
2021年12月15日 星期三

地球,人間煉獄 CLXXIX(179期) :The UK has reported the highest number of daily Covid cases. Omicron不可掉以輕心。英國每天百萬加強劑。德國、奧地利和瑞士德語區的 Covid 文化戰爭 (2)

 地球,人間煉獄 CLXXIX(179期) :

The UK has reported the highest number of daily Covid cases since the beginning of the pandemic, with 78,610 new cases on Wednesday.

Chart showing rising Covid cases in the UK in recent weeks


Britain says omicron accounts for 40% of London infections

Lining up to get a Covid-19 vaccine shot in London last week.

What Has Omicron Changed?

Although the initial findings on the new COVID variant are encouraging, it’s important not to place too much stock in them prematurely.
By Dhruv Khullar

Place/put stock in
: to have confidence or faith in someone or something He placed/put a lot of stock in her ability to get the job done. I don't put much stock in the rumors.

Place/put stock in Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

Al Jazeera English

An estimated 44,000 people attend the rally in Vienna as Austria introduces mandatory coronavirus jabs.

Tens of thousands protest Austria’s compulsory COVID Vaccines 


 德國、奧地利和瑞士德語區的 Covid 文化戰爭正在推動最新一輪的疫情爆發,醫院人滿為患,並冒著經濟復甦的風險。GOOGLE

