
2022年2月27日 星期日

地球,人間煉獄 CCXII (212期):紐西蘭迅速蔓延的Covid疫情。 丹麥放棄 COVID 限制。港人恐慌:日確診破五萬宗。擔心封城 香港出現搶購潮和離港潮;(空話 不知所云)北京要求香港必須在7月習近平赴港前控制住疫情

 地球,人間煉獄 CCXII (212期):

New Zealand’s fast-spreading Covid outbreak

New Zealand is being walloped by a major outbreak of the Omicron variant, with the virus spreading at what may be the fastest rate in the world.

The country reported 23,194 new cases on Thursday, a once unthinkable number in a small island nation that held off major outbreaks for years. The record daily case count until recently was in the low hundreds.

The explosion in cases has come as the government, under political pressure, loosened its strict pandemic regulations and as the highly transmissible Omicron reduced the effectiveness of the controls that remained.

Quotable: “This is the first time most New Zealanders are dealing with Covid-19 in their own homes,” said Siouxsie Wiles, a microbiologist at the University of Auckland.

Related: The last of Australia’s strict pandemic-era border restrictions have been lifted.


紐西蘭正遭受 Omicron 變種的大規模爆發,該病毒的傳播速度可能是世界上最快的。

該國周四報告了 23,194 例新病例,這在一個多年來一直阻止重大疫情爆發的小島國中曾經是不可想像的數字。 直到最近,創紀錄的每日病例數只有幾百個。

病例激增之際,政府在政治壓力下放鬆了嚴格的流行病法規,並且高度傳播的 Omicron 降低了剩餘控制措施的有效性。

可引用的:“這是大多數新西蘭人第一次在家中處理 Covid-19,”奧克蘭大學的微生物學家 Siouxsie Wiles 說。



Denmark justified a surprise move to drop COVID restrictions at the peak of its latest wave by pointing to its high vaccination rate -- and early signs suggest it may have been the right decision.

google 丹麥通過指出其高疫苗接種率證明了在最新一波高峰期放棄 COVID 限制的意外舉措是合理的——早期跡象表明這可能是正確的決定。


Just 15% of elderly residents in Hong Kong’s care homes are fully vaccinated against Covid-19, despite evidence from early in the pandemic that such facilities are hotbeds for disease and death. https://trib.al/3N9bczC

本地確診數字連日來破萬,消息指今日更錄得破五萬宗。隨港府採取嚴厲的隔離措施,美國駐香港及澳門總領事館在社交媒體上公佈指,美國國務院已調升來港旅遊警示為最高第四級別,即「請勿前往」(Do Not Travel),籲美國公民因應疫情及當地法律,應重新考慮前往香港。

擔心封城 香港出現搶購潮和離港潮
擔心封城 香港出現搶購潮和離港潮

The Hong Kong government’s failure to provide a coherent account and timely assurances on a potential citywide lockdown for compulsory Covid-19 testing contributed to a wave of panic buying among residents, political and communications experts said on Tuesday.
Read the full report: https://sc.mp/mqr7
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