
2023年5月29日 星期一

人間煉獄:疫情、戰爭、窮困 (345期) : 美國計劃推出針對新冠新變異病毒的疫苗加強針。中國民眾淡然面對新一波新冠疫情的到來 Covid Is Coming Back in China. Lockdowns Are Not. 中國異見者紐約脫口秀場場售罄 世衛組織宣布結束COVID-19全球公衛緊急狀態 We’re ignoring the lessons of COVID sewage surveillance. It’s dangerous.



Covid Is Coming Back in China. Lockdowns Are Not.

The authorities say that cases are up, and one doctor estimates that there could soon be 65 million cases a week. But China seems determined to move on.



Preventing pandemics — full stop — will be a uniquely difficult and ambitious challenge for the 21st century. But based on history, it is both achievable and worth aiming for. We have never had more momentum against the scourge of infectious disease than we do today. There are more people across the planet engaged in the development and deployment of technologies against pandemics now than during any other time in human history. These recent advances, accelerated by the Covid pandemic, are reaching an inflection point. By investing in ‌transformative technologies now, as public health has done for generations, we may be able to make C‌ovid-19 the last pandemic.

What if There Was Never a Pandemic Again?

As recently as a century ago, experts predicted that it would not be possible to sustain human cities with populations in the millions for long because of the inevitable spread of disease. But technological changes have allowed us, in the developed world at least, to prevent many such pandemics.

Vaccines and drugs are not the only innovations we’ve relied on for this kind of prevention. We no longer view soap, ‌ toilet‌‌ flushing or clean tap water as the revolutionary disease-prevention technologies they truly are. In the developed world, they are cheap, ubiquitous and mundane. Yet these technologies fight a whole host of outbreaks without our needing to know each pathogen’s name. Epidemics like cholera still occur in the developing world, but this ‌‌is a matter of a lack of global political will, not a lack of technological way.



8 days ago — 世界衛生組織(WHO)今天(5日)宣布,結束COVID-19(2019年冠狀病毒疾病)的全球公共衛生緊急狀態,這是朝著結束疫情大流行邁出的重要一步。COVID-19疫情大 ...

