
2019年12月23日 星期一

關起門來判卡舒吉Khashoggi被殺案,臭不可聞:" “sham trial” "


8 時間前 - The publisher of the Washington Post on Monday blasted the Saudi government for what he called a “sham trial” after a Riyadh court sentenced five people to death for the killing of Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi.
 卡舒吉被殺案宣判 五人死刑,三人監禁。這些判決符合沙特長期以來的論調,即殺戮並非預謀,而是特工們在最後一刻做出的決定。但這種說法與大量證據相矛盾,《紐約時報》的一段調查視頻整理出了謀殺發生的時間線。

sham adj 

假的 adj

a trial

© Linguee Dictionary, 2019

External sources (not reviewed)

It also expresses its
  rejection of the sham trial by the Israeli 
 occupation authorities of Syrian citizen Yusuf Shams, who 
叙利亚政府也拒绝以色列占领当局对叙利亚公民 Yusuf Shams 的虚假审判,他被 以色列占领当局判处五年徒刑。 
 On the contrary, Posada has just been
  scandalously acquitted following his sham trial, iwhich he was merely charged with 
 lying to the United 
他只是被控在 2005 年入境美国时,对美 国移民当局说了谎。 
 notorious international terrorist Luis Posada Carriles,
  following his sham trial in the United 
 States of America (see annex).
  达·卡里莱斯被无罪释放一事发表的声明,这不过是美利坚合众国哗众取宠作秀 式审的结果(见附件)。 

