
2024年3月21日 星期四

公司首先必須成為人類貢獻的平台。Mass Tech Layoffs? Just Another Day in the Corporate Blender.

 大規模科技裁員? 又是公司攪拌機中的一天。

美國東部時間 2024 年 3 月 21 日上午 5:02

一幅色彩繽紛的插圖,描繪了一個類似哥吉拉的生物和一隻巨大的噴火蝴蝶,兩人都穿著職業裝,在人們離開入口時攻擊一座高樓。 濃煙、火災和瓦礫到處都是。

圖片來源:Pete Gamlen

如果有更多的領導者接受變革科學或前線人員分享的故事的指導,他們很快就會發現穩定性才是進步的基礎。 只有當我們開始尊重人們在工作中的心理需求,在發起下一個閃亮的變革舉措之前三思而後行,並更加關注允許我們所有人將我們的努力指向有用方向的儀式和關係時,我們才能開始公平地說,如果公司想成為其他什麼,它首先必須成為人類貢獻的平台。

Mass Tech Layoffs? Just Another Day in the Corporate Blender.

A colorful illustration of a Godzilla-like creature and a giant fire-breathing butterfly, both dressed in business attire, attacking a tall building as a stream of people leave its entrance. Smoke and fire and rubble abound.
Credit...Pete Gamlen

Were more leaders to be guided by the science of change, or by the stories that people on the front lines share, they would quickly discover that it is stability that is the foundation of improvement. Only once we begin to honor people’s psychological needs at work, by thinking twice before launching into the next shiny change initiative and by paying more heed to the rituals and relationships that allow all of us to point our efforts in a useful direction, can we begin to do justice to the idea that a company must be, first, a platform for human contribution if it is to be anything else at all.

