
2023年2月23日 星期四

鍾漢清評論補充:微软高调推出AI驱动搜索引擎,但很快尝到挫折的滋味Microsoft flip-flops on reining in Bing AI chatbot /評" 為什麼ChatGPT沒有出現在中國"...... Robert Frost的詩 "The Road Not Taken "實難;ChatGPT或引發AI 產業的馬太效應與吹牛大賽:Ai Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order文章改進與言過其實 ( AI 的「iPhone 時刻」?) 數十年各領域的發展總結...... A Tech Race Begins :OpenAI的ChatGPT等等的挑戰與回應 微軟新Bing對Google構成威脅,但也給自己帶來風險Google has stiff competition now, after Microsoft integrated powerful A.I. Alphabet shares fall sharply after Google’s AI chatbot debut stumbles. Google Bard AI:Google launches ChatGPT competitor in strike at Microsoft. Meta is trying not to be left out of the boom.



Microsoft flip-flops on reining in Bing AI chatbot / Microsoft 因為無法駕馭期紅AI 產品,只好將其關閉....

嘿,Microsoft 因為無法駕馭期紅AI 產品,只好將其關閉....

Microsoft flip-flops on reining in Bing AI chatbot

https://www.washingtonpost.com › 2023/02/21 › micro...
2 hours ago — The company limited longer conversations on Friday after their bot demonstrated bizarre responses to questions. By Tuesday it was already easing ...
可WSJ 先前說:微軟應用戶要求放寬必應搜索引擎使用限制




鍾漢清評論:Robert Frost的詩 "The Road Not Taken "實難;ChatGPT或引發AI 產業的馬太效應與吹牛大賽:Ai Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order文章改進與言過其實 ( AI 的「iPhone 時刻」?) 數十年各領域的發展總結......   A Tech Race Begins :OpenAI的ChatGPT等等的挑戰與回應 微軟新Bing對Google構成威脅,但也給自己帶來風險Google has stiff competition now, after Microsoft integrated powerful A.I.       Alphabet shares fall sharply after Google’s AI chatbot debut stumbles.    Google Bard AI:Google launches ChatGPT competitor in strike at Microsoft. Meta is trying not to be left out of the boom.


Why you shouldn’t trust AI search engines

What makes all of this all the more shocking is that it came as a surprise to precisely no one who has been paying attention to AI language models.
Here’s the problem: the technology is simply not ready to be used like this at this scale. AI language models are notorious bullshitters, often presenting falsehoods as facts. They are excellent at predicting the next word in a sentence, but they have no knowledge of what the sentence actually means. That makes it incredibly dangerous to combine them with search, where it’s crucial to get the facts straight. 

OpenAI, the creator of the hit AI chatbot ChatGPT, has always emphasized that it is still just a research project, and that it is constantly improving as it receives people’s feedback.

The recent blunders from Big Tech don’t mean that AI-powered search is a lost cause. One way Google and Microsoft have tried to make their AI-generated search summaries  more accurate is by offering citations.

讀Robert Frost的詩 "The Road Not Taken "實難,It is a tricky poem—very tricky. 從林以亮編 《美國詩選》(今日世界)相關部分讀起

林以亮編 《美國詩選》 今日世界

Robert Frost’s poem “The Road Not Taken” is a tricky poem—very tricky.

The Road Not Taken Launch Audio in a New Window
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim,

Because it was grassy and wanted wear;

Though as for that the passing there

Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black.

Oh, I kept the first for another day!

Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.


評論:ChatGPT或引發AI 產業的馬太效應與吹牛大賽:文章改進與言過其實 ( AI 的「iPhone 時刻」?) 數十年各領域的發展總結...... A Tech Race Begins :OpenAI的ChatGPT等等的挑戰與回應 微軟新Bing對Google構成威脅,但也給自己帶來風險Google has stiff competition now, after Microsoft integrated powerful A.I. Alphabet shares fall sharply after Google’s AI chatbot debut stumbles. Google Bard AI:Google launches ChatGPT competitor in strike at Microsoft. Meta is trying not to be left out of the boom.

「我們一直在等待這一刻。這是 AI的iPhone 的時刻。」⋯⋯黃仁勳
“OpenAl 做過的事以及其研發團隊做了什麼。
真的,這是曾經為computing 所做過的最偉大的事情之一。
“Now, for a lot of people in the industry that have been working on this,
we've been waiting for this moment. This is the iPhone moment, if you will,
of artificial intelligence.
This is the time when all of the big ideas about mobile computing and all that, it all came together in a product.”
“We have done what OpenAl has done
and what the team over there has done.
Genuinely, it's one of the greatest things
that has ever been done for computing.
We have democratized computing in a very, very large way,”
在影片1:00:00最後Q&A 回答對Chat GPT的看法時,如是說。
Jensen Huang 在UC Berkeley 的HAAS Business School 談創立NVIDIA的起因和心得:
you've gotta be resilient to be great.
There's one thing...
There are a lot of ways you could describe me,
but resilient has to be on top of that list.
“I was no different than you guys except less prepared.
And everything I did, I did on the job.”
談到公司的Business Plan則說:
“The truth be told, Nvidia never finished the business plan
because I never could finish it.
And I'm not really even too sure how to finish one today.”

