cities and will “transform” its ability to help mayors and other city officials run their governments more effectively, said Dean Douglas Elmendorf.
“The mission of the Kennedy School is to reach out into the world, and we are often frustrated by limitations on how far we can reach,” he said. “This tremendous gift gives us an opportunity to reach much further.”
“The major cities of the world are now the hubs of economic activity and social mobility in most countries, including the United States, and so the opportunity to work with the Kennedy School to help develop these leaders to realize the full potential of cities is a remarkable thing,” said HBS Dean Nitin Nohria.
In many respects, helping mayors become more effective leaders by building their political and business skill sets mirrors Bloomberg’s own professional experience.
“This idea of the ‘tri-sector leader,’ a person who knows how to travel between business, social enterprise, and the public sphere, is a very important idea,” Nohria said. “Having the Business School be a part of this in partnership with the Kennedy School will create the kind of education that will really be of greatest benefit to these mayors.”
For those mayors who already know that change is possible, the program will help them find the right tools to address nagging issues or identify interventions that can help head off a quandary, such as abandoned real estate, before it becomes a major headache. For those officials uncertain about what can be achieved, the goal is to show them that meaningful and measurable reform is within reach and allay their worries that there’s too little time or money to investigate and implement new ideas or train employees to test fresh solutions.
“We want to help those mayors who really want to make change but lack the capacity or haven’t been exposed yet to some of the techniques and tools, but are eager to make a change. Most cities are severely understaffed and underfunded. But at the same time, it’s where change is most tangible and visible, so we want to fill that gap,” said lecturer Jorrit de Jong, who will serve as the initiative’s faculty director. He is currently academic director of the Innovations in Government program at HKS’ Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation, where the initiative will be housed on Harvard’s campus.
‘Most cities are severely understaffed and underfunded. But at the same time, it’s where change is most tangible and visible, so we want to fill that gap.’ — Jorrit de Jong
“Whatever you do with innovation, it’s not supposed to cost more money, it’s supposed to use the limited resources you have more cost-effectively and maybe stop programs that aren’t producing a lot of value or eliminate deficiencies in your system so you can spend more money on the stuff that does matter,” he said.
With research projecting that most of the world’s population will live in a city in the next two to three decades, helping mayors and their top aides improve city life has an immediate impact on citizens not typically found at the state, regional, or national levels.
“You’re closer to the people who are affected by policy, [and] they’re closer to you so their protests are louder and you’re much less able to” use social issues for purely ideological purposes, said de Jong. “Because at the end of the day, if the sewer doesn’t work or if the garbage is not collected or the schools don’t function, you’re going to hear it very soon, and they know how to find you, and you’re going to be held accountable.”
Unlike other programs that offer a brief, seminar-like experience for city leaders, the initiative will also provide a rich array of opportunities and benefits for Harvard students and faculty. The gift will fund fellowships to allow students to work in mayoral offices during the summer and get vital hands-on experience.
“By giving them an opportunity to work in a mayor’s office, we do two things. We give the student an experiential learning opportunity, but we give the city pro bono, high-quality support throughout the summer, [someone] who can help implement an innovation or identify good practices that the city might benefit from,” said de Jong.
In addition, students will be able to sign up for field courses modeled after the Innovation Field Lab, in which de Jong teaches; do data analytics, policy design, business process redesign, and service design; or analyze specific social and economic conditions that affect a city. “It’s a very concerted effort to have students work on an actual issue and make progress on that and learn on the job,” he said.
Students may also be involved in conducting “horizon scans” for mayors who have a particular issue such as economic development they’d like researched, or who need some data analysis done, or who want to learn how to use technology better. Student teams under the supervision of faculty will investigate and analyze solutions being used elsewhere to help mayors adapt them to suit their municipalities. It’s work that city administrators don’t often have time to do, but from which they would really benefit. And it allows students to learn about the pressing issues in government, and what the latest ideas and best practices are, while seeing how cities struggle toward answers.
The initiative will provide faculty with a deep reservoir of important data and a unique chance to capture new knowledge about governance, leadership, and urban problem-solving from the sustained interaction between practitioners and academics. It’s information that, when merged with existing knowledge, will boost cutting-edge research, help formulate new curricular materials, including new case studies, and further the understanding of cities. Much of those materials will be made open-source so others can benefit and build on that work.
“We’re very excited about actually digging in and really trying to understand all the challenges of this leadership role and what we can learn from people who are engaging in it,” said Nohria, noting the success of an earlier, deep collaboration with Harvard Graduate School of Education around school superintendents and leadership. “That turned out to be an extraordinarily rich project that led to many case studies, books, and papers, so our hope is in some ways this project will do the same.”

View all posts in Campus & Community
Summer in the city, sort of
By Amanda Beattie ’17, Harvard Correspondent | August 26, 2016
Harvard University

Mayors, aides, and professors gathered in New York to kick off the Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative.
Forty mayors from the United States and overseas gathered in New York…

The mayors, who have to make government work

Bloomberg Harvard program opens with three-day session, offering yearlong support on solving problems
July 24, 2017 | Editor's Pick Popular
