New Yorker
Nine Days in Wuhan, the Ground Zero of the Pandemic
There’s no other country where the coronavirus’s effects have been so concentrated in a single city.
By Peter Hessler
一位在武漢一家大型醫院從事檢查的傳染病醫生告訴我,實際總數可能比政府的3869數字高三到四倍。 他提到大流行的早期混亂時期,當時不堪重負的醫院將患者拒之門外。 他說:“如果您被感染但未被診斷出,那麼您就不會被計算在內。” “我認為總數可能超過一萬。”
One infectious-disease physician who handled testing at a large Wuhan hospital told me that the actual total could be three to four times higher than the government’s figure of 3,869. He referred to the chaotic early period of the pandemic, when overwhelmed hospitals turned patients away. “If you were infected and not diagnosed, then you weren’t counted,” he said. “I think the total is probably more than ten thousand.”
A nurse told me that she left for work on February 3rd and didn’t return home until June 7th. She was housed in a hotel room, like most medical workers with families. For four months, the nurse communicated with her husband and their five-year-old son only by phone and WeChat.
一位護士告訴我,她於2月3日上工去,直到6月7日才回家。 像大多數帶家人的醫務人員一樣,她被安置在旅館房間裡。 四個月來,護士只通過電話和微信與她的丈夫和他們的五歲兒子溝通。
“The pandemic is like a mirror,” he said. “A person can see himself more clearly, both his good qualities and his bad qualities.”他說:“大流行就像一面鏡子。” “一個人可以清楚地看到自己,無論是好的品質還是壞的品質。”
Nowadays, he always kept at least sixty-five pounds of rice, sixty-five pounds of noodles and pasta, and thirty tins of canned meat. “I have five friends who do the same thing, but they store even more than I do,” he told me.如今,他總是至少保留約30工今大米,30公斤麵條和麵食以及30罐肉罐頭。 他告訴我:“我有五個朋友都屯糧,存儲量比我還要多。”
“The pandemic is like a mirror,” he said. “A person can see himself more clearly, both his good qualities and his bad qualities.”他說:“大流行就像一面鏡子。” “一個人可以清楚地看到自己,無論是好的品質還是壞的品質。”
Nowadays, he always kept at least sixty-five pounds of rice, sixty-five pounds of noodles and pasta, and thirty tins of canned meat. “I have five friends who do the same thing, but they store even more than I do,” he told me.如今,他總是至少保留約30工今大米,30公斤麵條和麵食以及30罐肉罐頭。 他告訴我:“我有五個朋友都屯糧,存儲量比我還要多。”
The physician who handled testing told me that, on average, his hospital still recorded one positive for every forty thousand exams. Most of these positives were repeat patients: after having been infected during the initial run of the virus, they recovered fully, and then for some reason, months later, showed evidence of the virus again. So far, most of the positives had been asymptomatic, and the physician saw no indication that the virus was spreading in the city. But, whenever the hospital entered these positive results into the government’s reporting system, somebody higher up made the decision not to publicize them. “I think they’re worried about undermining confidence,” the physician said.
負責測試的醫生告訴我,平均而言,每四萬次檢查,他的醫院仍記錄一個陽性。 這些陽性大多數是重複患者:在病毒初次運行期間被感染後,他們得以完全康復,然後由於某種原因,幾個月後又再次顯示出該病毒的證據。 到目前為止,大多數陽性症狀是無症狀的,醫生沒有發現病毒在城市傳播的跡象。 但是,每當醫院將這些陽性個案輸入政府的報告系統時,高層人士都會決定不進行公開宣傳。 這位醫生說:“我認為他們擔心破壞信心。”
In town, I met two Chinese journalists in their twenties who were visiting from out of town. They had been posted during the period of the sealed city: back then, anybody sent to cover events in Wuhan had to stay for the long haul. One was a director of streaming media whom I’ll call Han, and he had found that government-run outlets generally wanted footage that emphasized the victory over the disease, not the suffering of Wuhan residents. Han hoped that eventually he’d find other ways to use the material. “It will be in the hard drive,” he said, tapping his camera.
在市內,我遇到了兩位二十出頭的中國記者。 他們是在密封城市時期報到的:那時,任何被派去報導武漢事件的人都必須長期逗留。 一位是質播媒體總監,我稱其為韓(Han)。他發現,政府開辦的媒體通常都希望播放強調戰勝疾病錄像,而不是武漢居民的苦難。 Han希望最終他會找到其他使用其材料的方法。 “它還放在硬盤中,”他輕拍相機說。.....
I asked Daszak why, if he has such faith in the openness of his Wuhan colleagues, the Chinese government has been so closed about other aspects of the outbreak. He said that science is one thing, and politics something else; he thinks that officials were embarrassed about the early mistakes, and in response they simply shut down all information. “You’re a journalist in China,” he said. “I don’t know what you would say about the Chinese idea of P.R., but I’d say they’re pretty terrible.”
我問達薩克(Daszak),如果他對武漢同事的坦誠態度如此信服,為什麼中國政府對疫情的其他方面如此封閉。 他說科學是一回事,政治是另一回事。 他認為官員們對於早期的錯誤感到尷尬,作為回應,他們只是關閉了所有信息。 他說:“你是中國的記者。” “我不知道您對中國的P.R.想法會說些什麼,但我會說他們非常糟糕。”
No matter how quickly the Chinese develop a vaccine, or how effectively they have handled the pandemic since January, it’s unlikely to make Westerners forget the mistakes and misinformation during the pandemic’s earliest phase. Some of this is due to a cultural difference—the Chinese response to errors is often to look forward, not back. On January 31st, Fang Fang commented in her diary, “The Chinese people have never been fond of admitting their own mistakes, nor do they have a very strong sense of repentance.” It’s often hard for them to understand why this quality is so frustrating for Westerners. In this regard, the pandemic is truly a mirror—it doesn’t allow the Chinese to look out and see themselves through the eyes of others.
無論中國人研發疫苗的速度有多快,或者自一月份以來他們對流感大流行的處理效率如何,都不太可能使西方人忘記在流感大流行初期的錯誤和錯誤信息。 其中一些是由於文化差異造成的—中國人對錯誤的反應通常是向前看,而不是向後看。 1月31日,芳芳在日記中說:“中國人民從來不喜歡承認自己的錯誤,也沒有強烈的悔改感。” 他們通常很難理解為什麼這種品質令西方人如此沮喪。 就這一點而言,這種大流行確實是一面鏡
不過,目前,她無法在中國出版書籍或文章。 對於一個在自己的家鄉看過歷史的作家來說,這似乎是難以想像的,但是芳芳卻冷靜地講述了這一情況。 她說最近她一直在安慰一位也被禁止的年輕作家。 “我說你必須要有耐心,”方芳說。 “我相信不會永遠這樣。”
閻立孟博士(Dr. Li-Meng Yan)母親被觀照.....
香港逃出的病毒與免疫學專家閻立孟博士(Dr. Li-Meng Yan),她直言中國隱瞞疫情、如何對付所有揭露真相的知情者,還有世界衛生組織WHO可疑的角色,她誓言要把真相 ...
Trump 返到白宮拍片,話今次係上帝祝福,會為國民,尤其是老人家,免費提供新藥:「我希望所有人都得到與你的總統相同的待遇」
「我將免費提供它,你不必付費。 這不是你的錯,這是中國的錯。 中國將要為對美國所做的一切,對世界所做的一切,付出沉重代價。」
"I’m going to make it free. You don’t have to pay for it. It wasn't your fault that this happened, it was China's fault. And China's going to pay a big price what they've done to this country … for what they've done to the world."