Ben Chen


NVIDIA 執行長黃仁勳:ChatGPT 是 AI 的「iPhone 時刻」 - INSIDE

據北青網,北京市經信局13日對外正式發布《2022年北京人工智慧產業發展白皮書》提出,形成人工智慧產業發展新突破,助力建設國際科創中心和全球數字經濟標桿城市。全面夯實人工智慧產業發展底座,支持頭部企業打造對標ChatGPT的大模型 通俗講,對標就是通過“比(行業比對)、學(標杆學習)、趕(尋找差距、追趕目標)、幫(對標夥伴)、超(追求卓越)”,以幫助企業適應迅速變化的環境中, ...

Ai Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order
https://www.amazon.com › AI-Superpowers-China-Silic...

AI Superpowers is strongest in its contrasting portraits of the Chinese high tech scene vs. the USA's Silicon Valley. Lee offers numerous real-world cases ...


Jacky Wong











The knock to its stock price came as a result of a glitch in a Google AI demonstration, highlighting the challenges the company faces in bringing a new style of chat-based search to a mass market.

Alphabet shares fall sharply after Google’s AI chatbot debut stumbles

Bing (Yes, Bing) Just Made Search Interesting Again

Google has stiff competition now, after Microsoft integrated powerful A.I. technology into its search engine, our columnist writes.

Google responded to Microsoft’s ChatGPT by launching Bard, its own AI chatbot.
But Bard produced a factual error in an ad demo, plummeting the company’s market value by $100 billion

A Tech Race Begins as Microsoft Adds A.I. to Its Search Engine

Amid the industry’s worst slump in decades, leaders are predicting an era built on new chatbots and other types of artificial intelligence.

wsj 2023.2.9




Dan Gallagher




據瑞銀估計,ChatGPT的用戶已經超過1億。分析師Lloyd Walmsley指出,TikTok用了三倍的時間才達到這樣的規模,而Instagram用了大約10倍的時間。






Microsoft Corp is revamping its Bing search engine and Edge web browser with artificial intelligence, the company said on Tuesday, in one of its biggest efforts yet to lead a new wave of technology and reshape how people gather information.

Can Bing compete with Google?

Microsoft declares ‘new day in search’ as it launches AI-powered Bing
Big Tech companies rush to gain ascendancy in the technol

Microsoft announced it would “reimagine” its Bing search engine with artificial intelligence at an event on its headquarters campus Tuesday, a sign the company is determined to bring AI to the masses.

Top stories

The People Onscreen Are Fake. The Disinformation Is Real.

A.I.-generated personas, often used for corporate training videos, were detected in a state-aligned information campaign for the first time, opening a new chapter in online manipulation.


Meta, long a leader in A.I., is trying not to be left out of the boom.


Google is scrambling to respond to the threat of OpenAI’s ChatGPT by augmenting its search engine with capabilities similar to the AI chatbot.



Chinese internet search major Baidu Inc is planning to launch an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot service similar to OpenAI's ChatGPT in March, a person familiar with the matter told Reuters.

***通過律師、MBA等考試 (勉強)

Wharton professors Christian Terwiesch and Ethan Mollick weigh in on ChatGPT and why the controversial software has limitless potential to improve education, business, and a range of industries.


社群導航軟體,Waze。 ChatGPT and sympathy for the algorithm.   OpenAI 資訊: a song written by ChatGPT in his style...The Idea Factory: Bell Labs and the Great Age of American Innovation.  Microsoft 投資$10 billion in OpenAI.  How OpenAI used low-paid Kenyan workers to make ChatGPT less toxic

For decades, Bell Labs was considered the hot spot for innovation, and its researchers won several Nobel Prizes and Turing Awards, including Yann LeCun, Yoshua Bengio, and Geoffrey Hinton. The lab’s resources were cut as management started pushing for more immediate returns based on incremental technological changes, and ultimately it failed to capitalize on the internet revolution of the early 2000s, Jon Gertner writes in his book The Idea Factory: Bell Labs and the Great Age of American Innovation.

Microsoft is said to be investing $10 billion in OpenAI, the creator of the ChatGPT chatbot.

How OpenAI used low-paid Kenyan workers to make ChatGPT less toxic
OpenAI used a Kenyan company called Sama to train its popular AI system, ChatGPT, to generate safer content. Low-paid workers sifted through endless amounts of graphic and violent content on topics such as child sexual abuse, bestiality, murder, suicide, torture, self-harm, and incest. This story is a good reminder of all the deeply unpleasant work humans have to do behind the scenes to make AI systems safe. (Time)

Nick Cave thinks a song written by ChatGPT in his style sucks 
Perfection. No comments. Chef’s kiss. (The Guardian)

be very bad or unpleasant.
"I love your country but your weather sucks"

位智是一個基於GPS的導航行動軟體應用程式,其利用turn-by-turn導航以及使用者提交的出行時間和路線詳情。Waze由以色列的Waze Mobile開發,已經由Google於2013年收購。 維基百科
https://www.bnext.com.tw › article › social-based-mapp...

2017年11月13日 — Google旗下導航App「Waze」,和Google Maps最大的不同點在於,Waze專注服務開車族,並透過車主回饋路況,幫助導航更加準確,目前全球共有8500萬名用戶, ...

