碩電腦有限公司(Asustek Computer Inc., 簡稱﹕華碩電腦)總經理沈振來(Jerry Shen)表示﹐公司計劃向客戶推出包括網絡數據存儲空間在內的免費服務﹐以求在競爭日益激烈的平價個人電腦市場上脫穎而出。沈振來週三晚間接受採訪時表示﹐華碩電腦計劃於今年年底或明年年初在全球推出上述服務﹐其中一項是向購買低成本電腦Eee PC的消費者提供20 G的免費網絡存儲空間。
零售價低至300美元的Eee PC去年10月面市後﹐銷售情況出人意料的火爆。
沈振來表示﹐網絡服務計劃旨在吸引對Eee PC相對較小的存儲空間存在顧慮的潛在消費者﹐並使華碩電腦的產品不同於最近大量湧現的競爭產品。
Eee PC大獲成功後﹐惠普公司(Hewlett-Packard Co.)和宏碁股份有限公司(Acer Inc.)等華碩電腦的大型競爭對手很快推出了類似的低成本電腦產品。
戴爾公司(Dell Inc.)料將很快推出低成本小型筆記本電腦﹐知情人士稱﹐這種電腦也將附送網絡存儲服務。
Ting-I Tsai
Asustek Plans Eee Extras
By Ting-I Tsai
Word Count: 621 | Companies Featured in This Article: Hewlett-Packard, Acer , Dell, Apple
TAIPEI -- Asustek Computer Inc., the maker of the low-cost Eee PC, plans to offer free online data storage and other Web services in an effort to distinguish its device from the increasingly crowded field of inexpensive personal computers. The service, which Asustek plans to offer world-wide later this year or early in 2009, will include 20 gigabytes of free Web-based storage for buyers of the Eee PC, Chief Executive Jerry Shen said in an interview. The Eee PC, a mini-notebook that retails for as low as $300, has proven a surprising hit for the Taiwanese company since it was ...